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Report a Player - Geroge Brown - Poor/Low Quality RP

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You have not tried to resolve the situation with me as you said come to TS. After that I texted you which channel, you didn't reply. So I think that counts as a No. I gave you 5 seconds to put your hands up, you didn't and you got shot. But I am sincerely sorry that I didn't say "Hello kind drug dealer, may you put your hands up so I can rob you. You running away, pulling a gun out, not complying with my orders will get you killed." Next time I hope we can get this sorted between us.

-Geroge Brown

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Excuse me?


I messaged you once, before my security level allowed me to join, then once after specifying the room. I was in the London room, I even told you before. And even then you become interested after I post this report. If you want more footage of me asking you to come to TS that can also happen.

If you want, the person who also was killed like this in my gang can also, speak up.

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That statement would hold validity if there was not video evidence of me asking you to hop on TS, but that enough said. I'm not here to argue the admins can reach their verdict.

No way to be forgiven now but yea I took another look at the rules. It does say in 7.1.3 but unfortunately too late. I didn't know how to initiate since on my first day I was initiated as "Hands up" and when I put them up I was shot. My friends were new to the server aswel so none of us knew how to initate. Just good bye, was fun playing.

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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