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Report a player - Gekz (229) - GTA RP

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Nick Duncan

united kingdom
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Nick Duncan

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Gekz (229)

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 02/16/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 7

What best describes this incident ?: RDM/ Poor RP (G1.2)

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and my mates went out robbing in the early hours of the morning when we spotted a GB200 that drove past us.

After following it for a while we end up speaking the person and finding out that its 229 we called if off and did not try to rob him. Gekz (Gasoline Green Jester) pulls up behind myself and shouts at me telling me to "Put my hands up" and "Gun to the back of your head". Before I could even get off the bike to put my hands up I was shot in the back and taken away. I class this as RDM and literally a 100k or die server style initiation. Riccardo and Charlie were also shot at without any words being said to them.

They then took us away to the Dodgy doctor at the docks and dodgied us and wanted us to drop all of our belongings. We tried to RP with them however in the end all three of us were dumped and the RP was ended. We attempted to call them to Discord/TS to resolve the issue however we were met with "cry more" by ID: 994. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031381919633518653/1075678375189958677/image.png)

We all found the situation quite boring and found the RP quite poor considering we fully complied with them and tried to talk it out but were dumped.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I'm the one you're reporting here today, clearly. 


Gekz (Gasoline Green Jester) pulls up behind myself and shouts at me telling me to "Put my hands up" and "Gun to the back of your head". Before I could even get off the bike to put my hands up I was shot in the back and taken away. I class this as RDM and literally a 100k or die server style initiation.
As you can clearly see in your clip not once did you make an attempt at getting off the bike nor putting your hands up. You were shot because I feared you having guns and trying to shoot me as I could see your friend on his R6 on radio so I wasn't sure if you would try something or not. I mentioned I had a gun in my hand not to "ruleplay" but to simply make you aware as I know from personal experiences guns being pointed at you from inside cars are kind of hard to see. I can see how it look like poor RP from your side however, you had pulled up to me before up at Mara and when I asked you who it was 4-5 times you didn't reply to me once then proceeded to go on radio and say "yeah do it". When I saw the Neo coming up to me I drove off and told you "I know what you're doing you aren't robbing me you jokeman" or something along those lines. You then followed me for maybe 5 seconds and stopped. I got my gun out and came back looking for you. 

Now before this happened, you on the BF400, the guy on the R6 and the Neo had pulled up in different outfits to Goma Street Parking where you hang about for maybe a minute before driving off. I recognised this R6 and BF from a night before where a member of 229 was robbed and left in zipties to walk to safety by the same bikes as those. Now from my side, you lot were going around with 3 people like the night before at the EXACT same time robbing people so I assumed you were the same people that we had been trying to find. 

I think since you guys love robbing you should also improve your RP as staff can check you had many people complaining in OOC about your poor RP. As you can see in this clip, all you done was pocket wipe him and leave him ziptied.


We tried to RP with them however in the end all three of us were dumped and the RP was ended
We RPed it all out with you as you were spoken to for a while where one of the people got lippy and got shot as a result of it. I then asked you many times to stop lying, and gave you many chances to come clean. You were then both shot as the conversation was going nowhere. 

We attempted to call them to Discord/TS to resolve the issue however we were met with "cry more" by ID: 994. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031381919633518653/1075678375189958677/image.png)
Moving onto this, ID: 994 is not me or anyone involved to the best of my knowledge. You also put this in the OOC chat mid RP, we both know we shouldn't be stopping RP to type in OOC, you could've waited until it was done to type it. And to be quite honest, I did not see that message you could've tried again as this could've all been explained and resolved in discord. More than happy to go there and talk if not its fine, completely up to you. 

But yes, don't select yes in this box if you genuinely haven't tried to resolve it. 

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes


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As you can clearly see in your clip not once did you make an attempt at getting off the bike nor putting your hands up.
You gave me 3.18 seconds to respond to your request. I'm not a robot and I can't process and act on everything in an instant. I did, however, attempt to put my hands up but was unable to as I was sitting on a bike, I tried to communicate this to you but by this point you had decided to just shoot me rather than engage in a dialogue with me. Shooting someone without prior roleplay based on what-ifs is also not a good excuse. All that displays to me is a clear win mentality that isn't healthy for a serious roleplay server. You had the chance there to provide roleplay and you didn't, not even bothering to communicate further.

I don't have an issue with you attempting to rob me, talk to me, or engage in any form of good roleplay with me. The issue I have is your mentality and actions in this particular situation are not what I would expect or want to encounter when I play the server. Regardless of what may or may not have transpired the day before, your actions today were - in my opinion - not within the server rules and the context you are claiming to be true does not support you.

The Roleplay ended with me and two others being robbed and dumped with minimal roleplay. We can go back and forth on this point but I'd rather not bother as I'm not reporting you for that specific incident. Your claims about me and my group's roleplay are also unwanted, especially when you use 30 seconds clips from a day or two ago that do not show the full story and don't have much relevance to the rule breaks committed. 

Why are you trying to catch me out and claim that I can't type in OOC during the situation? I attempted to resolve the issue in the chat, being polite and asking concisely. I thought it was you that responded as it was late and I have heard that you have a reputation for becoming upset. I also didn't think I needed to continue asking more times after I believed I had a response. I still don't know if the response was from you or a member of your group, at the time I thought it was from you, which is not unreasonable.

I'm not a fan of your attitude, trying to deflect and transfer the blame, and the passive aggressiveness you are displaying in the report. It just makes you look bad and doesn't make me want to resolve it in a discord call where you could possibly display an even worse attitude. I think you've said all that needs to be said in the report, if you honestly think you have more to add then I'd be open to a chat but I'd rather not go round and round the same topics in a discord call. Let me know.

To sum up, I think the roleplay wasn't good, I think you wanted to just shoot and grab a quick W and I don't think it was particularly enjoyable for anyone.

Hello thank you for taking your time to reply,

You gave me 3.18 seconds to respond to your request. I'm not a robot and I can't process and act on everything in an instant. I did, however, attempt to put my hands up but was unable to as I was sitting on a bike, I tried to communicate this to you but by this point you had decided to just shoot me rather than engage in a dialogue with me. Shooting someone without prior roleplay based on what-ifs is also not a good excuse. All that displays to me is a clear win mentality that isn't healthy for a serious roleplay server. You had the chance there to provide roleplay and you didn't, not even bothering to communicate further.
Admittedly, I do believe and agree I should have given you more time to meet commands however like I explained from previously having spoken to you and you ignoring me to talk on radio (will link the clip) and your other friend (Charlie Brown) talking on radio I was fearing you might try something as I obviously had no idea what was being said on radio at the time. This in fact is me just me trying to give you context to the situation not trying to have a one up on you as obviously looking back on it I should have given you more time to reply. 


This was also after I had seen yourself and the other 2 down at 229 turf maybe 10 minutes prior wearing pink but still on the same vehicles. 

I thought it was you that responded as it was late and I have heard that you have a reputation for becoming upset. I also didn't think I needed to continue asking more times after I believed I had a response. I still don't know if the response was from you or a member of your group, at the time I thought it was from you, which is not unreasonable.

I'm not a fan of your attitude, trying to deflect and transfer the blame, and the passive aggressiveness you are displaying in the report. It just makes you look bad and doesn't make me want to resolve it in a discord call where you could possibly display an even worse attitude. I think you've said all that needs to be said in the report, if you honestly think you have more to add then I'd be open to a chat but I'd rather not go round and round the same topics in a discord call. Let me know.
This said "reputation" is simply people who get upset at me in game for having an attitude and ego which does not go further than in game. The way I type and reply may seem passive aggressive to me but I can assure you that's not my intentions nor should my characters actions and behaviours be taken Out of character. Again, I would have appreciated the liaison call and then you could make your own assumptions of me instead of going off of other people's opinions and views as this situation had nothing to do with them. 

Again, like I said I think this could have all been explained and dealt with in a liaison and I'm happy to go in there and talk if you have any more questions or anything you want to say. I'm sure we can get a staff member present also if they're not too busy to oversee the conversation. 

Thank you for taking your time to read.  

@Nick Duncan

Do you have a longer clip to show context as it’s been stated on the report that you were at Grove Gas earlier with him, potentially missing context from this report

The medal clip you posted took place 10-15mins before the incident in my report. I could understand you possibly being upset about that situation and wanting an explanation, I would probably want one too. However, I don't see it as justification for your actions 15 minutes later in my clip. Pulling up behind me, giving me a command, and then giving me 3.18 seconds to reply before gunning me down is simply poor. No high-quality roleplay was provided before shooting, at all. It stings even more when you can clearly hear me make an attempt to go along with your roleplay even as you gun me down. The two very limited interactions we had do not justify the shooting and the poor roleplay I received.

@Liam All the interactions I have had with Gekz are shown in this report, I never interacted with him at Grove Gas or anywhere else that hasn't already been shown in the report.

Alrighty, let's have a look at this.

Firstly when i watched the video the issue instatly becomes obvious. The time given to comply was not enough. We've got to remember that this is a roleplay server and talking to someone is not just a way to get to kill them, no, talking should be the main thing. From what i can tell it's clear in this case that the goal was to kill the other guy as soon as possible and be done with it, which isn't what it should be.

You were shot because I feared you having guns and trying to shoot me as I could see your friend on his R6 on radio so I wasn't sure if you would try something or not.
See, that there proves my point. The goal of this interaction was not to get some decent RP going, it was to kill him as soon as possible to not risk anything. Whilst i do understand wanting not to risk stuff, this is not the way it should be done. If you didn't want to risk anything you should have stayed away. If you make an effort to come up to someone, they goal there should be to get some interesting RP to take place, not to shoot them. There is plenty other ways you could have achived the goal of keeping your gang members safe without having to kill the others.

I think since you guys love robbing you should also improve your RP as staff can check you had many people complaining in OOC about your poor RP. As you can see in this clip, all you done was pocket wipe him and leave him ziptied.
As far as i can tell this is a seperate incident. If whowever was robbed feels rules were broken they are more then welcome to make a report about it.

from previously having spoken to you and you ignoring me to talk on radio (will link the clip) and your other friend (Charlie Brown) talking on radio I was fearing you might try something
Yup, it's clear they are trying to rob you, but still, time to comply should be given, otherwise what would be the need for speaking to them anyway if not just to not get banned for killing them.

Let's sum it up then

@Gekz - the worst thing is this is not your first time not sticking to rules when it comes to killing others. You had some warnings and even a ban. By now you should have learned that killing players is not the whole point of the server with words just being a tool to use to get to kill others, no, the whole point is talking to people, roleplaying, shooting others is just a part of the RP at the end of the day. In all these situations you say you understand and will improve, yet from what i can tell you never do.

Action Taken:

Gekz - Char ID: 71138 -  G1.2 - Perm Ban under FBS

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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