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Report a player - id 81 - GTA RP

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Dont Look At Me

Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Isro sh

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: id 81

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 03/12/21

Time of the incident (GMT): 2220

What best describes this incident ?: Fail RP, not valuing life.

Please (in detail) describe the incident: So i sold some ammo to this guy for 25k, i later drawded him to an allyway to rob him, all went fine until i wanted to carry him to continuie the roleplay and rob a store using said person, he refused to get on my shoulders claming he doesnt get a message even through on my screen it clearly says that my request has been sent multiple times yet he still claims it fails, then we agreed to put him in the boot, he got in and the second we got in he ran out behind a wall, took out his gun which he claimed to not have, then after it i told him to put his gun down on the ground, he refused, he took his time and stalled, he didnt value his life, tried to steal our car when we are outnumbering him 3v1 with 2 guns at his head, then we shot him down and ran away.
i also got my friend to try and carry him, he sent a few requests and yet the victim claims no requests were sent.
i tried to contact him again, came to hsi bodya dn told him if he drops his guns we wont report him, he didnt answer.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

he was given ANY chance to comply for 4 minutes after failing to value his life like 3 times, he didnt care to anything but his gun, not to his life, any other person would ahve just shot him dead after 1 minute but we didnt, just for the sake of roleplay.

At the time i didnt think about checking his id, but my friend came back to the scene to check his id which was 81, also, after said person came back from the hospital he kept ranting about how i killed him, said person is driving a bently thats as far as i know about him.

At the time i didnt think about checking his id, but my friend came back to the scene to check his id which was 81, also, after said person came back from the hospital he kept ranting about how i killed him, said person is driving a bently thats as far as i know about him.
Well, you are going to need to prove that was him for this report to go any further. We cannot action anything without full knowledge of who that person is. If you have had more interactions with him after this incident and its clear its the same person if you have proof of that we may be able to judge it a bit better.

If you can provide us with any of that then we can make that judgement. 

I am at work atm but i think i have a recording of him coming back from the hospital , i came up to him because he was not wearing the mask and hat, tried to sell him a gun and he said i had tried to kill him 5  minutes after the incident(NLR)

Ill come home from work soon and look for it. Dont close tge topic pls.

@Charles Vane you can see in the recording there is the bently i was talking about, he was ranting about us killing him, we broke into his car and somehow while he was on the ground he called his friends to harras us (and rdm me but ill let it slide) he was laying on the ground making threats again not valuing his life, he did get revived at the hospital by the nhs i just dont have a longer recording of that, towards the end of the video you can see his id 81- wearing the same suit like the previous video i uploaded except for the mask and hat, same voice too.

it is 100% him.

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 i just incountred him about an hr ago, ive got proof of him breaking NLR rule (somehow he found me and came to threathen me at a gas station i was chillin at)

Report Summary:

After looking at the evidence provided in concurrence with the later evidence I am comfortable that person show in clip 2 (ID 81) is the same person featured in the original clip. Therefore we can move on to dealing with this report. It is clear within this report that ID 81 did not value their life in the slightest. He had a firearm pointed at him for the majority of the video and was blatantly not RP as such. It is clear he was doing this as he didn't want to lose his gun, which is Powergaming.

However, while it is clear that player reported has broken rules, it is clear the player who has made this report has also broken rules. At 2:24 in the original video, you state the following 'Are you not valuing your life? Do you want a bodycam report?'. This is clearly threats to report him masked behind poor RP, which is something you cannot do. In fact, you have admitted guilt in this very report!

i tried to contact him again, came to hsi bodya dn told him if he drops his guns we wont report him, he didnt answer.
You're attempting to make gains while threatening to report someone, which is arguably just as poor as someone who is breaking rules. From what I have seen in this report, it seems that you believe reports are like currency. You can exchange it to gain advantages and threaten to use it if something doesn't go your way. Well, I'm afraid that's not how it works. Reporting someone should never been mentioned on or off server and should only be used as a last resort. It is not to be abused, or used as blackmail.


After reviewing the evidence, this is the outcome of this report:-

ID 81 (Tom Hunter): You will receive a 1 Day Ban for G1.5/G2.4

Isro Shaw: You will receive a 1 Day Ban for C1.14

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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