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Report a player - Bunch of Cutlass and Mirror Park Motors - GTA RP

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I do not have any recordings from the liason.
Main thing I was looking for is if you have any video from in game during this time. I've yet to review the other footage being supplied and would like to get the full picture.

If not mind explaining your role in this report for me please?
Main thing I was looking for is if you have any video from in game during this time. I've yet to review the other footage being supplied and would like to get the full picture.

If not mind explaining your role in this report for me please?
Yeah no worries mate, will reply when I’m home from work.
This has already been provided I will attach it again however I do not appreciate you replying to my post with, thank you this helps me and shows you did not meta game or something along those lines and then of which edit your comment.
Hello, yes at first nothing seemed strange but then I realised you only showed 30 seconds before finding us “randomly” why did you edit the clip I don’t understand, so out of all your people no one has a clip from when fifty got taken?

When looking back I realised that your clip doesn’t help me at all, if anything it makes me question more.
Bobby and Pete had gained intel that Steve was looking for Bobby to try and grab him, as a result to this they called me and asked if i was free to help them catch Steve before they got bobby. During this time of getting ready Fifty had been grabbed by Steve and said legion as his last com on the radio. Me and Bobby look around legion for Fifty and are met with nothing so went on the hunt g-checking cars and trying to find him. We believed they were in a blacked out local feltzer. which led me to check a few blacked out individuals across from pillbox. After finding out this was not Steve, we left them and carried on looking checking blacked out cars. I then pulled up to the tavern to meet up with Pete before carrying on with the hunt. I drove towards Marabunta turf as this was not a place i had checked yet. Approaching the turf i see a blacked out car going over a hill towards the dodgy location (I knew this was the location of the dodgy as we had found it earlier ready for our fight with grove). I then pulled up to the back side of the dodgy and saw a few blacked out individuals with someone incapacitated and in zipties. I then called this out on radio and asked what clothing Fifty was wearing, then i was informed and confirmed it was him. Me and Bobby then took necessary actions to try and recover our friend that had been shot and kidnapped.

My POV -
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its all well and good showing clips after you "found" out i was going after bobby but yet no one has a clip of them ACTUALLY finding out about me going after Bobby, seems strange, does no one have a clip of fifty saying over radio "legion" as his last com on radio because everyone else is saying he said PDM yet in my clip he doesn't say a word.

It's odd you say his last come was "legion" yet everyone else says it was "PDM", again a clip would be mighty helpful.

You say I don't comm but I say PDM so I'm not to sure if you have made up your mind if I did or not but a shot was let off and Barry heard it and then they saw the car
Now Fifty is saying Barry heard a shot.

You have said 3 different things from when Fifty was grabbed and how you found out, first was a "PDM" callout on radio, second was a "Legion" callout and now apparently you heard a shot and therefore saw the car. Which one is it, again a CLIP would clear it all up!
There are now over twenty replies to this report.

When a staff member reviews this, they will have to review the initial evidence and comb through the replies as well.

To limit the work for them (and prevent further unneeded posts), I'll be locking this thread until this report is reviewed.

If staff need to ask further questions, the thread will be unlocked to allow only the person who is being asked a question to reply.

If you feel as if another reply is needed - open a discord ticket please.
@SteveStacy Thank you for this report.

With all due respect to all players we do not have time to be reading a novel before dealing with reports, we deal with this in our free time.

To keep things simple @SteveStacy can you summarise WHO you are reporting, for WHICH RULE and the evidence provided.

Once this is done can @Barry C and @qaws provide a summary of your evidence and your DEFENCE as if it was.

PLEASE! KEEP IT SIMPLE! and in that order, take your time replying you will only get one response.

I don't have time to be reading a Harry Potter book to get to the bottom of all of this, once this is done, this will be reviewed and a decision made.

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Hello @PapaSmurphy , I too agree this report has spiraled out of control for that I can only apologies.

I will now go through a specify whom I'm reporting and the evidence I have:


I believe the player known as "Fifty" broke this rule for the following reasons; when having 2 guns pointed at him (as seen in the evidence) he decides to go on his radio to com out where he is, this to me is a clear lack of valuing his life, you could say he "takes a chance" but to me this is not the case, had he tried to shoot, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt as he would have actually posed a threat to us possibly taking us both down, however he just says a location on radio which to me is.. silly. He nearly caught a bullet for it and was lucky he didn't, therefore I believe he did not value his life.

I would also like to add to the above if ANYONE from their side could provide Fifty actually saying anything over the radio, in my clip he doesn't say a word, but in QE he told me he said "PDM", yet Barry seems to think he said "Legion" as his last word then Fifty seems to also think Barry heard his shot, which he did not say in his response, so I am really just confused. This exact scenario is what caused all of this to begin with so a clip would be great!


I believe Fifty has also broken the power gaming rule, after we had him at gun point and managed to get him in zipties, he passed out from hunger, to which he from that point stays silent. We ask in LOOC what he's doing and if he can actually RP with us, to which and I will link screenshots , he replied with " Lad i've died what you want me to do speak like im all ok hahahah" now to me that is simply a cop out to not RP BUT if he was going down this avenue in makes no sense for him to later remember everything said in the car journey, if he had "died" like he said in looc, i don't understand how he was even picked up at dodgy and how he remembered everything.


I think Bobby and Barry both broke the RDM rule as they gave no RP before shooting at the Dodgy Doctor.


I believe, I will attach a clip of all ID's as I do not know who it was or their names, have broken the teaming rule, as it clearly states an Alliance can ONLY have up to 6 members however that had more. Members of Cutlass also came down after to give items to this group, to me that is a quite clear breach of the teaming rule as they are assisting this new alliance.

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All involved, I believe this whole sit started due to the other party using OOC info/Discord to find out Frank and I were even going after them, We had taken a Mirror Park worker up to a hill for a chat, to which he ended up being shot and left for dead, during this interaction i spoke on how I will be moving onto other workers and even cutlass. Very soon after this interaction, we then grabbed FIfty down near the mechanics Impound, to which he "allegedly" com-ed out where he was, somehow cutlass and mirror park had managed to find out Frank and I were going after them, to which I have no idea how. Cutlass and Mirror Park managed to understand from Fifty "allegedly" radioing "PDM" that myself and Frank had kidnapped fifty and somehow he went down causing us to go to a dodgy doctor, Cutlass somehow knew the EXACT timing on us arriving at the dodgy for them to turn up and shoot. We had driven around for a while at this point, it makes 0 sense for them to turn up to DODGY at the exact time. Barry has shown 30 seconds before they "found" us at dodgy but that it no way a long enough clip to clear it, I don't understand why he would need to edit and cut the clip unless... I also find it dodgy how somehow Barry got involved, seems to me the member of Mirror Park we had taken and killed recorded this and sent it into a discord chat allowing cutlass to watch it and then want to get involved inside RP.

If You need any other clips of certain points let me know and I will do my best to get them. Cheers
Regarding teaming, there was no breaking of said rules. We had a group of 3 initially (Me, Bobby and Barry) and Fifty got grabbed so we will include him in that. Then, Brinks from Cutlass came to help. While we had Steve down in the car, I asked another person (Autumn) to get me some bandages and a knife. The bandages were to patch up Steve, the knife to get Fifty out of zipties. She brought me these. Autumn pulled up with some other people because of ongoing RP they had with Police and G6 (prison break etc) but they had nothing to do with this situation. After Autumn gave me the stuff I needed everyone left. They did not even actively take part in the situation but if you want to nitpick we still made sure there were only 6 people.

As for the metagaming, the situation wasn't metagamed. As you can hear from the QE recording you were inquiring about certain members of our group at the dealership. This is when we thought it was you since we knew you would retaliate. You got called out with car make/model, clothing etc. After a chat I had with cutlass and the lost about this I left the tavern and shortly after we got the information that someone was going to the dodgy near marabunta. We already knew dodgy was there. From there it was a simple check if it was you guys. The video proof is available to staff but I won't post it here due to sensitive information. I would like to request you to prove there was any form of metagaming or OOC information involved.

Lastly I don't understand how it's dodgy that cutlass got involved. I am good friends with cutlass on Pete. There's nothing more to it.
The video proof is available to staff but I won't post it here due to sensitive information.

As per staff request I shall not post more and suggest you do the same.
I think Bobby and Barry both broke the RDM rule as they gave no RP before shooting at the Dodgy Doctor.

I had seen someone incapacitated and in zipties at the dodgy when i went to look and see who was there, after following a blacked out car to the dodgy. (Shown in the clip). I then confirmed this as Fifty due to his clothing. Me and Bobby then took necessary actions to try and recover our friend that had been shot and kidnapped.

I also find it dodgy how somehow Barry got involved, seems to me the member of Mirror Park we had taken and killed recorded this and sent it into a discord chat allowing cutlass to watch it and then want to get involved inside RP.

Bobby had informed me that Steve and some others were out looking for him and trying to kill him and asked for my help. We were actively looking for Steve and his crew for a while and in the clip you can hear me slowly giving up hope of finding them, when i see the car go over the hill. My character Barry has been very close with Pete and Bobby from when he first came about in the city and had made strong connections with them so it makes sense for them to ask me for help capturing Steve before they could get to Bobby.

Barry has shown 30 seconds before they "found" us at dodgy but that it no way a long enough clip to clear it, I don't understand why he would need to edit and cut the clip

The clip is not edited or cut, I only clip 5 minutes as it takes too much space up on my computer.

Something you fail to mention is the reasoning on why you never provided any quality RP during this whole situation. You never roleplayed your injuries, shown by your own clips and you brought up situations from alliance, when you had been killed off from the gang. When questioned about this in OOC chat, your response was 'come off it' shown by this screenshot -


I do not believe you have provided high quality roleplay in this situation.

My clip -
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Something you fail to mention is the reasoning on why you never provided any quality RP during this whole situation. You never roleplayed your injuries, shown by your own clips and you brought up situations from alliance, when you had been killed off from the gang. When questioned about this in OOC chat, your response was 'come off it' shown by this screenshot -
this is exactly why reports against cutlass are a headache, WE HAVE ALREADY GONE OVER THIS! stop steering the report off course.
Right, @SteveStacy i really feel like here you are just throwing shit out to see what sticks then when people counter you. All you say is "show clip". Ill say it again, a report is for you to plead your case. How they defend it is completely up to them.

Now, the point of a liason is to speak it out OOC and resolve things. This liason seemed to go that way. So i am confused as to why this report has still made it here, then following that the fact this has gone over 2 pages and had to be locked is also ridiculous. You seem to think that if you show up as someone who is downed then start insolting a whole group that they wouldnt bite?

Your roleplay seemed to not care what was going on at the time, your OOC liason seemed to resolve it and this report has been a OOC shit show which has taken ages for multiple staff to have to go through and try work out.

There will be no action taken.
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