Good evening
@jimuk @misfit6660
This report has been reviewed by the Staff Leads team due to a few things that has come up since the report was made. Initially the report was moved to the approved section where four people we're banned, However looking over the evidence itself I have a few things to add before providing the outcome below.
First I'll address the main report reason "Cheating" because you see someone in essence teleporting about, This could be many things including just running on the spot for example however not 100% to use against another as 5 seconds in another player stops dead in front of you. It is very possible it could of also been your own connection

Anyway it's straying from the point but you get where I'm coming from, More so after the defence was also provided.
Moving into the discord call we can hear and admission of streaming the game whilst playing. Looking over the video and what I have said to you via a ticket
@Kieffer It's not a smart idea to be streaming when playing the game and I would say even being in a call ect when in a RP situation is a stupid thing to do as we all know metagaming is possible. Now I know everyone will say "I would NEVER METAGAME" however it would be in the back of the other peoples mind and you cannot predict what others may or may not do.
It's always a good idea to use in game communications when playing the game as you know for well that nothing has been metagamed and no one would even be at the risk of being permanently banned for such a thing. Now do I think anything was metagamed from this or was it people just having a conversation and questioning the death that was seen in the video as this was mentioned. We will never know the true story.
Now what will happen, As mentioned I don't see enough evidence provided for any punishments to be issued so in turn all bans that we're provided in this will be lifted and removed. This will not count towards the FBS system for the ones who we're banned initially from this. I hope this helps clear up the report and hope you all have a wonderful evening!