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Report a player - ID's unknown (Have discord from liasion) - GTA RP

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Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Kieffer More
Reported Players: ID's unknown (Have discord from liasion)
Date: May 18, 2024
Time: 01:00
What best describes this incident: Cheating (Potentially)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Think the video speaks for itself I really don't think it is desync and what I can see looks very alike certain hacks.

I have asked to see the POV of marabunta but but none of the 3 could provide this and it just adds to the suspicion as its unlikely that no one has a POV of a kill while at war however could provide clips of dumping the bodies something much less relevant to clip.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Hi Kieffer,

This situation was discussed in liaison with staff member Jessy and I am disappointed this has come to the forums as it was put down to desync. As an active and longstanding member of the community I would never do anything detrimental like cheating. Unfortunately I cannot provide my POV as we are all aware clipping tools can be temperamental and it was not working at the time. I am hoping logs will be able to clear the fact I was not hit for my whole health and even had to heal myself with bandages given to me by my other gang members after which would obviously not be needed if I had revived myself as you are accusing me of.

I would like to discuss the fact in your clip you are clearly not only talking to your other gang members but Grove who was at the time circling the gun fight and had to be asked in OOC to leave an active situation, which I find suspicious as Grove was following around my fellow gang members around. Was this so they can provide you locations of where Marabunta was in discord?

I find this alarming as I have been suspecting Chippionies of metagaming from when they blatantly discussed in game in front of me that they had to go retrieve their gang members after being dumped by Mara.

Thank you
Jess Fade
Hi Jess, Wasn't able to access my PC yesterday so asked Kieffer to fire up the report on my behalf, so I can take over from now. This issue wasn't solved in liasion hence me being here Jesse wanted another staff member to review this situation. Now onto your points about not taking hits that's not the only thing suspicious as you can see in my screenshot ill provide below you can be seen floating in a t-pose position this simply isn't de-sync, Marabunta also confirmed the fight seemed normal from their POV so I ask if you weren't where you were in my eyes, Id be right and saying in your POV I was just shooting empty space? surely that wouldn't be seen as normal? Additionally the player I kill second that just stands still in my POV disappears then kills me in the side as I turn around he is no where to be seen all seems very very suspect, as yourself runs round the corner to an active gunfight you had no gun in your hand and had your hands up again very suspect. Lastly on the grove members if you could provide a clip of them hanging around that'd be ideal but till then its irrelevant.

Thanks jimuk whiteford
hello dude its all good and its must likely a freeze on your end as you can see tommy stood still frozen on your screen not just me

hello dude its all good and its must likely a freeze on your end as you can see tommy stood still frozen on your screen not just me
hello misfit, I highly doubt it’s a freeze on my end, you stated ‘my game must of froze’ if that’s the case how did it seem Normal from Mara POV as if Mine had been frozen I mustn’t have been fighting you on your POV makes no sense, also to further extend on the two mara not having their pov of the fight, I can’t really seem to wrap my head around how 2 of you within the situation could not provide a pov during an active war with the the chippiones, and this interaction and fight was a good 30 minutes into the fight that night, furthermore you also stated chippiones have giving yous suspicion to have metagamed? So surely yous would make sure to have your bodycam on with every single interaction to provide evidence for what you accuse us for? Especially considering Mara have decide to take this war to forums and many of marabunta have stated there objective to get certain people banned, however that is a different situation, You also said you applied bandages after the fight, if that’s the case could you please provide the clip? As far as my memory goes I do not remember you applying bandages. I’m sure you will not have any issue providing that clip as you said you manage to clip everything beside the fight.

thank you, jimuk whiteford
hello @jimuk ,

I couldn't help but to ask, why are you on a discord call, communicating with people and screensharing?
hello @jimuk ,

I couldn't help but to ask, why are you on a discord call, communicating with people and screensharing?
Hello oneshot, hope you are well

I was just chatting to friends who were not involved in the situation, I was also screen sharing as they enjoy to watch me rp, as you can clearly see there was no ooc influence
Good evening @jimuk @misfit6660

This report has been reviewed by the Staff Leads team due to a few things that has come up since the report was made. Initially the report was moved to the approved section where four people we're banned, However looking over the evidence itself I have a few things to add before providing the outcome below.

First I'll address the main report reason "Cheating" because you see someone in essence teleporting about, This could be many things including just running on the spot for example however not 100% to use against another as 5 seconds in another player stops dead in front of you. It is very possible it could of also been your own connection 🤷‍♂️ Anyway it's straying from the point but you get where I'm coming from, More so after the defence was also provided.

Moving into the discord call we can hear and admission of streaming the game whilst playing. Looking over the video and what I have said to you via a ticket @Kieffer It's not a smart idea to be streaming when playing the game and I would say even being in a call ect when in a RP situation is a stupid thing to do as we all know metagaming is possible. Now I know everyone will say "I would NEVER METAGAME" however it would be in the back of the other peoples mind and you cannot predict what others may or may not do.

It's always a good idea to use in game communications when playing the game as you know for well that nothing has been metagamed and no one would even be at the risk of being permanently banned for such a thing. Now do I think anything was metagamed from this or was it people just having a conversation and questioning the death that was seen in the video as this was mentioned. We will never know the true story.

Now what will happen, As mentioned I don't see enough evidence provided for any punishments to be issued so in turn all bans that we're provided in this will be lifted and removed. This will not count towards the FBS system for the ones who we're banned initially from this. I hope this helps clear up the report and hope you all have a wonderful evening!

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