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Report a player - do not have name or ID i have clear video evidence of how he looks and his voice - GTA RP

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First of all, do you have a clip that fits the length requirement stated in the Report a Player Guide? Preferably a clip that starts before the chase started.

Second, we do not have a rule against VDM, only RVDM (Random Vehicle Deathmatch). Are you reporting this player for RVDM?

Ill be actioning this report in 24 hours. Please see my message above, and supply any extended footage, if you have any.

Looking at the evidence there seems to be some sort of prior interaction with the person that were chasing you. Especially with you exiting your car with a knife in your hand. But due to the fact that your video does not meet our length requirement I will deny this one.

DENIED - Evidence does not meet required length
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