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Report a player - Ballas Member - GTA RP

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: James Burns
Reported Players: Ballas Member
Date: Jun 10, 2024
Time: 22:00
What best describes this incident: Ballas Glitch Roll
Please (in detail) describe the incident: We were pushing ballas as they had one of members and we had a rough idea where they were taking him as a dodgy was nearby and when we showed up we started shooting as there was pervious shots fired at us beforehand, during this shootout one of the ballas members glitch rolled while shooting at me which is clearly seen in the clip below.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/i2IVX0mqak77AAgkC/d13379JhflQ4?invite=cr-MSxEazAsMTgzMzgyMTE0LA
Hi James Burn,

Firstly id like to say it saddens me that you have come to the forums before even attempting to try to QE and speak to me. This could have been spoken about and resolved.

Below, I'm going to add a clip of my POV where i clearly roll to the right, with no attempt to 'glitch roll'.

Hi martt thanks for the reply.

you say you rolled to the right however as you can see you don't roll to the right, therefore making it more believable that its a glitch roll
Hi James Burns,

Im not going back and forth as we clearly have our own opinions.

I wont reply to this anymore unless im asked to by staff.
Hi @bwateu - James Burns , thanks for taking the time to make this report, and thank you @Martt for replying.

Based off this clip (and your provided clip, thank you @Martt ) this doesn't look like a glitch roll to me. Odds are the disparity in movement and odd animation is just desync, I imagine the game is struggling to calculate where to roll with so many obstacles around them. Also no proof of who this player is either, in future please try to confirm/get evidence of who you're reporting please.

Report Declined.