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Report a player - Cutlass Gang/ JD - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Matthew Munday

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Cutlass Gang/ JD

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 07/03/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 13

What best describes this incident ?: RDM, Poor RP

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Clip 1 While driving round looking for cutlass I have heard communications from one of my fellow coalition members Zycho that Chris would meet him at the arcade for a chat, a little after this I have heard Will over the radio saying he has been shot at and to meet him at legion.
I have the made my way to this location as I wanted to help Will and seen a Cutlass Jester, presumably on his way to meet his boys to continue the chase. At this point I did not know for sure that Cutlass had been the ones to attack Will, although it was highly likely and therefore I did not shoot at him in order to avoid further conflict in the middle of what could have been another situation and potentially RDM.

Upon my arrival I have met Will and he has explained one was blacked out and on a white bike. During the clip you can see this is a surprise to me as earlier I have seen a cutlass jester in there colour. One bike approaches us and Will communicates this is the Cutlass member that was shooting at him, this Cutlass member JD was blacked out on a white bike. This has become a regular occurrence fighting Cutlass them being blacked out and in local cars, both seen in this report. I believe this to be poor RP and potentially RDM as these actions don't allow the other party a chance to RP and is clearly being done to gain an advantage. As well as this, it could also result in innocent bystanders being brought into a situation they don't want themselves being in.


Clip 2 shows further poor RP with people being used as loot boxes.
As you can see in this clip I have been revived by the doctor and in a critical condition due to being shot in the head, I have asked them could I sit down for a second and recover/ get my head together enhancing the rp that could have come out of this situation.

Instead I have been met with Cutlass telling me to get up and drop all my things, I do not deem this good RP and just a loot and kill mentality. As per further in the clip you can see Cutlass take me to a location and get me out the car I have given them little to no grief as they were mocking Will for his accent and then was met with a bullet.
I believe if they kept me alive and spoke to me this could have opened up further avenues of RP when we meet again that could have been enjoyable for all of us. Instead I have been looted, shot and dumped; preventing further RP as I now "can't remember" what had occurred and that's the end of that.

I believe there had been me and WIll dodgied at this point with both of us being looted and dumped.
A further situation that day led to 5 more people being dodgied; 3 of which were looted and dumped and 2 people either bleeding out or the dodgy failed..
Had the 2 that died been revived it is safe to assume they also would have been robbed and dumped also.
The reason I bring this up without clips from the others of their PoV, is that it clearly shows a pattern that they are more interested in getting a hold of items rather than the roleplay that could be beneficial for both sides.


Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello JD here.

Let me quickly disprove this "RDM" accusation: To begin with, there are no war rules requiring us to wear colors when fighting you, and there are videos showing that you guys also enjoy driving around in local vehicles so to argue about this is pointless.

 I would want to add that I attempted to RP with Will by pointing my gun at him and yelling "Fuck Coalition" to persuade him to pull over, but instead, he chose to shoot at me first, and I returned fire, as seen in the video. After that, I leave the area to put on armor and a bandage so that I can return to the fight. When I returned, Will and Matt were there, and Matt was firing at me. I then shot them both shortly after. I would also like to add that you say you wanted to progress the roleplay but when you're down you all stay mute.

We requested Coalition to attend a liaison session to discuss what transpired at the dodgy, and not once did you guys choose to bring this up to us and just decide to throw a report up without trying to address this. As a result, regarding this being RDM is naive. I would also like to note that at around 1:40 you can hear one of them put up a screen share on Discord, displaying a winning attitude. This was probably done to reveal his location since he is dead on the floor and wants to be rescued.


I have made my points and I stand by them.

War rules or not they way Cutlass have approached this "War" with the constant out of colours "Fuck Coalition and shoot" attitude reeks of poor RP and a win over RP mentality overall. I cant say that Coalition haven't pulled up, shouted fuck Cutlass and shot but when we do go out of our way to hunt you guys, we are identifiable.

In terms of the dodgy incidents this again is not a one off occurrence. I believe in liaison it was discussed that you guys thought one of our members purposely bled out and that was resolved. This particular report was discussed internally and put up after the fact and is when I decided to go ahead with it in hope to see some sort of change going forward as discussions between the 2 groups don't seem to produce any results and is often swarmed with multiple members of cutlass who were not involved. Am example was todays liaison where 7 cutlass attended, some of which were not involved in the scenario whereas only 2 Coalition members attended in accordance with the guidance set out on the forums in the last week.

I am will not be replying further unless asked to do so by staff as I feel I have made my concerns and evidence clear.

Thanks for your time

It confuses me how this can even be termed RDM when you shot at me first, and I wonder if the same outcome would have occurred if you had managed to down me.

Good Afternoon JD, Hope you are ok,

I was one of the first people in the situation and thought I would reply to add some more context to this report. As this beef has been going on for several months now tensions have been high. We were out looking for you guys and I spotted several black out people on bikes which I radioed straight away to address everyone it could be possible cutlass, after radioing I realised you guys started have started following me, I radioed that through but at the time I didn’t know it was cutlass. As the chase went on I heard someone shout very quietly “fuck the Coalition”. I was confused at first as the bike was white and you were fully blacked out. I then realised it was you and saw you drew out a gun so I started shooting. I would understand if you was in full colours but you was blacked out completely. Also driving fully blacked out in local cars. Every time we have done things like this we have always made sure we are in colours so it’s fair for you guys. A ticket was opened to get some clarification for this. 

I would also like to add following this situation, we were later dodgied and looted which clearly seemed you guys were there for pocket wipe and then dumped us straight away. 

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!



It seems as there is missing context from this report, what I can see is a 2 minute clip of yourself looking for Cutlass I assume and then shooting at the person on the bike who you were able to recognise as an aggressor from a previous encounter as Will says over radio "Thats one of them".

Is there any more footage of the initial encounter with JD from either yourself or @Will Cheverall

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Good Evening Siren, 

This clip below shows the whole situation which will add more context to this report. 

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Alright I'll go ahead and proceed with this report, gonna be a quite lengthly breakdown here.

I'll start with the RDM accusation. 

Cutlass are at a petrol station and spot a coalition in colours driving past, at this point they begin chase with yourself i bleieve @Will Cheverall. @Paul Abdeen chases you for a short while before a gun is drawn and he shouts fuck the coalition, he doesn't shoot and repeats it again, now im sure his intention here may have been to shoot you howver he didn't. You then turn around and begin firing shots at this time and rightly so, you felt as if your characters life could have been in danger and at this point had probably recognised that it was most likely cutlass chasing yourself. You get away for a while before Cutlass then locate you at legion square where you have met up with @MattH8, you inform Matt that is the person who you were in a previous altercation with. Matt you then proceed to shoot at @Paul Abdeenbefore being shot yourself. 

I want to remind everyone here that "war rules" do not trump server rules and quality roleplay must take place before shooting. Now I understand this war has been going on back and forth for quite a while and as in any war on the server roleplay standards tend to slip, which isn't really acceptable. 

However in this instance what you have reported is not RDM.

Moving onto the poor roleplay accusations..

Cutlass then im assuming from the same situation take yourself to Dodgy Dr, revive you rob you and dump you.

I would like to remind everyone of the rule :

(G7.3) Executions - Executing another player must be realistic and be carried out with high quality roleplay.

Now what I will say, is the roleplay that I can see here is sub par, however there was an altercation where you aggravated them, did that warrant in them shooting you? Maybe not.. I want to see better. Remember this is a game, and should be fun for BOTH sides. It's not simply a loot and shoot server.

@Chris PasztakYou are the person who shot him, you have just come off a permanent ban I would expect that the level of roleplay that you provide would be higher considering your circumstances. I will be adding a warning for this today, anything else in future in relation to your level of roleplay will lead you straight back to a ban. Do better., you wont get another warning..


Chris Pasztak - Warning for G7.3

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Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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