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Report a player - Hustler Member - GTA RP

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PJ Adams

Ballas Carwash
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: PJ Adams

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Hustler Member

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/25/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2230

What best describes this incident ?: RDM G1.2

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Ballas were helping The Lost outside the compound, we had ballas down in the area and I had taken them to hospital due to them being injured by police, not hustlers. I drive to pillbox as seen in the video and someone in a local car shot me, now I know to be Hustlers. The person that shot was in no recognisable clothing/car (local car) and no roleplay was provided at all.

I tried asking them about the situation in OOC but they seemed to think they did nothing wrong.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello PJ, I'm not the one who shot at you at pillbox here but I'm here to provide a little more context to the situation. 

Now, At 0:11 in your video I'm present in a white NPC car driving down AE main road with my hustler clothing on, as a side note the undershirt was bugged for me . I had just shot and incapacitated a balla member and driven down past you. We saw another balla member roughly 2 minutes or so at pillbox and we know this is you due to the month or so long war we've had this vehicle and outfit has been repeated numerous times. The gunfight in our eyes was engaged when I had downed that balla.

Further more PJ, I find it rather convenient that after the balla had been downed directly at 0:11 after i had driven off seen in your clip once again after the balla member had just died a stream was started in your discord. This is also something I feel is abit dodgy as some members were involved in a gunfight with police also so I ask you, what is the intent behind this? I unfortunately don't have any clips to match this as my shadow play is extremely inconsistent.

Further more PJ, I find it rather convenient that after the balla had been downed directly at 0:11 after i had driven off seen in your clip once again after the balla member had just died a stream was started in your discord. This is also something I feel is abit dodgy as some members were involved in a gunfight with police also so I ask you, what is the intent behind this? I unfortunately don't have any clips to match this as my shadow play is extremely inconsistent.
If you think this clip I have provided has rule breaks in it, feel free to put up a report. I'd rather keep this report on track and talk about what is actually being reported. Just because there's been a war going on with Ballas and Hustlers for a few weeks now, doesn't mean server rules don't apply. I was given no roleplay as well as there was no identifiable features from the shooter that might make me think they're a hustler. I only found out after that it was a Hustler because another Hustler (also out of colours) and in a grey coloured Jugular picked me up and attempted to rob me at a dodgy doctor.

You can see Darryl drives me to the Casino and I start running over to the casino car park, following me running in the car park, I see the same Alfa Romeo John Corbet was driving to The Lost so I saved him and took him to pillbox.

From this point on, I'd rather the person that I have actually reported be involved in this report and not just random Hustler members.
C5.4 (Commenting on a report a player thread that is not involving you, or in which you took no active part in the situation featured in the report.

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Im the person who shot you. As mentioned above by Kay he had engaged ballas already. Rougly 2-3 mins later i see two ballas getting put into pillbox by a car we know is ballas as we have seen you in a pinky purple alfa multiple times, along with the outfit you always wear (minus the balla jersey) so i had itentified you as PJ. I was out of colors and in a local car but i dont see how its RDM since we are engaged with Ballas in a gunfight at the time.

I was out of colors and in a local car but i dont see how its RDM since we are engaged with Ballas in a gunfight at the time.
On many occasions, including gang wars staff have told us if you are not identifiable to the person you are at war with, whether that be roleplay before you shoot or using the gang clothing that devs have provided to gangs, it's RDM. War rules including KOS do not 'trump' any server rule. From my POV I had no clue who shot me and it was completely random. Hence the report.

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On many occasions, including gang wars staff have told us if you are not identifiable to the person you are at war with, whether that be roleplay before you shoot or using the gang clothing that devs have provided to gangs, it's RDM. War rules including KOS do not 'trump' any server rule. From my POV I had no clue who shot me and it was completely random. Hence the report.
As far as im aware there is no server rule which states that i must be in gang colors to get invlolved in a gunfight??? Over the last month ballas have constantly been "out of colors" shooting at us whilst we are pushing your turf. Weve had blacked out cars and bikes shoot at us and its never been RDM as the gunfight had already started. 

From this point on, I'd rather the person that I have actually reported be involved in this report and not just random Hustler members.
C5.4 (Commenting on a report a player thread that is not involving you, or in which you took no active part in the situation featured in the report.
Sorry, PJ, but your point is invalid, there's nothing random about me commenting on here bud. I started the gunfight and had continued it by killing several of your members after. My responses here are nothing but providing the proper context, which you failed to mention. "C5.4 (Commenting on a report a player thread that is not involving you, or in which you took no active part in the situation featured in the report." I've gone through the effort of underlining the section of the rule which allows me to be involved in this player report as I was evidently involved in the situation. I won't be talking anymore as I only intended to provide the context, not a push and pull in the reports so I won't be saying anything else.

I'll show a link to a prior report to an almost identical situation.

Regardless of war rules, server rules still apply. No quality roleplay was provided to myself in this situation and I wasn't aware that you were a Hustler at any point during me being killed.

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That report is a complete different scenario. A hustler member had already engaged in a gunfight with a balla in this instant where in the other report there was no prior gunfight. I shot you as as far as i was concerned we were in a gunfight with ballas and i indentified you as a balla. Im not going to reply further unless staff require anything from me as this seems to be going in circles. Cheers

Like I've already stated, no Ballas members got killed by any Hustlers and vice versa during the Police vs The Lost & Ballas situation. Nothing was called on radio when I was acting as a medic nor before when the original situation started. There is plenty of context behind this, being The Lost and Ballas are fighting police and you saw an opportunity, whether it be the right decision or not according to server rules to shoot me whilst having nothing to do with the situation previous.

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Well I'm going back on what I just said, I'm now replying as you say hustlers did not down a balla but staff can check that kieran ronald did infact shoot a balla 2-3 mins before I shot you. Just because your gang memeber failed to give good communication before he went down does not mean he wanst shot by a hustler. Is you look at what kay wrote he states he drove past you in full colors after shooting your member.

I'll repeat this as you're not understanding me and what I'm trying to tell you. Regardless of whether there was a fight between Hustlers and Ballas and there has been for weeks now, you weren't identifiable as a Hustler and provided no roleplay before shooting me. If I had known I was being shot by a Hustler, and it wasn't random then this report wouldn't have been thrown up. I was a single Balla member outside hospital carrying someone. You had a perfect opportunity to Rob me or kidnap me at that time but resorted to the easier option and shoot me which in my opinion was a rule break and why this report is up. 

If you had provided some sort of roleplay, which is why you're on a roleplay server in the first place, I think the situation could have been more enjoyable for both parties but there was no prior roleplay nor were you identifiable as a Hustler that we've been fighting for weeks.

Another report where police were involved in a situation vs Ballas and someone wasn't identifiable whilst shooting : 

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By your logic each and every balla that shot at hustlers last night whilst all being out of colors and on random roofs by triads turf have RDM'D hustlers as there was a gunfight between hustlers and ballas but because they wernt identifiable (as all out of balla colors) and didn't speak to us before shooting from roofs far away then this was rdm??? 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@PJ Adams

Give me names on Downed Ballas, in this situation (Excluding you) 

John Corbet and Charlie Senna are the downed Ballas that were at the cinema when I found them

Alright, thanks for that @PJ Adams

What I will say, the roleplay in this report has been next to none. I'd understand the context if the downed Ballas he picked up were downed to Hustlers in a past and or ongoing gunfight. Those Ballas members were downed to Police Firearms at a situation involving Lost MC, Ballas vs Police.

You had ample opportunity to provide some roleplay at the hospital, but you didn't. Quick shot, and drive off. There was and is absolutely no roleplay in that. What did you gain? A frag for the montage? Yeah, that isn't on.

Action: 1 Day Ban

CharID: 22491

Rule(s): G1.2

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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