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Report a Player - brian (2), Andreas - RDM<br>Other

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Los Santos Police Senior
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United Kingdom

Your In-game name

PC Stuart

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

brian (2),  Andreas

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

To start off i saw 2 Brian's within 2 minutes from each other as per the video, one geared the other naked. The Brian with the steam id '76561198009657276' isn't the one involved in this situation, as they were both on at the same time. As you can see in the video Curtis Prior told James and Myself that he was being held up within the greenzone. He told us where he was. James and myself both went to the location. I let Curtis know to tell the guy to surrender or he would be tazed, however the guy shot 'Brian' and killed James outside the mayors building in kavala. I managed to restrain brian whilst i was looking for the second guy who held Curtis up. I managed to rubber bullet 'Pepito' and the restraints were not working (his character was bugged). I told him many times he was restrained and then he ran off within the building and again tried to kill myself so i rubber bulleted him and told him quiet a few times that he was restrained and to put his hands on his head. 'Pepito' then went quiet and i got killed by 'Andreas' within the greenzone.

I tried to contact all 3 of the people for them to come onto Teamspeak and they waited then left the server. 2 of the people RDMed and 1 exploited here.

Timestamps -
0:58 when brian killed James, 4:23 i get RDMed.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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I didn't fire a single shot, yet was shot myself. PC Stuart repeatedly tells me im being arrested for attempted murder and 'no more shooting' which is just plain incorrect as I had done nothing wrong prior to this. Andreas did not commit RDM as we were being attacked by the Police, and he came to assist me. 

Brian was in RP and only shot in self defence 

'note' - I also did not ''go quiet'' I asked why I was being arrested and that I would comply as soon as the reason was stated why.

We saw no attempt to contact any of us, and I was then kicked from the server.

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brian only shot at an officer because he was being shot at and did not want to die, he was role playing a hostage situation and returned fire at the police how is this rdm?

I didn't fire a single shot, yet was shot myself. PC Stuart repeatedly tells me im being arrested for attempted murder and 'no more shooting' which is just plain incorrect as I had done nothing wrong prior to this. Andreas did not commit RDM as we were being attacked by the Police, and he came to assist me. 

Brian was in RP and only shot in self defence 

'note' - I also did not ''go quiet'' I asked why I was being arrested and that I would comply as soon as the reason was stated why.

We saw no attempt to contact any of us, and I was then kicked from the server.

brian only shot at an officer because he was being shot at and did not want to die, he was role playing a hostage situation and returned fire at the police how is this rdm?
All of this was done in a green zone :|...

  • you robbed me in a green zone 
  • two of you RDM in a green zone 
  • the other one continued to shott etc when he was told he was in cuffs 
  • roleplay was bad and rushed "failrp" 
none can be denied by you guys as it fully shows in the green zone and the video clearly shows everything that happened

also are you guys trying to tell me you had all been kicked off yeah aha?

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brian only shot at an officer because he was being shot at and did not want to die, he was role playing a hostage situation and returned fire at the police how is this rdm?
He was being shott at with rubbers because an officer was down and he had a gun in one a green zone and two in an active gun fight thurthermore you should not be shotting in a green zone anyway and no hostage situation in a green zone. 

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I didn't fire a single shot, yet was shot myself. PC Stuart repeatedly tells me im being arrested for attempted murder and 'no more shooting' which is just plain incorrect as I had done nothing wrong prior to this. Andreas did not commit RDM as we were being attacked by the Police, and he came to assist me. 

Brian was in RP and only shot in self defence 

'note' - I also did not ''go quiet'' I asked why I was being arrested and that I would comply as soon as the reason was stated why.

We saw no attempt to contact any of us, and I was then kicked from the server.
You threatened my life at 1:20 saying for me to get my hands up therefore you was rubber bulleted. You was involved with robbing Curtis prior, I informed you that you was restrained as your character was bugged and you, then ran off when it was just Curtis watching you and you show up aiming a gun at me yet again at 2:40. You was restrained before so you shouldn't of run off.

When an officer can't handcuff you and we tell you that you are restrained you should put your hands on your head. Even when we was in the room that i had to rubber bullet you, you still refuse to put your hands up as you should of done to begin with. As you can see in the video i told Brian he was arrested for murder of a police officer as he killed James within the greenzone.

Andres &amp; Brian broke this rule [SIZE=medium](6.1) You are unable to kill anyone in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban). [/SIZE]

This rule plays a factor in this situation also - [SIZE=medium](6.2) Lethal weapons must be holstered inside both green and blue zones at all times.[/SIZE]

James was killed by brian, i was killed by Andres and yourself used the fact that i couldn't restrain you to try and run away even after i told you quiet a few times.

I tried to contact all three of you however by the time i respawned the only one on the game was Andreas and he got off just after i messaged him to come to teamspeak. 

brian only shot at an officer because he was being shot at and did not want to die, he was role playing a hostage situation and returned fire at the police how is this rdm?
Not to sure who you are from the situation sorry. It was within the greenzone, shooting anyone in a greenzone is a bannable offence as per the rules, The only bullets police can use in the greenzone is a tazer or rubber bullets within the greenzones as we are not exempt from the rule. As you can see the people i shot were just knocked down from a distance that's how i got 2 of the people involved knocked down as per my video.

[SIZE=medium](6.1) You are unable to kill anyone in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

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I agree we are at fault for engaging in combat in the Green Zone (I again didnt rob or fire any bullets personally) and we do apologise for our mistake. Curtis originally approached us with his gun out hence why we made the mistake of drawing our own weapons. Also if we are being sticklers for the rules ... Curtis broke NLR coming back to tell you exactly where I was. 

I dont think this should result in a ban as my friends and I do really enjoy playing on the server and realise we made a mistake.

We wont let it happen again,

If you'd like to discuss this further on TS, please PM me 

I agree we are at fault for engaging in combat in the Green Zone (I again didnt rob or fire any bullets personally) and we do apologise for our mistake. Curtis originally approached us with his gun out hence why we made the mistake of drawing our own weapons. Also if we are being sticklers for the rules ... Curtis broke NLR coming back to tell you exactly where I was. 

I dont think this should result in a ban as my friends and I do really enjoy playing on the server and realise we made a mistake.

We wont let it happen again,

If you'd like to discuss this further on TS, please PM me 

I heard you come to teamspeak to talk to me at 2am my time this morning, i was in bed. Send me a message when you are on teamspeak and i will be more than happy to talk to yourself about the situation.  Also Curtis was never killed within the situation only robbed.

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I heard you come to teamspeak to talk to me at 2am my time this morning, i was in bed. Send me a message when you are on teamspeak and i will be more than happy to talk to yourself about the situation.  Also Curtis was never killed within the situation only robbed.
Ill be on TS in about 15 mins

I have removed 'Pepito' from this report as i have resolved the situation with him however i will be keeping the report up for Brian &amp;  'Andreas' for staff to review.

Approved - Action taken 



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