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Report a player - hustlers - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Gwayson Wopping
Reported Players: hustlers
Date: Dec 1, 2024
Time: 22:20
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and other marabunta members were fuelling up at Clintons fuelling station and all of a sudden we start being shot at by hustlers with no valid Rp and no situation prior to the shootout. We have had an ongoing conflict over the past week and they have refused to set war rules which including Kill on site so there would be no reason to engage in a shootout with us without any roleplay or initiation. This has happened twice in one day now, I am not one to normal report unless its for a valid reason but from what I've gathered since this conflict is all they want to do is treat the server like its a game of call of duty and should not be on a serious roleplaying server. I will be uploading evidence of the first instance of RDM as well. Also, we tried to get the players who were in the situation to come to QE however the one who came to QE (Pablo) said he wasn't the one who shot first and he said he would be unable to get the person who shot first into QE as he would be unable too.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Hello there bud, shame we couldn't have resolved this in a 5 minute liasion but I'll give you my wall of text.

You claim you started being "suddenly" shot, I would argue is this fully true? You and a respectable amount of mara members were around clinton fuel, on your toes looking out for hustlers full well knowing the countless fights we've had over the course of the past few days. This can further be supported by the fact your g-checking cars around the area, double carrying weapons and have called out a potential hustler in a white champion in the hills which was correct. I find your accusations of us treating this server as if it were a cod lobby quite daft considering marabunta as a whole receiving warnings due to breaching various rules such as G11.5 and G4.5 not even 24 hours ago.

Having addressed your extra input I'll digress to the RDM claim. We had received intel that marabunta were spotted refueling their cars at clinton fuel, knowing this we decided to move out and hope to catch them with their pants down. Being the comms leader I was leading the convoy, upon arriving to clinton fuel I spotted an orange jester that I had previously fought in another situation. Being able to confirm this was a mara member I approached the car rising my weapon and said "Ay, It's the hustlers, boy. You know what's what, you know whats up when I pull up." Bearing in mind I was driving around whilst saying this, it wasn't exactly a mystery as to who the black cars shooting were. You know we're in conflict, you know the risks you take being in the vicinity of our turf.

One last thing I'd like to query for future sake is how would you have liked us to approach this scenario? I tried providing some sort of RP to the victims of the alleged "RDM" by saying who I was before initiating gunfire.

I hope this clears up my side of the situation, I am happy to liase if necessary.

Thanks, Sir Jay "Top G" Richardson of The Hustlers 2

( i am posting this on behalf of , my leader Sir Jay "Top G" Richardson of The Hustlers 2 )
Being involved in the fight I believe I have a right to comment, you raised a point of us being a "fragging gang" I find this rather ironic and would like to question the resolution you're game is displaying at? Your game seems rather wide.
Being involved in the fight I believe I have a right to comment, you raised a point of us being a "fragging gang" I find this rather ironic and would like to question the resolution you're game is displaying at? Your game seems rather wide.
Whilst yes, you as a involved party has the right to comment, you should only comment if you have evidence at hand to provide.
as stated on the Wiki we have( https://wiki.roleplay.co.uk/Guide:Report_a_Player )

"Reports are not for commenting on. The only people posting should be the reporter with evidence, and the accused with their defence, and staff. The only other people posting to the report should be those with first-hand evidence, or who were directly involved in the incident and have evidence to hand. Violating this will result in a forum warning point with a 7 day suspension, or worse. Direct your comments to the staff team, as if you were in Court, talking to a Judge. Do not engage in 'banter' or back-and-forth with your accuser/defendant/counter-party in a manner that might be seen as hostile or abusive - you WILL be banned."

if you don't have much evidence to give(that hasn't already been given by others) i would refrain from commenting to avoid staff having to read through un-needed messages before they can make a proper descision

I won't be dealing with the report due to my relations with some members on the reporters side
This can further be supported by the fact your g-checking cars around the area
Hi there, I have attached a clip below for further evidence which is our only interaction with another player who isn't Marabunta, before we were shot at by yourselves. I would not consider this G Checking at all, I not once tried to find out who he was a part of nor was I malicious towards him.

Being involved in the fight I believe I have a right to comment, you raised a point of us being a "fragging gang" I find this rather ironic and would like to question the resolution you're game is displaying at? Your game seems rather wide.
Hi I have attached the evidence bellow the reason it looks so stretched is because I play on an ultra wide monitor so it looks a bit funky in clips.


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Hi there, I have attached a clip below for further evidence which is our only interaction with another player who isn't Marabunta, before we were shot at by yourselves. I would not consider this G Checking at all, I not once tried to find out who he was a part of nor was I malicious towards him.
You claim you weren't g-checking vehicles but in the following clip https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jcofWFbaIV3N8ehOT?invite=cr-MSx1T3EsMjIyODU2OTQzLA you are seen approaching to check the white champion to confirm who it is. I imagine this is due to you being cautious of it being a hustler. Another point I'd like to raise is that in the same clip provided above, you are heard saying "I need to refuel first." The word "first" implies that you've decided to carry out some sort of attack afterwards given you were double carrying and set up around clinton trying to brace for an attack if it was to happen. Unfortunate for you the boys in black arrived, before anyone gunfire was exchanged, I introduced who I was to the initial victim and killed him. I don't believe there is any foul play here and see it as a weak attempt to try get us banned.

I asked previously on how you would like us to approach the situation but don't see any better suggestions from the other party on what additional RP they would've liked us to provide.

I don't wish to keep going back and fourth here with members of mara so will try to keep this as my last reply unless asked to comment further by staff.
Good evening,

We wasn't G checking vehicles no, a white champion comes out of no where backed up watching us so he goes to see whats up? He didn't know it was a hustler until the hustler started calling out his vehicle then a second or less later we are being shot. After the incident earlier at pillbox we were cautious anyway.

As for the comment on the needing to refuel "first", i'm not sure what relevance this has to you as this is just you talking from hindsight nor did you know that we was double carrying which is also irrelevant or did you? Also we wasn't planning on attacking in Outlaws, hotrods a motorbike and a club with christmas music on. We was getting meds from pharmacy because of the damage we was causing each other messing around with the snowballs

The only unfortunate thing is that you didn't engage with any roleplay before RDMing people then losing the fight anyway.

This victim word you keep using, is this you admitting fault or are you still in character on the forums?

As mentioned above, I am happy to leave this here and wait for staff to have a look at this one

Regardless of the g-checking, you were going around in numbers, I don't know many people that go to pharmacy as a collective. It's quite clear you're wary of something happening otherwise you'd just send a single member to go down?

As for the other comments it's not relevant if I knew this before or after, the proof is in the pudding that marabunta members were aware of the fact they aren't safe and could be ambushed at any time. I'm simply pointing out details to support the fact that it wasn't a "random" attack. Your frequency last night was 764, you were contemplating either going around to vespucci or going to hardwick and then "Spinning our block". I believe there is a clip of this I will be able to attach soon. There were other things you mentioned on your frequency which concluded you were ready but not fully expecting it.

Once again. I have asked 2 times before on how you would've liked me to approach the ambush. You are very quick to point fingers and paint hustlers with the same brush yet haven't been able to give any constructive feedback that anyone can take away, simply just seeking punishment for a situation you're claiming to have "won"
Before the first death in this clip:

the car behind the shooter there the same orange as the one being shot. Am i right in thinking that
was marabunta?
Just thought I'd add my POV as it seems to be the trend xx.

At the time I thought I had switched onto shout but regardless you can clearly see I attempted to raise my speaking vicinity. I would like to point out since we've raised the fact we had their frequency before the push, and heard them talking about planning pushes it's somewhat telling as to what their intentions were, I've attempted to ask how they would've improved the scenario from our side but am yet to receive a response, it portrays the fact marabunta would rather seek punishment than see change within RP standards.

In regards to this reply I would like to add that before shots was fired as you can clearly see within the clip from your POV the only words that was spoken was “oi it’s hustlers”. You keep asking for how the situation could have been improved by your side. The simple answer would be Roleplay. This “beef” between marabunta and hustlers is a great start for some quality RP as there is influence from the firm. The firm wants us to keep fights away from hustler turf/ gallery so one example on how you could have improved the situation would have been using this information by asking what so much marabunta are doing in the general area of your turf/ so close to the gallery. You could have pulled up and dragged us away form this location to keep things sweet with the firm. But the simple answer to your question is just better RP.

As per G1.2 “(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM)

Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)

”I don’t believe the words of “oi it’s hustlers” to be considered quality roleplay at all hence why this report is here regardless of whether you would have been shouting or speaking normal what you said is still fact and I don’t believe it is quality RP in the slightest.

For example let’s say a hustler was stood and a marabunta member pulls up and simply says “it’s Mara” then shoots them. This would be the same situation as the above.

If war rules was set and KOS was approved by both sides then there would be no issue regarding this at all but there isn’t.

Also in terms of being on our frequency and hearing us planning push’s as it has been mentioned further up in this report. We was not planning to push your turf as in this beef we are respecting the firms wishes in order to enhance the RP of this beef and are being respectful of the firm. We also would not be pushing a hostile gang in and outlaw motorbike or club

6.As far as I can remember we was saying we’re driving around showing numbers and presence not pushing. But regardless of our intentions saying “oi it’s hustlers” then just resorting to shooting does not scream quality RP in my eyes all it says is violence is your first priority and shows a fraggers mentality.
You've basically just told me not to break G1.2, not actually given me an alternative route the RP could've went or potentially should've been approached. I said a bit more than "its hustlers!" too.

Do you expect me to believe if I approached mara at that gas station whilst your double carrying weapons and contemplating spinning our turf you wouldn't have shot us? I made the initial person I shot aware I'm a Hustler before I shot, by the time more people started to get downed mara had identified who it was. I don't believe the cars used are relevant as majority of you had cars with bulletproof backs. Outlaw could've been an attempt at trying to pick a better vehicle for the snow. No true indicator to go off.

e was not planning to push your turf as in this beef we are respecting the firms wishes in order to enhance the RP of this beef and are being respectful of the firm.

Interesting, given you grabbed Justin and shot on our turf yesterday.
You are clearly not understanding my points so I going to leave this to staff now as I have mentioned before.

Also, in relation to the push yesterday at your turf this was due to the fact that we had a meeting with you at the gallery the day before in which you declined a mutual loss or war rules which reinforces the point of the fragging mentality as you want to drag this on for as long as possible with no roleplay involved. Further more we pushed due to the fact that you have been hiding behind the firm by hiding at your turf and after the meeting you had left us no choice.

And feel free to ask Justin as we asked him to come out with his hands up there were no shots fired and we then took him back to our turf where we had an RP scenario where we had a meeting with Hailey where we discussed a cease fire as per the old mans request and let them go unharmed. And then five minutes later you span our turf and started shooting people after this was agreed.

To my final point what happened yesterday was a completely different situation and had no relevance to the RDM which took place days before.

In the interest of saving staff time when they come to reviewing this report - please only reply if you have actual evidence to add to the report.

We're not interested in users arguing back and forth. It adds nothing, and just wastes our time (and yours!).