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Report a player - Frank Barnes - GTA RP


Staff Team
Staff Team
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Jonny Delaney
Reported Players: Frank Barnes
Date: Oct 20, 2024
Time: 19:45
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Myself and another officer were plain clothes in a personal vehicle. There was a report given to us of a couple officers being held captive at Clinton fuel, so we went to check it out. At no point did we give any indication that we were police officers, we weren't in any markings. We pulled up to the store, for a closer look and the other officer asked to use the shop - at which time we were told it probably wasn't the best time. We accepted this and slowly moved off whilst still observing. We made it over to the other side of the road and was hit by an occult vehicle - fair enough probably an accident, iv mentioned it just to match the video and for possible context. We pulled up across the road as 'interested bystanders'. shots hadn't been fired, and no aggression had been shown, so we didn't feel like our lives were in danger. The call over the radio went in to strike, as we were UC we were there to assist if needed - we were not needed at that time - and to be honest nobody really moved in anyway. Frank Barnes then pulls in front of us, says hello officers and blasts us with a pump shotgun. We had shown no indication that we were police, and had not participated openly in RP that would lead up to being gunned down with minimal words.

I attempted to reach out in OOC, albeit a little frustrated I admit - however I did not receive any reply, the other officer in the vehicle with me also attempted to reach out to no avail.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
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Hello Saint on this fine evening,

Let's begin with the YouTube video, which is less than five minutes in duration. Before the incident, there was a full situation with the police, which you are a member of.

So where do we start, we had started this situation by gathering up members of the occult at our camp as were planning to get as many cops as we could and put them in the bus which is seen in the footage and as we have seen NPAS already fly over our camp as we were setting up and all out cars were already noticed there. We then go out to find cops to kidnap and put them in the bus to show the police what it is to be imprisoned against their will(What cops call arresting people) this is a final goodbye for Whiskey as he is leaving the community as he has now lost interest in playing the server. This led to two officers being kidnapped down at Upper Legion and being driven around in the bus by another member of the occult these officers were placed in the bus and driven around with police following from behind we had to stop at Clinton Fuel due to the driver of the bus head struggling and we stopped so she could pop it and return, with Clinton fuel being a outpost up point which police had been circling around us for a while and driving up to us then off again clearing showing signs of setting up in the area. When an officer decided to go on the roof of Clinton Fuel and pull a gun on the person who was getting on the bus to drive it away and told him to get out.

Now think to yourself this, if you were a member of an OCG and one of your lads had just been threatened by police to get out of the vehicle or he is going to get shot how would you react? Would you let the obvious undercovers cops who had been lurking in the area, not whispering, driving up to us and sitting there while we had compact rifles out in front of you get set up across the road or would you rather me wait for you to stick on your vest and shoot a couple of us first.

For a conclusion on this report from my side, I don't feel I have done any wrong. The problem is police communication and not communicating with you that you already have a cop on the roof threatening OCG Occult with firearms. You put yourself in this situation and you failed to receive the proper communications from officers. Multiple of us knew you were cops as Price and you had dealt with the occult on multiple occasions and as soon as cops became a threat I neutralised the threat which in this instance was you. It's important that you recognise the situation you have put yourself in acting like a spanner in front of us and making yourself the most obvious undercovers in a neon car you fucked around and found out what happens. You left yourself exposed, you knew what was being planned but because you didn't get to "frag" it is a problem, maybe you should consider watching your back and making yourself less obvious.

I don't plan on any meaningless back and forth on this report as I feel I have done nothing against the server rules. From here I'll let the staff decide where this report will go.
From what ive read Frank Barnes you have asked us questions and let us know scenarios which went through your head, all of which have nothing to do with us since we are playing a cop char so those deductions are all null and void. Initiation in roleplay isn't just speaking and then shooting, it's being able to carry out the correct actions to add to a scenario. Although it has been mentioned I will say again, that both our games crashed, we changed into a new vehicle drove around and then went to that scene, between both of us logging back in and changing cars I find the odds practically impossible for you to deduce we are cops in a matter of 20 seconds. Using the argument that you and a few of the occult knew we were cops is one thing can you provide a clip where you had this discussion over the radio to pinpoint it and help your case otherwise I'm under the notion that you used your cop chars interactions to help you in this case and not your occult Civ char. Plenty of people were on the sideline and you came over to us and immediately called us out and shot us with no police markings or identifiable variables. In the clips provided by Pest, you see our car arrive when the plan was formed and I called out a guy with a gun then after he said not to hang around we left. Finally, you stated we weren't able to "frag" was a problem for us. Let it be clear that sly digs are not progressive and childish please refrain from it to keep this report clean and professional. I would like to see your POV in all of this to help back the story you have formed.
Now think to yourself this, if you were a member of an OCG and one of your lads had just been threatened by police to get out of the vehicle or he is going to get shot how would you react? Would you let the obvious undercovers cops who had been lurking in the area, not whispering, driving up to us and sitting there while we had compact rifles out in front of you get set up across the road or would you rather me wait for you to stick on your vest and shoot a couple of us first.
Hi there,

Since all those involved want to chip in lets go for it.

First on my agenda, Saint.
You seem to have a reoccuring pattern at the moment of reporting Occult with in a lack of sufficent evidence and/or lacking of reaching out, Not everyone will see OOC chat, if you truly wanted to reach out there is multiple methods but once again judging by the time this report was posted you logged off RP and went straight to the forums.

So despite being told numerous times by "Vinny Firth" of the Occult to leave the area, you hung around. We also had intel over radio telling us that car is most likely undercover units to which became obvious since you hung around.

Evidence of us calling it out on radio:

NOTE - This is only 1 time we called it out, I believe it was called out multiple times while you were hanging around.

Even in the event that you were not undercover police, you were told to leave you would be accountable for NVL.

Secondly, Price.
"impossible for you to deduce we are cops in a matter of 20 seconds." Lets keep timeframes accurate, unhelpful timeframes are a waste of everyones time.

Honestly you've mostly repeated what Saint has said which is just a biased opinion. The sooner you accept the fact you were too close and identified the sooner you can adapt and improve in the future.

"I'm under the notion that you used your cop chars interactions to help you in this case and not your occult Civ char" What a wild accusation, I must say the straws you pick at are extremely fine. Refer to the evidence above, you'll note one of the original call outs was made by Vinny Firth, would you like to accuse him of using police knowledge aswell for said fact?
"I'm under the notion that you used your cop chars interactions to help you in this case and not your occult Civ char" What a wild accusation, I must say the straws you pick at are extremely fine. Refer to the evidence above, you'll note one of the original call outs was made by Vinny Firth, would you like to accuse him of using police knowledge aswell for said fact?
I said I was under the notion, that having heard the comms on the radio reinforces my statement. No one would have such conviction and take that action over and I quote "That yellow car I think is undercover, keyword being I THINK". It leads me to think about the actions Frank would take on such vague intel and how that could've ruined an innocent player's experience. What the pest did is entirely up to him and has nothing to do with my delany or the fact that your member shot us with no prior engagements or sighting other Clinton fuel. Also, this is my second time dealing with Frank and the first is absolutely awful and although it might not directly link to this report its relevant to show a pattern in his decision-making and level of RP. Finally stating that my opinion is biased whilst you are in the same position is a tad hypocritical of you. Frank was reported yet you along with me and delany and Pest are commenting. Matter of fact remains we were shot with the working theory that we could be police facts don't change that.

From what ive read Frank Barnes you have asked us questions and let us know scenarios which went through your head, all of which have nothing to do with us since we are playing a cop char so those deductions are all null and void. Initiation in roleplay isn't just speaking and then shooting, it's being able to carry out the correct actions to add to a scenario. Although it has been mentioned I will say again, that both our games crashed, we changed into a new vehicle drove around and then went to that scene, between both of us logging back in and changing cars I find the odds practically impossible for you to deduce we are cops in a matter of 20 seconds. Using the argument that you and a few of the occult knew we were cops is one thing can you provide a clip where you had this discussion over the radio to pinpoint it and help your case otherwise I'm under the notion that you used your cop chars interactions to help you in this case and not your occult Civ char. Plenty of people were on the sideline and you came over to us and immediately called us out and shot us with no police markings or identifiable variables. In the clips provided by Pest, you see our car arrive when the plan was formed and I called out a guy with a gun then after he said not to hang around we left. Finally, you stated we weren't able to "frag" was a problem for us. Let it be clear that sly digs are not progressive and childish please refrain from it to keep this report clean and professional. I would like to see your POV in all of this to help back the story you have formed.
No, You won't be seeing any pov as one I rarely record as a criminal unless I have left it on from being on duty as a cop but i rarely play that anymore due to issues inside of the police
Two I don't need to provide any evidence as you seem to have forgotten how reports work.
You have to provide the evidence not myself, I am Innocent until proven guilty but that seems to be something with W cops don't remember even while processing but thats not for here.

I wasn't even planning on commenting on this report again but others have decided to input their 50p so here I am putting in some more change.

I'm not going to entertain the fact that you believe that I've broken rules just for your biased opinion to make sense. Yes, I have a cop character as I'm sure a lot of other people do, just as you have physically arrested me yourself on my criminal character before and like the video shows by whiskey, I am not the only one who just assumed you were, it was a collection from people that you were. If you were not cops and I shot you for assuming you were cops you should have left the area as it is as we warned you already to leave, but that does not seem to mean anything to you in this situation as you are cops.

You seem to forget you are still a member of a group as a police officer, You're not classed as an OCG but you are still a group, a group with more power than the average person keep in mind, Free gear from Phones to Sniper Rifles, fast cars for nothing but a couple of hours of training, Ability to shoot out your vehicles without the worry of vehicle points and I'm sure a lot of people could think of a lot more that's just what's on my mind at the moment.

So if you want to keep this report clean and professional as you say let us not make "sly digs" that are not progressive and "childish" comments assuming I have used my other character for any advantage.

Also tagging on to what Whiskey has mentioned, Saint, you could have contacted me via Discord at any point after you added me when we were INSP's
I said I was under the notion, that having heard the comms on the radio reinforces my statement. No one would have such conviction and take that action over and I quote "That yellow car I think is undercover, keyword being I THINK". It leads me to think about the actions Frank would take on such vague intel and how that could've ruined an innocent player's experience. What the pest did is entirely up to him and has nothing to do with my delany or the fact that your member shot us with no prior engagements or sighting other Clinton fuel. Also, this is my second time dealing with Frank and the first is absolutely awful and although it might not directly link to this report its relevant to show a pattern in his decision-making and level of RP. Finally stating that my opinion is biased whilst you are in the same position is a tad hypocritical of you. Frank was reported yet you along with me and delany and Pest are commenting. Matter of fact remains we were shot with the working theory that we could be police facts don't change that.

All this shows to me you look to report, not 3 seconds after I pulled the trigger you did sessions heads. Along with you seem to be just continuing on making sly digs. Along with you seem to be just continuing on making sly digs on history, Along with this clip you have provided has been argued in the past. You have to rp your injuries for 15 mins. But it only takes 1.8kg to pull a trigger on a pistol, never mind the fact this just goes to show your incompetency of failing just to even search a suspect who had been confirmed with a firearm.

Let's keep this report clean and professional.
I’ve seen too many of these reports in my time as staff. Pointless, childish replies that add nothing to the report and only take up more of the staff teams time to go through. Probably a reason this report has sat about so long.

All that was needed in this report was for the reporter and reported to discuss the incident in this. Other people throwing in their 2 pence is not required. If anything, other POV’s can help but that’s all that’s needed. Not multiple messages, other accusations outside the report, or having a go at each other. Just keep these reports simple.

And this is before i’ve been able to dissect the report and alleged rule breaks. So i’ll be looking at this over the next couple hours and update once i’m done. I’m not going to lock this thread but assume that we can be a bit more mature now and leave it at that now unless the reported player or reporter have actual valid important information.

I've had a look now. To be honest, the UC police officers in this case are clearly playing with fire, and i'd like to think you knew it. It was clearly a dangerous situation and I reckon you lot overstayed your welcome and didn't hide being UC very well. Asking to speak to gang members with guns out wasn't going to end well.
I think there was a bit more roleplay that could've came prior to the shooting but in all honestly I don't think this is RDM and the clip is pretty short also.
