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Report a Player - Bobflob500 - RDM

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Ben Dover

Well-known member

Your In-game name

Ben Dover

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)

19:00 gmt

What best describes this incident ?

Combatlog (and RDM)

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Follow up to situation:
I got robbed by a guy and did follow his commands. Then my team approches and tell him to drop his weapon and he don't, so then he got shot and killed.

The guy robbing me lays dead on the ground and his weapon drops on the ground. I then pick it up. Then some random guy that was not a part of anything (I think) kills me from distance after I pick up the weapon. My team then proceeds to take him down as well, and then he combat-logs.

Possible RDM.
100% combatlog

Will request compensation if admins mean this is RDM. (since I am unsure if he had any part in the RP going on with the robbery, which I don't think he did).
If he was apart of it then he should be punished for the combatlog but no compensation is gonna be requested.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Dude it was not RDM one of your mates killed lord joe (my mate) and you started to pick up the stuff and about to run so i killed you.

Sure, then I wont ask for compensation. I wasnt aware that he was your mate.

But you combatlogged so report stays.

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My computer is not the best and when there is a lot of people around my fps goes to crap and when he killed me whoever it was my arma 3  it just closed and i was so mad because i knew it would look suspicious and if there is anything i can do such as a refund or comp i will be happy to pay. Ill have been playing this server a while and i have never broke any rules and if i am to get banned over this i would be gutted and again i am very sorry.

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Heard it all before dude. And I don't believe one bit of it.

Anyways, it is up to the admins to decide.

Well i tell only the truth and yh it is up to admins to decide.

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If i get banned i will commit suicide and the guilt will be on you how will u feel u dirty pigs! i am holding the knife

Since logged off and then after that I was occupied with playing. Didnt see his name on TS.

What is there to resolve by the way? I think the rule-break should be judged by what it is and I aint gonna take no bribes or "compensation" to call off a report of a serious offence.

Since logged off and then after that I was occupied with playing. Didnt see his name on TS.

What is there to resolve by the way? I think the rule-break should be judged by what it is and I aint gonna take no bribes or "compensation" to call off a report of a serious offence.
If they can compensate or if you can talk it out that is preferred. Always try to resolve it before taking it to the forums.

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