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Report a Player - Bryan Lopes - RDM<br>Glitcher

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Supporter of Marmite Rights!
Legendary Donator

Your In-game name

SGT Madmatt

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

Bryan Lopes

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

So, after arresting 2 people at the weed field I took them to HMP. Upon arriving, I had a little chat in direct asking them to come to TS to discuss the RP during the car ride. (Most I got out of them was suck my dick). After he said his innocence I said I was going to processed with other options. After I jumped out Bryan got in the drivers seat then I pulled them out. He took his gun and shot me. Afterwards I asked him to come to TS which he did, but I was busy with other operation and he left before I was finished.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


i never glitched i was unrestrained already inside the car that is why i was waiting to you to leave the driver place so i could drive away with your car, so stop lying saying that i was restrained... RDM? my friend is arrested you were trying to shoot me, so how is that RDM?

But thanks for calling me to the Teamspeak and then ignore me, and thanks for threat to report me in-game, but with other words...

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i never glitched i was unrestrained already inside the car that is why i was waiting to you to leave the driver place so i could drive away with your car, so stop lying saying that i was restrained
I have video proof that I placed you into the car with restraints on. There is a script in place that after a while restraints fall off, this is to save you if a police officer leaves you in a field, if this happens you should place your hands on your head. 

But thanks for calling me to the Teamspeak and then ignore me, and thanks for threat to report me in-game, but with other words...
As I said I was in a other incident and I was busy and couldn't respond before you quit TS. As for the threat of reporting that isn't true, I said I would try other options, doesn't mean that I would take it to the forums and report.

If you want to discuss this again on TS I'm happy to do with, but with a member of the support team present. 

I have video proof that I placed you into the car with restraints on. There is a script in place that after a while restraints fall off, this is to save you if a police officer leaves you in a field, if this happens you should place your hands on your head. 

The script gives a message that you have been unrestrained for a long time ... etc... that was not my case, im my screen i was unrestrained with no message from the server, so officially i did not break any server rule.

And i will not speak to you since you ignored me the first time i tried.

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@Madmatt150Please can you upload the part where you put him in the car with handcuffs?
1º The server did not give me any information, i was unrestrained and able to do all the actions, and for the record my friend was arrested at the same time of me why he was arrested and i wasn´t? 

2º i Don´t see the logic why is a staff team from the police force processing this, when is a member of the police force reporting me, i ask for another person to view this pls.

3º someone could quote me the rule saying that if i´m inside a police car unrestrained with no message from thr server, i can´t get out and shoot the police officer if he is trying to restrain me and my friend?

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I don't care who the person is that's reporting you, it has nothing to do with it. If you knew you were restrained and put in the vehicle, how would you expect to get unrestrained without them doing it? This is why I've asked him for more evidence to prove that at no point the cuffs were taken off.

They don't just fall off... I'm sure you know this but it seems like you're trying to find holes to get this report thrown out.

I don't care who the person is that's reporting you, it has nothing to do with it. If you knew you were restrained and put in the vehicle, how would you expect to get unrestrained without them doing it? This is why I've asked him for more evidence to prove that at no point the cuffs were taken off.

They don't just fall off... I'm sure you know this but it seems like you're trying to find holes to get this report thrown out.
I don´t know what happen, i was unrestrained without any warning from the server, my actions were only based on that, if i did something against the rules quote me that rule and i will take my responsibility for that. 

Your restraints don't just fall "off" in real life do they? And just because they did in-game and you did not get a message doesn't mean you can use that to your advantage, Its poor.

You state that.

so officially i did not break any server rule.
Not all rules can be written otherwise Management and the team would not be able to leave their house and see sunlight. To me this classes as exploiting.

Madmatt also requested to speak to you on TS and you said

And i will not speak to you since you ignored me the first time i tried.
That Is not the attitude to have when speaking to a player who is trying to resolve it with you than trying to just get you banned.

Last but not least.

Don´t see the logic why is a staff team from the police force processing this, when is a member of the police force reporting me, i ask for another person to view this pls.
You don't see why a "Staff" member from the police is looking at the report? Like all of us we have been placed in a trusted postion. Remix has banned police before and I am sure he would again so no need to be so rude.

I have known you a very longtime and I did not expect this from you. A ban will be issued under exploiting.

This could of been dealt without a ban taking place however you made that call.

Action Taken 13/03/16

Name:Bryan Lopes

Steam ID:76561198031383742


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