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Report a player - cuban missle crisis +more - Altis Life

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Staff Team
Staff Team
Los Santos Police
47.19157, -52.83747
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Bonzi

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: cuban missle crisis +more

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 03/16/21

Time of the incident (GMT): 2200

What best describes this incident ?: 1.12

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Attended a callout to three wounded Poseidon members, landed my heli and began the roleplay of reviving the three wounded. Was halfway through blood bagging the three men when numerous armed rebels arrived and immediately began to make demands regarding who I do and don't revive. They requested that I revive the middle person in the video (S3ph). I attempted to start some roleplay with the rebels, saying that they interrupted my stabilization process and that it was in my best interests to stabilize and revive everyone. As the rebels made demands that I revive S3ph, he proceeded to deny medical attention once I had stabilized him. Another injured person asked to be taken to the hospital, however I told them I could not do that as the rebels would likely stop me. I finished stabilizing the three of the patients, and at this point I did not feel overtly threatened, so I asked the rebels what they actually wanted me to do in this situation.

cuban missile crisis asked who was the highest rank out of the downed Poseidon members. Then then demanded me to revive S3ph, as he must have been the highest rank in the situation. I came over to S3ph and he said he would refuse medical treatment. This scenario was briefly talked about in the most recent NHS meeting, where if a patient refuses treatment, we cannot revive them against their will, even if we are being threatened. This was in my head during the situation. cuban missile crisis said that no one cares if S3ph does not want to be revived, and that I and the other patients would be shot if I did not revive S3ph.

Now that an overt threat on my life had been made, I was roleplaying out being scared for my own safety and the safety of the patients. I was unaware at the time that as a medic, I am just allowed to leave the situation once I feel threatened. I felt at the time, that if I were to just leave, that would be me abusing my power that I cannot be harmed as an active medic. As such I attempted to carry out some roleplay under this situation.

I knew that I could not revive S3ph against his wishes. So I roleplayed out me attempting to revive him, but S3ph is resisting my treatment (pushing out the needles & IV drip, etc.). This was the ideal situation in my head, as I was obeying the idea that someone who does not wish to be revived wont be, but I'm also complying with the rebels demands as I value my life.

cuban missile crisis began to repeatedly threatening me as I attempted to 'fail revive' S3ph. At this point, I try to roleplay out me leaving the situation, as I did not feel safe, and I was confident that I was going to be unable to save any lives in this situation. cuban missile crisis made it clear that I was not allowed to leave the area, and I was to revive S3ph.

I made it painfully clear that I had attempted to revive him, however he is physically resisting me and refusing treatment. cuban missile crisis just kept saying revive him or die. He began to roleplay trying to restrain him, but I still did not revive S3ph, saying that he was still wiggling out of my treatments.

Another masked rebel came up to me and said "Medic, you have a gun to your head, you're gonna get these freaks up, do you understand me?"

At this point I was clueless about what to do. So I just roleplayed out the idea that I was unable to perform any treatments at all due to the severe stress of the situation. Once I said this, the person who said the above quote claimed I was using the fact that I was unable to be harmed as a medic to my advantage. This is untrue.

One of the other wounded men was shortly executed after, and after I tried to re-iterate that I was unable to perform any medical treatment on S3ph, I was shot dead by cuban missile crisis.
S3ph shortly bled out.

I joined a different TeamSpeak channel right after this situation to explain what had happened.

After I respawned in Kavala, I joined 223 liason and talked out the situation with maxim (cuban missile crisis), we had explained each others viewpoints and reached some sort of a conclusion regarding this situation. I still wish to go forth with this report however, as I feel a member of this community who has been around this long should've handled this situation much better.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Before proceeding with any questions, I'll give @Maxima chance to give his view of things. Also for the record, could you state who else was with you Maxim and if they have anything relevant to add, please invite them to do so.

Not entirely sure why you've chosen to report me, after our liaison which to me ended in a good conclusion, we talked extensively about the situation with both NHS command and with Staff. And had a very calm chat where we both agreed that the situation was shit and I shouldn't really have shot you, but I explained why I shot you and the reasoning behind my thinking at the time, which you seemed to accept, so I'm not entirely sure after explicitly saying you wouldnt report me, you have chosen to do so? I offered to compensate you in anyway you felt you deserved and agreed that with your perspective I probably shouldn't have shot you.

But oh well let's do this i guess. So me and my gang were in a gunfight with Poseidon at rebel, we knew there 3 downed poseidon getting revived up the road so me chris and foxyy decide to go kidnap them when they get revived by the medic, we land and I tell the medic that the 3 downed Poseidon are now under the protection of the 223's gang, because we were gonna kidnap them.

This is where the issues begin, as far as I'm concerned if 3 rebels are pointing guns at you telling you to revive someone, you fucking do it, it's valuing your life and keeping in realistic roleplay, as soon as we land the Poseidon member in the wetsuit (I believe it's Seph) instantly tells the medic not to revive him and let him die, while laughing about it, he also does not roleplay being injured at all. This is pretty much the same for the other 2, this is obviously being done simply because he doesn't want to get taken by us and because he knows he can just respawn and gear up again, this is just straight up metagaming/Fail RP, he was absolutely fine for the medic to revive him until we turned up, I'm sure he'll come up with some bullshit about dying for the cause, like they always do.

Now since seph told Bonzi he didn't want to be revived, since the NHS passed a new rule on sunday saying anyone refusing treatment isn't to be treated at all, Bonzi then did not treat him, but roleplayed it as if he was resisting the treatment being given. Me and my gang members saw this and instantly realise that the medic is refusing to treat him and trying to hide it behind roleplay so that he dies, and we can't kidnap him, which is metagaming/fail RP and so I threaten the medic yet again.

Unfortunately we as a gang don't know about this new medic rule and so we didn't realise that he wasn't allowed to revive him in compliance with the NHS rules. This led to us assuming he was powergaming etc to stop us from taking the guys hostage, when he was only following NHS rules. Again, this was all discussed between Bonzi and myself in liaison.

There have been numerous reports in which a rebel kills the medic but did so with good RP reason, when the medic was very clearly powergaming to save their friend/patient, now this wasn't technically the case for this, however without knowing the medic rules etc there was every reason to believe that this medic was doing exactly that, and powergaming knowing that we aren't allowed to shoot him to try and save his friend from being kidnapped. This is the reason I shot him, it was within RP, there was good enough reason to shoot him (in RP) and since he was power gaming and that kind of situation had happened before and the killing of the medic was deemed ok within RP by staff leads, I know these cases are rare and extreme examples however this is exactly like if not very similar to said cases.

Involved in the liason were myself Boab, Keirt, Phoenix, and obviously Bonzi, at the situation were the majority of 223's gang. So I'll invite them to comment, I'll try and get a video from my POV up tonight.

Not entirely sure why you've chosen to report me, after our liaison which to me ended in a good conclusion, we talked extensively about the situation with both NHS command and with Staff.
As I said when you asked me this on TS, I went through a clip a few more times, spoke to some people and I changed my mind. Apologizes.

 I offered to compensate you in anyway you felt you deserved and agreed that with your perspective I probably shouldn't have shot you
You shouldn't shoot medics. Period.

This is where the issues begin, as far as I'm concerned if 3 rebels are pointing guns at you telling you to revive someone, you fucking do it, it's valuing your life and keeping in realistic roleplay
I agree with you, it's why I did not run off the second you guys landed. However as you and myself are now aware, we as medics have that ability to leave if we are threatened. 

There have been numerous reports in which a rebel kills the medic but did so with good RP reason
I seriously doubt this. Even if this was true, the situation that occurred last night was far from good roleplay on your end. From the second you landed you made your intentions painfully clear, leaving very little room for myself as a medic to roleplay around your demands, and for the guys on the floor to roleplay.

In the video, 4:55 onwards, you and various members of your group exhibited exceptionally poor roleplay in my opinion. Apart from your futile attempts to restrain S3ph in such a way that he wouldn't resist treatment, all you basically said to me was 'Revive him or die'. To me, I see no difference between you saying that, and someone saying  "Put your hands up or you die" during a robbery. I'd expect that from a new person to roleplay, but not from you or anyone else within 223.

Pair that with the fact at 5:25, you told me if I tried to leave, you'd shoot me, you put me into a situation where no matter what I did I'd be messing up somewhere, and given that you felt it was fine to shoot me for not reviving S3ph, I'd imagine you'd have no problem shooting me if I tried to leave.

That's why I've submitted this report, because I do not want a situation like this to occur in the future for any other medic within the NHS. We exist on the server purely to help and assist other islanders, and being caught up in pitiful attempts to kidnap downed Poseidon members (very honourable by the way!) just hinders our job. Ideally, I'd have just left the second I felt like nothing productive was going to get done, but you made that option impossible. As such instead of spending my night having a chill patrol and enjoying myself, I had to spend it dealing with this situation.

Even if you think I am power gaming in such a scenario, you don't break a rule (1.12) in response just because you think someone else is breaking a rule!

I find it ironic that you and various members of your group accused me of power gaming during the situation, but thought it was okay to make countless demands of the unarmed medic so the situation turns out in their favour, because they can't exactly say no to the armed men with guns can they?

Think on.

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Apologies I got new router on the 16th and I've had some trouble with it, my perspective will be up today.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Interesting report this, lets get into it, so there's this rule regarding NHS on the server, please note how it doesn't say you can shoot them if they don't comply with your demands:

(1.12) NHS Medics -The NHS are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 130 slot server. It is a bannable offence to kill a medic, take their vehicle, take them hostage or rob them. In the Redzone medics may be killed however all other rules regarding medics apply.

Now Bonzi responds to the situation in order to revive 3 downed people, during that you Maxim and the other person run up to him and do your thing thretening the medic etc. Now NHS has internal rules regarding this exact kind of situations which Bonzi touched down upon here:

This scenario was briefly talked about in the most recent NHS meeting, where if a patient refuses treatment, we cannot revive them against their will, even if we are being threatened. This was in my head during the situation. cuban missile crisis said that no one cares if S3ph does not want to be revived, and that I and the other patients would be shot if I did not revive S3ph.

Now that an overt threat on my life had been made, I was roleplaying out being scared for my own safety and the safety of the patients. I was unaware at the time that as a medic, I am just allowed to leave the situation once I feel threatened. I felt at the time, that if I were to just leave, that would be me abusing my power that I cannot be harmed as an active medic. As such I attempted to carry out some roleplay under this situation.

I knew that I could not revive S3ph against his wishes. So I roleplayed out me attempting to revive him, but S3ph is resisting my treatment (pushing out the needles & IV drip, etc.). This was the ideal situation in my head, as I was obeying the idea that someone who does not wish to be revived wont be, but I'm also complying with the rebels demands as I value my life.
Now Medics are also taught that they should leave the scene if threats are made towards them and the area is generally not safe, but he didn't do that, he instead decided to RP it out the best he could within the limitations of the Server rules and NHS internal ones, I think given the circumstance and the stressfull situation at hand he handled himself pretty well.

Now for the rule A1.12 arguments could be made that medics sometimes abuse the fact they're invicible and just dont give a fuck when thretened and just leave abusing the knowledge they're invincible, well in that case you are free to report them, but that's not what happend here, Bonzi has RP'ed out the situation and stayed at scene despite not having to do that. As for you Maxim you definetly should not have shot him, you are free to threaten them with all you like really and they have to act accordingly (not acting like they're untouchable), which again he did by RPing scared etc. but you can never act on said threats otherwise you will be in breach of the rule and judging by the video you yourself and a lot of people in that gang think they can shoot medics if and when they dont comply, which is simply not true. You would have probably ended up with the hostages if you acted differently as your actions limited medics possible routes, also I guess you could say sometimes you just have to accept the loss and situation not going your way.


Maxim you will be recieving a 1 day ban for A1.12, shooting and killing medics is not allowed, please keep that in mind for the future and educate your gang mates on this matter too.

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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