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Report a player - (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904 - GTA RP

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Lily Rose

the toilet

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Lily Rose
Reported Players: (CUTLASS) 928, 732, 930, 577, 688, 897, 716, 904
Date: May 5, 2024
Time: 01:30
What best describes this incident: G11.2.1 / G11.2 (Zerg)
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hello!

Last night, myself (833) and Danny Bacon (891) were at TireNutz speaking to the lead of Rising Suns (Jay) regarding racing, and initiating roleplay between our racing team (Jouhatsu) and their gang for some fun racing. After we'd wrapped up the conversation, the three of us were having a laugh around the parking section and suddenly 6 heavily armed blacked-out individuals pulled up to hands us. Myself and Danny were promptly zip tied and moved to cars, while Jay was let go after being hansed for his guns.

The first indication this rule was broken was when I was in the car- not yet a word had been said to me- 904, Autumn LeStrange asks someone to drive for her (Clip A- Clown Mask, ID in Screenshot A), I said her name aloud due to knowing autumn since early into my days of flying in, spending considerable time with her- though this has lacked the last month or two-, she did not respond and I was ignored and moved to a location where the second car in which Danny was put in showed up.

Danny and I were put against a wall, conversation and roleplay regarding them asking information about Ballas, to which I can only assume is so we'd think they were Azteca's ensued, to which 8 people who's IDs I have listed in the report were seen, and one in the distance. Eventually once satisfied with our answers, they got in their cars and left the area. Myself and Danny got to a safe location for pick up as I hadn't had my phones and radio's taken. (Clips B / C)

My apologies for the breaks in clips, my medal wasn't clipping 10 minute sessions and instead essentially just random values (I.E my ten minutes would go for one 3m, a 2.4 and a 8m clip), I have tried to sew up as many as I can so the consistent situation can be seen.

Realistically, the RP while there was little interaction on the way, and overall seemed entirely pointless (kidnapping us), I have heard prior reports of Autumn and a few others being involved in shootouts that were started by Cutlass, or arriving post a shootout and joining for the RP post. While I appreciate that these people have good relationships with these group members, it doesn't supersede the rules and that is why I am making this report. (All IDs shown on SS A / B / C)

While I am happy to continue the RP regarding this, and excited for it, this will essentially become strictly a Firm-Cutlass issue, not a Firm-Cutlass (and friends) issue.

Link(s) To Any Evidence: Screenshot A https://i.gyazo.com/5ae92b338f246c200624638b681590d5.png Screenshot B https://i.gyazo.com/5af5c92511dec4e8560f2a973cb3c808.png Screenshot C https://i.gyazo.com/077333bc6bf07314161c92dc034dc5c1.png CLIP A https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2bgIqIuSmktIMs/d1337LUbVI3T?invite=cr-MSxvcjYsMTc1MTU2ODM0LA CLIP B https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2bgG3eszTbNkPt/d13376y30HXH?invite=cr-MSxCR0ssMTc1MTU2ODM0LA CLIP C https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2bgMhgzodm7RL9/d1337XcZso9b?invite=cr-MSx0eVgsMTc1MTU2ODM0LA
"The first indication this rule was broken was when I was in the car- not yet a word had been said to me- 904, Autumn LeStrange asks someone to drive for her (Clip A- Clown Mask, ID in Screenshot A)," - Not quite sure how this is a rule break to get in a car and drive forward to ask someone to drive for me. My eyes were having issues, I hoped in and in order to continue the RP situation, moved the car forward to ask someone to drive on my behalf.

"I said her name aloud due to knowing Autumn since early into my days of flying in, spending considerable time with her- though this has lacked the last month or two-, she did not respond and I was ignored and moved to a location where the second car in which Danny was put in showed up." - Thank you for bringing this up as it was where the confusion kind of sprung out on me. As you mentioned, you and I have known each other since you first flew into the city. I have no issue with you possibly suspecting or roleplaying the situation of confusion surrounding my voice. Voice ID'ing me with 0 roleplay, was quite shocking. Keeping in mind, you could have missed the mark completely, just jumping to voice ID with 100% certainty feels like power gaming. I've received advice from staff previously as this is something I've struggled with in the city. (ticket previously submitted) I’m unable to install a voice changer. I’m quite limited as someone who lacks a British accent and has a very recognizable voice. You could have roleplayed it, but chose not to. It felt as though you were limiting what I could do or say from that point forward. 1:19 - You voice ID. 1:31 you proceeded to indicate with certainty you knew who was behind the voice. Despite that, I figured you may just be frustrated with being robbed at that time of night as I can understand that some RP situations may not be the most fun for everyone, so at 1:38 I responded to you less than half a minute into the situation, attempting to change my voice but you paid no mind to it.

With my fiancé and friends being in Cutlass, Autumn has naturally developed a strong relationship with them and continues to be around them quite frequently. Despite that, I understand in which situations I may need to step back. Which brings us to the next claim in your report.

"Realistically, the RP while there was little interaction on the way, and overall seemed entirely pointless (kidnapping us), I have heard prior reports of Autumn and a few others being involved in shootouts that were started by Cutlass, or arriving post a shootout and joining for the RP post" - Simply being convinced of teaming based on untrue rumors, is quite frustrating. I've taken many steps in and out of city to ensure I am not in a situation in which I am "teaming" with Cutlass. I've submitted a ticket a couple months back to Staff where I even requested guidelines and questions answered on when I can and cannot be involved in combat with Cutlass. We've all ensured to follow the advice given by staff closely so that nobody is left with a poor or unfair RP experience. I'm always open to further feedback on how to ensure the overall RP is upheld to the standards staff wish to see. Because this is not gang related, and simply friends going out robbing, (please correct me if I'm wrong) but to my knowledge, there is no number cap on how many friends can be out robbing people and that members of others gangs cannot be friends and conducting robberies together. If that is the case, please do advise as I believe this information would be beneficial to not just Cutlass-- but the community as a whole.
Can you provide a timestamp and the clip of when the car arrived if possible please?
I understand that looking through evidence can be a little time consuming, however, all evidence is provided above, you have been reported here, it is your responsibility to secure your defence.
I understand that looking through evidence can be a little time consuming, however, all evidence is provided above, you have been reported here, it is your responsibility to secure your defence.
I asked as a way to make it easier as I've been looking through and have not been able to find it. I'll keep looking though.
I asked as a way to make it easier as I've been looking through and have not been able to find it. I'll keep looking though.
No bother, I'll grab it for you :) Give ma a couple minutes
I asked as a way to make it easier as I've been looking through and have not been able to find it. I'll keep looking though.
Hi @KiloC This will be Clip A at 1:10

It is the Black Jugular the leaves at the front of the convoy there.
i was present at the situation, but ill be honest i dont remember where i was or who i was even with during the whole altercation
Hello, first thank you for such a prompt response I appreciate it. Lets go through a few things, shall we?

"The first indication this rule was broken was when I was in the car- not yet a word had been said to me- 904, Autumn LeStrange asks someone to drive for her (Clip A- Clown Mask, ID in Screenshot A)," - Not quite sure how this is a rule break to get in a car and drive forward to ask someone to drive for me. My eyes were having issues, I hoped in and in order to continue the RP situation, moved the car forward to ask someone to drive on my behalf.
Hi, this isnt what is put so lets not twist words shall we? Let me re-explain for clarification.

You, a person who is not cutlass, are apart of a situation involving more than 6 people as an alliance for roleplay (working together to rob people), you actively participated and became apart of this rule break the MOMENT you were driving those cars, so thank you for admitting this first hand. I am glad we can confirm, you, an individual who is not within Cutlass, teamed alongside Cutlass to create a hostile piece of RP.

Also, your involvement in this situation isn't just driving, please see this from clip A:
Here you are, donning your clown mask assisting in holding the three of us up.

This is you actively participating in two ways at a minimum within the first few minutes of this roleplay in a hostile capacity. You are then seen in B/C continuing your presence.


"I said her name aloud due to knowing Autumn since early into my days of flying in, spending considerable time with her- though this has lacked the last month or two-, she did not respond and I was ignored and moved to a location where the second car in which Danny was put in showed up." - Thank you for bringing this up as it was where the confusion kind of sprung out on me. As you mentioned, you and I have known each other since you first flew into the city. I have no issue with you possibly suspecting or roleplaying the situation of confusion surrounding my voice. Voice ID'ing me with 0 roleplay, was quite shocking. Keeping in mind, you could have missed the mark completely, just jumping to voice ID with 100% certainty feels like power gaming. I've received advice from staff previously as this is something I've struggled with in the city. (ticket previously submitted) I’m unable to install a voice changer. I’m quite limited as someone who lacks a British accent and has a very recognizable voice. You could have roleplayed it, but chose not to. It felt as though you were limiting what I could do or say from that point forward. 1:19 - You voice ID. 1:31 you proceeded to indicate with certainty you knew who was behind the voice. Despite that, I figured you may just be frustrated with being robbed at that time of night as I can understand that some RP situations may not be the most fun for everyone, so at 1:38 I responded to you less than half a minute into the situation, attempting to change my voice but you paid no mind to it.
Gosh, it is absolutely heartbreaking that instead of addressing the rules that are broken by yourself, your response is to essentially go "well she did this." I appreciate that you may find it hard to avoid being voice ID'd from your accent, but realistically please consider the following statements before you begin being upset by this.
- You have known my character for a long time, we have been blacked out together, I have heard your voice in a capacity in a few situations without seeing your face
- Don't kidnap and rob your friends?
Either way, we're here to address any breaks you've made. If you believe I have benefited from that situation at all by your voice being heard, then feel free to open a seperate report about powergaming as you claim it, and we can deal with that there. This isn't the place for it.

"Realistically, the RP while there was little interaction on the way, and overall seemed entirely pointless (kidnapping us), I have heard prior reports of Autumn and a few others being involved in shootouts that were started by Cutlass, or arriving post a shootout and joining for the RP post" - Simply being convinced of teaming based on untrue rumors, is quite frustrating. I've taken many steps in and out of city to ensure I am not in a situation in which I am "teaming" with Cutlass. I've submitted a ticket a couple months back to Staff where I even requested guidelines and questions answered on when I can and cannot be involved in combat with Cutlass. We've all ensured to follow the advice given by staff closely so that nobody is left with a poor or unfair RP experience. I'm always open to further feedback on how to ensure the overall RP is upheld to the standards staff wish to see. Because this is not gang related, and simply friends going out robbing, (please correct me if I'm wrong) but to my knowledge, there is no number cap on how many friends can be out robbing people and that members of others gangs cannot be friends and conducting robberies together. If that is the case, please do advise as I believe this information would be beneficial to not just Cutlass-- but the community as a whole.
So, with this, I have heard of you specifically doing this within the server, and being apart of situations you shouldn't have been, this is from thirty minutes of asking around, and as well from peoples responses to this report. While it is not for you to address, it is being appended so staff may factor this in.

Here in this video, you shoot a member of cypress for talking post a gunfight at AE. From the date of this clip, if staff are taking this into consideration, I ask that damage logs are checked to see if Autumn was shot, or shot any members of Cypress (and Cutlass, as crossfire can happen), during that altercation. If you were not at the initial gunfight fine, but why have you been seen involved in a Cutlass v Cypress situation (whether its during or post), when you are not Cutlass.

Here is you, earlier on, before the situation has actually been in a state where you'd be excuseable for being there (i.e. if you joined at the end, its iffy, but it is what it is). You can see two of the members of cypress are still out, yet you stand involved with your gun out. What would you have done if more cypress pushed you? Or other assailants to retrieve them? You have actively involved yourself here.

Essentially, please don't take me or staff for fools. You've been involving yourself in situations you shouldn't be, and trying to dance into the gray side of the rules providing an unfair roleplay experience. As for a general piece of evidence of cutlass teaming at the moment, (I dont think you're involved, but again this is for staff to consider into any verdict due to Cutlass' history), I was handed this as well this morning about teaming over the chippiones. Again to make it clear, Autumn, this isn't me saying you were here, this is me giving staff prior incidents that hadn't been reported due to people believing you were on the F6 prior to us figuring out you were not- I have one more clip with you but youtube is being a pain so I'd have to stream it to staff.
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Here in the description, the chippiones has been kind enough to outline the following for the teaming:
1.10 admitting to baiting
1.50 cutlass saying they will jump us if sinz makes a setup location
2.15 sinz nlr getting rammed by car
2.30 setup planning
5.20cutlass telling sinz theyre gonna setup on roof and saying theyre gonna kill us all
10.40 cutlass realising they cant kill us randomly so theyre gonna have one of theirs down with the sinz so they can actually initiate a fight

Last edited:
"Here in this video, you shoot a member of cypress for talking post a gunfight at AE. From the date of this clip, if staff are taking this into consideration, I ask that damage logs are checked to see if Autumn was shot, or shot any members of Cypress (and Cutlass, as crossfire can happen), during that altercation. If you were not at the initial gunfight fine, but why have you been seen involved in a Cutlass v Cypress situation (whether its during or post), when you are not Cutlass."

You've provided no context to this situation and a twenty second clip without the knowledge of what had happened prior.

(G11.2) Zerg - Forming alliances or coordinating in any way between groups during attacks on other groups or factions is strictly prohibited. Coordination encompasses activities such as body pickup, spotting, relaying information, and simultaneous combat.

(G11.2.1) Temporary Groups - Temporary groups/alliances, limited to 6 characters, may form between members of different groups for high-quality roleplay reasons. Considered as a separate entity during the scenario, they adhere to the conditions outlined in (G11.2).

I've boldened groups in both of the rules above because they are stated very specifically. At no point during this scenario was a group or alliance formed between members of different groups or between Cutlass and another group.

This wasn't an intended attack on another group, it was a robbery and you just so happened to be a member of the Firm and were provided roleplay surrounding that.

While I am happy to continue the RP regarding this, and excited for it, this will essentially become strictly a Firm-Cutlass issue, not a Firm-Cutlass (and friends) issue.

Your own words are best used here. It was not a Firm v Cutlass issue, even if it may become one from that situation.
"Here in this video, you shoot a member of cypress for talking post a gunfight at AE. From the date of this clip, if staff are taking this into consideration, I ask that damage logs are checked to see if Autumn was shot, or shot any members of Cypress (and Cutlass, as crossfire can happen), during that altercation. If you were not at the initial gunfight fine, but why have you been seen involved in a Cutlass v Cypress situation (whether its during or post), when you are not Cutlass."

You've provided no context to this situation and a twenty second clip without the knowledge of what had happened prior.

(G11.2) Zerg - Forming alliances or coordinating in any way between groups during attacks on other groups or factions is strictly prohibited. Coordination encompasses activities such as body pickup, spotting, relaying information, and simultaneous combat.

(G11.2.1) Temporary Groups - Temporary groups/alliances, limited to 6 characters, may form between members of different groups for high-quality roleplay reasons. Considered as a separate entity during the scenario, they adhere to the conditions outlined in (G11.2).

I've boldened groups in both of the rules above because they are stated very specifically. At no point during this scenario was a group or alliance formed between members of different groups or between Cutlass and another group.

This wasn't an intended attack on another group, it was a robbery and you just so happened to be a member of the Firm and were provided roleplay surrounding that.

Your own words are best used here. It was not a Firm v Cutlass issue, even if it may become one from that situation.

Hi Kilo!

First, thanks for replying so soon.

I see you've misunderstood what is intended by quoting those situations being referenced, it is the following line: What would you have done if more cypress pushed you? Or other assailants to retrieve them? You have actively involved yourself here.

Anyway, moving forward!
Thank you for quoting the rules, I am quite aware of them, what they stand for, and I am glad you do too. So, could you please explain the following:
1. When your collective moved Danny into the car, were you already present, or did you join into the situation post its initiation?
2. Were you all on the same radio?

Ah! I'm glad you've brought this up specifically:
This wasn't an intended attack on another group, it was a robbery and you just so happened to be a member of the Firm and were provided roleplay surrounding that.
So! If this was the case, why weren't we robbed? Why was the rising suns member let go and seen walking off in clip a? Why were we kidnapped specifically? This statement doesn't paint a full truth does it? If you were to take all three of us, that makes sense. But no, you took myself and Danny who are specifically in Firm attire! So- could you please elaborate, as I don't see this statement as anything other than a disguise of whatever intended roleplay was going to happen!

Your own words are best used here. It was not a Firm v Cutlass issue, even if it may become one from that situation.
Yes! Good point, it is a Firm v Cutlass and friends issue, thank you for re bringing that up! That is why I made the report.

I'll wait to see if staff have any additional questions for me as I believe the rules are clearly outlined.

You can interpret it as a Firm v Cutlass issue, but you were a robbery target and whatever happens from there is a roleplay process.
Hi Lily,

Your accusations and claims fuelled by information regarding an RP situation that did not concern you is alarming. You were not present during the situation and it seems inappropriate for you to be drawing up conclusions and saying these things.

I am very content with answering your accusations because again, I have been careful when engaging in these situations.

In order to actually address every accusation, this will be a bit long so please bare with me.

"You, a person who is not cutlass, are apart of a situation involving more than 6 people as an alliance for roleplay (working together to rob people), you actively participated and became apart of this rule break the MOMENT you were driving those cars, so thank you for admitting this first hand. I am glad we can confirm, you, an individual who is not within Cutlass, teamed alongside Cutlass to create a hostile piece of RP."

I am not in any way shape or form denying my participation in active robberies with my friends and fiance in Cutlass. I am saying that it was not a gang matter, it was friends hanging out and roleplaying. I have requested for this to be clarified because based on the wording of this rule, and the robberies that happen throughout this city, there has never been anything outlined that robberies can only be limited to your gang circle in numbers of 6. This is again, not a gang related matter. It’s a robbery. Yes, robberies are a hostile situation. You were not killed. There was clearly no intention to kill you. Yes, robberies occur with guns pointed. It does not mean you have to be trigger happy and shoot. You were robbed. You were removed from the premises as anyone who is a high profile individual would in a robbery. It had nothing to do with any “beef” with the Firm or the fact that you are a firm member. As you were aware, during the robbery which your clips miraculously could not be in full due to medal issues, you would know that your clip following clip B had people roleplaying that there were members from a completely different gang involved in order to steer any suspicion away from the robbery. Yes, you are correct. I am not a member of Cutlass. I have built a very close RP relationship with Cutlass and continue to do so with RP in mind.

"Gosh, it is absolutely heartbreaking that instead of addressing the rules that are broken by yourself, your response is to essentially go "well she did this." I appreciate that you may find it hard to avoid being voice ID'd from your accent, but realistically please consider the following statements before you begin being upset by this.
- You have known my character for a long time, we have been blacked out together, I have heard your voice in a capacity in a few situations without seeing your face
- Don't kidnap and rob your friends?
Either way, we're here to address any breaks you've made. If you believe I have benefited from that situation at all by your voice being heard, then feel free to open a seperate report about powergaming as you claim it, and we can deal with that there. This isn't the place for it."

Autumn has blacked out with Lily one time which consisted of not even tying her hair, wearing basic clothes, and a helmet. Arguably, sure you could say that you “know what I may seem like on robberies” but you are basing this on something that occurred many months ago with no actual tangible proof.

“Don’t kidnap and rob your friends?” Autumn’s loyalty from an RP POV is to her fiance’s gang/family, not anyone else in the city. Autumn has worked for Cutlass, receives compensation, and has recently been slowly working at more RP within the gang. While I agree this is to discuss the rule breaks you believe I committed, naturally the order of reports results in discussions of reasons and that is part of the reason there was a delay in my response to you, not on the basis of me pointing fingers. I do not believe I was actively intentionally committing any rule break so yes, of course I’m not going to sit here and blindly agree with you simply because you’re unhappy with the situation.

"So, with this, I have heard of you specifically doing this within the server, and being apart of situations you shouldn't have been, this is from thirty minutes of asking around, and as well from peoples responses to this report. While it is not for you to address, it is being appended so staff may factor this in."

Lily, my understanding of this is you’ve been attempting to collect information on Cutlass for days now in other gang discords. Although this does not concern the report, you wish to bring things that don’t concern it into the reports so I will address this once again. You suspected Cutlass has been behind some of the robberies you’ve experienced, so you were actively seeking out OOC from different people for not 30 mins, but days now.

Here in this video, you shoot a member of cypress for talking post a gunfight at AE. From the date of this clip, if staff are taking this into consideration, I ask that damage logs are checked to see if Autumn was shot, or shot any members of Cypress (and Cutlass, as crossfire can happen), during that altercation. If you were not at the initial gunfight fine, but why have you been seen involved in a Cutlass v Cypress situation (whether its during or post), when you are not Cutlass.

Completely different situation, much of the context missing.

Here in this video, you shoot a member of cypress for talking post a gunfight at AE -

What relevance does this have to the current report?

Essentially, please don't take me or staff for fools. You've been involving yourself in situations you shouldn't be, and trying to dance into the gray side of the rules providing an unfair roleplay experience. As for a general piece of evidence of cutlass teaming at the moment, (I dont think you're involved, but again this is for staff to consider into any verdict due to Cutlass' history), I was handed this as well this morning about teaming over the chippiones. Again to make it clear, Autumn, this isn't me saying you were here, this is me giving staff prior incidents that hadn't been reported due to people believing you were on the F6 prior to us figuring out you were not.

Accusing me of trying to fool the staff and yourself (which I have no reason to, I was more than honest about my involvement), is disrespectful. You’re upset with the situation and that is understandable to be upset. Not every RP experience is going to be the best, but please refrain from manipulating it by failing to provide the whole story or giving only bits and parts while also making untrue statements.

As previously stated, I am only interested in role playing these scenarios to the best of my ability. Although I may not be perfect and will occasionally need to be guided, I’ve been able to learn a tremendous amount of roleplay from Cutlass. With the help of the leaders and its members, they have actively been guiding me throughout RP. I’ve never been one to shy away from asking for more information on how to roleplay better and adhere to the community/fivem guidelines. As I mentioned in my initial comment, if there is a rulebreak involving friends robbing with each other in more than 6, I believe it would be highly beneficial for everyone in the community to be aware of this as it is commonly practiced in the city among many friend groups to rob in numbers beyond just 6. While you may feel this is me dismissing things Lily, I can assure you that I’m not. I’m explaining my point of view and hope you understand that these responses are not fuelled with any resentment or anger.

The final clip is an RP situation that will remain in RP and I have not been involved in it as I was away for over a week.
I'll wait to see if staff have any additional questions for me as I believe the rules are clearly outlined.

You can interpret it as a Firm v Cutlass issue, but you were a robbery target and whatever happens from there is a roleplay process.
No worries if you don't feel comfortable answering mine

Again to repeat: This is not a Firm V Cutlass issue, you have made it a Firm V Cutlass and friends issue. Do not put words in my mouth.

you were a robbery target
Then why werent we robbed?

Essentially, I appreciate you are on the backfoot here and don't want to be banned, so let me also explain the following:
While the quality of roleplay around the kidnapping, (not robbery, as nothing was taken), was questionable, I wasn't entirely fussed regarding that. I am on about the fact that you, a Whitelisted Gang, feel the need to involve people outside of your F6 in considerable numbers to target people. I don't care if it was us, you did it to Cypress last night at Mosleys and thats up to them if they report it, it is the fact that you are creating hostile situations against groups that have the chance of identifying you, (which I can explain to Staff in a ticket how we have identified you, and the fun part is: its nothing to do with Autumn's voice before you try spin that one up!), with people outside of your F6.

I can explain to you how this is unfair if you'd like? Actually, I will anyway as I am not expecting a response based on the above.

The reason that it is important that when taking hostile action against other groups specifically that you do this as your own group is as follows.
1. If any sort of "beef" or "war" is to break out, there is a concrete list of people staff can monitor should anything go out of hand
2. It is 25v25. It is fair.
3. If you were to bring a friend along to a shootout, despite the fact that if they 'dont shoot' but they're an extra body in that car, you have tipped roleplay and fight balance entirely because thats one person to help grab dead bodies to take them to dodgies, which can assist in limiting say, response time from the rest of a gang or group- or- police.

"Essentially, I appreciate you are on the backfoot here and don't want to be banned, so let me also explain the following:"

Your attitude is very telling on this report of the result that you want.

You weren't robbed because the roleplay story had progressed to that point. After realising you were Firm, the way we decided to roleplay that scenario was by questioning about Ballas so that you may think we were Aztecas and let you go to cover our tracks, as killing and dumping is something we don't look to do as it limits the progression of a storyline.

"The reason that it is important that when taking hostile action against other groups specifically that you do this as your own group is as follows.
1. If any sort of "beef" or "war" is to break out, there is a concrete list of people staff can monitor should anything go out of hand
2. It is 25v25. It is fair.
3. If you were to bring a friend along to a shootout, despite the fact that if they 'dont shoot' but they're an extra body in that car, you have tipped roleplay and fight balance entirely because thats one person to help grab dead bodies to take them to dodgies, which can assist in limiting say, response time from the rest of a gang or group- or- police."

It wasn't an intended attack on your group and as I stated in my replies above, the rules are clear and there was no forming of alliance between groups.

Thank you for your responses.
I think its important that we only put relevant information to this report. Someone will need to read the replies and watch videos here.
Stop with useless information and keep it relevant. If it continues people will not be able to respond in here any longer.

Thanks for replying so soon, don't worry about there being a lot to go through, I am happy to do so.

I am not in any way shape or form denying my participation in active robberies with my friends and fiance in Cutlass. I am saying that it was not a gang matter, it was friends hanging out and roleplaying. I have requested for this to be clarified because based on the wording of this rule, and the robberies that happen throughout this city, there has never been anything outlined that robberies can only be limited to your gang circle in numbers of 6. This is again, not a gang related matter. It’s a robbery. Yes, robberies are a hostile situation. You were not killed. There was clearly no intention to kill you. Yes, robberies occur with guns pointed. It does not mean you have to be trigger happy and shoot. You were robbed. You were removed from the premises as anyone who is a high profile individual would in a robbery. It had nothing to do with any “beef” with the Firm or the fact that you are a firm member. As you were aware, during the robbery which your clips miraculously could not be in full due to medal issues, you would know that your clip following clip B had people roleplaying that there were members from a completely different gang involved in order to steer any suspicion away from the robbery. Yes, you are correct. I am not a member of Cutlass. I have built a very close RP relationship with Cutlass and continue to do so with RP in mind.

Hi! So- I'm glad you are talking about this being a robbery. Why was nothing taken from us? I had my hands raised and was entirely compliant the full situation, and out of zipties due to being allowed food and water. You could've taken the items I had on me at any point, but didnt. So please stop calling this a robbery. It was a kidnapping, unless you don't know the difference and I can explain that to you in another reply?

Autumn has blacked out with Lily one time which consisted of not even tying her hair, wearing basic clothes, and a helmet. Arguably, sure you could say that you “know what I may seem like on robberies” but you are basing this on something that occurred many months ago with no actual tangible proof.
No worries then! You can make the report for powergaming then! Feel free to use my clip as evidence and we can sort that there. It is irrelevant to this report.

I do not believe I was actively intentionally committing any rule break so yes, of course I’m not going to sit here and blindly agree with you simply because you’re unhappy with the situation.
At no point have I said I was unhappy again, I am rather sick of a trend building in this report of yourselves putting words in my mouth. I am not arsed I was kidnapped, I am bothered that you, and others are consistently showing up in hostile situation initiations increasing the members Cutlass have available to themselves instead of their 25.

Lily, my understanding of this is you’ve been attempting to collect information on Cutlass for days now in other gang discords. Although this does not concern the report, you wish to bring things that don’t concern it into the reports so I will address this once again. You suspected Cutlass has been behind some of the robberies you’ve experienced, so you were actively seeking out OOC from different people for not 30 mins, but days now.
This is a wild accusation. Let me explain to you my interactions regarding cutlass in another discord, specifically the marabunta grande one:
I was told that after I was robbed, and spent hours moving around the city trying to find out who did it, by mara the same people robbed them earlier (clothes were highly identifiable), I was told to hop into the mara discord as they couldn't send the body/dash cam they had from their situation due to length or size? I am sure Luke or James can clarify this if staff find this of any relevance.

After this, you'll never guess what, we saw the same people robbing, but the worst thing is? It wasn't even needed. I was robbed by people in suits, bowler hats, using the pipe decal etc. They also were. They identified themselves that it was I believe Craig David? And told me this in character, we agreed the clip couldn't be used in city, as while you can argue the car being there, the person doesn't have their phone out or body cam on! So when I asked a trustworthy person whether it was true, and they cleared their name: you will never guess what? We left it! We let it be! We moved on, because well- there was no further evidence! So congratulations, you have just tried to slander me, lied about me publicly, without any proof. If you still take issue with this, make a report.

If you would like, I can also explain to you why these pieces were brought up: Simple, it is a background on possible zerg's that people did not know you were not within the Cutlass F6 for. I checked this with staff before making the report as to whether I could bring these up, and was told it is up to staff discretion of who is dealing with the report, (forums-2316).

Instead of addressing, or stating why you were there, you've replied by trying to throw things at me without proof. The difference is, I am happy to explain my actions because I have done nothing wrong. You consistently throwing any sort of "one up" on me, whether it is painting me in one way, or ignoring sections I have replied to, well- I admit its quite smart- but it just wont work, as I am happy to sit here and debate each word you've said and go back on points. I haven't sat here at any point and said "you must be upset", "you must feel this", "you did this (but with no proof)." Each statement I make is backed by evidence and facts, because what's the point of wasting staff time in reading these almost harry-potter book length responses, to just see nothing of substance, or well- evidence!

Aka. If you're going to try and drag me through the mud in order to make yourselves seem better, I'll repeat the same thing when you initially brought up "power gaming", make your own report. Please, give us evidence of me doing that. Again, I can repeat from my message above- we know in RP it was you, not even from your voice. I will explain how to staff, but not to yourselves to prevent any metagaming and harm to the people involved that allowed for us to know.

Now, I'll make the following points very clear as it is becoming a rather boring trend from both yours and Kilo's messages.
1. Stop putting words in my mouth. It is boring, and I will just call you out on it, and re-explain happily.
2. Stop bringing up "suspicions" or other rule breaks, make your own report. It is within the 24 hour time period, you have what? 8 hours. If unhappy, make an extension request via a ticket.
3. Stop painting that I am upset at this situation, I don't know how else I can put this: I am not upset at the situation, I am, as a player who is concerned of unfair rule breaks, reporting you, for breaking a rule in my eyes. Are you going to reply to any and all future rule break reports against yourself painting the same story?

While you may feel this is me dismissing things Lily, I can assure you that I’m not. I’m explaining my point of view and hope you understand that these responses are not fuelled with any resentment or anger.
I appreciate this quite a bit. I try my best to see things from your perspective, but I cant excuse words being put in my mouth, or myself being publicly lied about.

Don't try drag me through the mud, do not try and put words in my mouth. Stop with the character degradation, it wont work. Reply to the problem in the report, don't sit here and just try to drag me through the mud so you look better.
At this point I have said my piece to yourself and Kilo. I will reply further if I deem it necessary, but there is also six other people involved who I will likely have to reply to.
"Hi! So- I'm glad you are talking about this being a robbery. Why was nothing taken from us? I had my hands raised and was entirely compliant the full situation, and out of zipties due to being allowed food and water. You could've taken the items I had on me at any point, but didnt. So please stop calling this a robbery. It was a kidnapping, unless you don't know the difference and I can explain that to you in another reply?"

This was already answered.

You've been very aggressive and sarcastic in your responses throughout this report which can only lead me to believe that this is beyond you simply believing a rule break has occurred.

I've explained our side and why I believe it wasn't a rule break, I'm not sure where these accusations are coming from about dragging you through the mud and putting words in your mouth but it simply isn't the case.

Thank you for all of your responses and I'm happy to try and explain further if necessary.
I've addressed my POV and because of the nature of your responses, I don't feel as though it is productive for us to be going back and forth here. We clearly are not going to be meeting eye to eye on what you believe occurred. You feel a rule break occurred. I explained that I do not feel any rule breaks happened based on the aforementioned. If a rule break did in fact occur (i.e, a robbery like the one I was involved in), then I will preface by saying I would highly appreciate if staff could clarify and help me better understand the rules.

If what you're saying is to be true, then that would implicate a big majority of this server as people have relationships outside their gang and will be involved in robberies together.

You seem to have taken some of what I've said personal which was not my intention. By no means would I use the forums to "drag anyone's name through the mud" as I stated, there is no resentment or anger towards you but this entire report is very difficult to respond to as it feels like you're trying to speak on behalf of someone else. Because of the nature of those comments, I invite you to liaison that specifically as it is unrelated to the report and I'm not here to make anyone feel uncomfortable or slandered.

I'm going to be moving forward with only responding to staff related inquiries regarding this report as Stavik stated, someone actually has to read through all this and it's already long as is. We've steered far from the initial claim.

All the best.
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