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Report a player - Cutlass (ID UNKNOWN) - GTA RP


Active member

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Juan Pablo
Reported Players: Cutlass (ID UNKNOWN)
Date: Jul 17, 2024
Time: 23:00
What best describes this incident: RDM G1.2
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hi staff,

This evening I was killed by a member of presumably cutlass on their turf with no RP or interaction. I simply drove round the back of their turf and was shot by someone from the bridge. Again I had no interaction with this individual prior to being shot and grove and cutlass DO NOT have any KOS rules in place.

Just to prewarn staff cutlass will reply with a few things which will include grove drilling their safehouse doors and grove taking a cutlass member to dodgy. However, both of these situations happened a significant time away from me being shot. We had drilled cutlass safehouse doors over an hour before this incident and had been driving around the city checking multiple locations for cutlass members. Where we found out that all of cutlass had been killed by changaloas in paleto. We then returned to the city to restart our search for cutlass and we did eventually find one who was killed and taken to dodgy with no witnesses. After resolving this situation and the cutlass member dying to the dodgy doctor we returned to the city to restart our search. Upon my arrival at cutlass turf I was killed on sight as I drove past their garage door with no interaction with any cutlass member.

The reason I have provided this context is because I am expecting them to be used by cutlass to justify their actions. I was given no opportunity to roleplay with any cutlass members or even the opportunity to speak to them which shut down any avenues of possible roleplay.

Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)

Just to reiterate there are no KOS rules between grove and cutlass.

Thanks to staff for reviewing.

The clips are two clips one of 1:48 and another of 1:30 due to medal clipping constraints. I have been sure to overlap them to provide continuity.

Clip 1 - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ihZQS7z0aO-TFBTxI/d1337YGsjDag?invite=cr-MSxKRGwsMTUwODU5NzQzLA
Clip 2 - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ihZThZM5f4-1Li9hv/d1337hRmP8mF?invite=cr-MSxmN3gsMTUwODU5NzQzLA
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/ihZQS7z0aO-TFBTxI/d1337YGsjDag?invite=cr-MSxKRGwsMTUwODU5NzQzLA
Hello Logan, hello Juan hope your both having a great evening, to start this off ill explain the events leading to the shooting.

I appreciate you providing a 3-5 minute clip, However on this occasion I find this to be insufficient evidence considering there is a lot of missing context.

Rico and I were hanging around the arcade as we normally do, Rico had went to buy some smoothies for us both. shortly after this I had received radio comms from Rico that he was being pursued and fired upon by multiple grove members, this was quickly confirmed by myself as they pursuit had led them to popular street.

Unfortunately this was the point where I saw Rico get shot and kidnapped, at this moment I decided to not engage and value my life as I felt outnumbered and not in a ideal position.

A short time had passed before grove had returned to the arcade, this time I was in a much better position and I felt it was suitable to retaliate for the shooting and kidnapping of my friend.

the reason i claim the footage you provided lacks context is because it shows a false narrative. it makes it seem as if this was the first interaction you have had with ourselves,
when this is in fact yourselves re-entering the situation after taking Rico to dodgy doctor.
Hello Macca,

I provided the context you are alluding to however I still had 0 interaction from you regarding this situation, I don't see anything high quality in jumping on a bridge and KOS me 20 minutes after you allegedly witnessed your friend being kidnapped. It is not enough for you to state you saw something and then take it upon yourself to just shoot me with no RP or interaction.

Also you state you witnessed this kidnapping and decided to find yourself a safer position do you happen to have a clip of you witnessing this kidnapping?

I appreciate you believe you witnessed this and then acted accordingly however these incidents were over 20 minutes apart and between these points I had no interaction with you.

I was simply shot on sight upon arriving on cutlass turf.

Thanks for replying.
What were you doing up north in Route 68 at the beginning of the clip?
Hi Logan,

As I stated we had just dodgied the kidnapped cutlass that macca allegedly witnessed 20 minutes before and purposely didn't initiate. I have requested a clip of macca's perspective of witnessing this kidnapping as I find it hard to believe as no body was nearby however it has not been provided.

If we are to go with the alleged narrative that macca witnessed this kidnapping and purposely avoided us, I am struggling to see what constitutes high quality roleplay in KOS in the vicinity of the first incident. As I have mentioned on multiple occasions in this report, I had 0 interaction or RP from macca before being shot. If he truly did feel outnumbered why did he not call a grove member and attempt to negotiate for rico, or perform a stealthy pursuit or notify other members of cutlass and pursue us. These are a number of high quality scenarios that could've arisen from macca allegedly witnessing this kidnapping. But none of the above happened I was simply KOS 20 minutes after a kidnapping with no interaction or RP. Who's to say it wasnt a random in a green car or what if I was in a blacked out car, was anybody who drove down that alley way going to be shot?

the reason i claim the footage you provided lacks context is because it shows a false narrative. it makes it seem as if this was the first interaction you have had with ourselves,
when this is in fact yourselves re-entering the situation after taking Rico to dodgy doctor.
This statement is simply incorrect as there was no situation, interaction or communication between myself/grove with macca or any other cutlass. I believe this is an attempt to justify the KOS to get an easy kill at the beginning of a larger fight.

Thanks for reading and dealing with this.

Thanks for the reply.

So I think it was missing some context with the footage starting at Route 68. You’s have now both provided collaborating stories that you had a member of his gang kidnapped.

That would be the reason he shot at you, 20 minutes after kidnapping a member of his gang isn’t exactly a long period of time when you take into consideration the time it takes to transport someone to a dodgy doctor and rob them.

From the footage provided, context provided, and the replies on this report. I don’t believe this was random, as I said, you’ve got his friend kidnapped.

Report Declined.