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Report a Player - biggyD - RDM

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Active member

Your In-game name

Jango Fett

Name of the player(s) you are reporting


Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?


Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

I was arresting his friend for a bounty i have been chasing him for almost a day now, i found him in kavala and was arresting him because i knew his identity (rule 5 A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, example: You are still apart of the rebels or cops and you still knows all your friends.

Your character forgets the events and information leading up to their death. The only exception to this is your wanted level.

Wanted/Bounty prices are persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases and without this we wouldn’t have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person with them being on the run for weeks/days.)

i legally arrested him which is not initiation and his friend shoots me without RP thus RDMing me

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


sir u are lying, im  DUTCHSLAMMERS and u just spoke with me for a second and i was walking upstairs to take my stuff and u knock me down and restrain me for no reason u didnt event try to talk or whatever youre not a cop u are more a rebel who tries to be a bounty hunter thats not how it goes there are rules if u want to be a bounty hunter read them and try not to be that vialont in the green zone i didnt even know i had a bounty and u smack me with a pistol in the face then my gang mate will take u out yes.

and swearing in the server with a lot of kinds is also not a very nice, "every fucking body out of the building" ..... 

"u didnt event try to talk or whatever" mate the video is self explanatory, i told you to put your hands up and did everything necessary you refused to surrender so i legally arrested you, and your friend rdm'ed me 

you didnt put your hands up so i had 2 choices taze or slap to get you in cuffs, i took the lighter way, do you get it now mate?

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