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Report a player - Andre - Altis Life

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Well-known member
Romania, Bucharest 🇷🇴
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Lee Nover

Name of the player(s) you are reporting: Andre

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 05/08/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1030

What best describes this incident ?: RDM and Poor RP - (1.2) & (6.1.3)

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We were going for the bullion ship, when we arrived at the pier near Pyrgos, one of our group members got killed (can't say anymore then that, cause I couldn't hear the whole thing), we counter-initiated with friends and allies, we got in a gunfight which we lost (but I managed to kill 3 of them, including Andre). I then spawned along with my friend (Phil McCrackin) in Rebel FOB, we geared up, we spoke to ScienceFreak about the guns available there and we were about to leave. At which point another friend joined (jacsan2003) and I took of with him in a heli. Tom asked us to come back to pick him up (cause we forgot about him, he didn't have a GPS) and we did , there the video starts. We didn't hear anything (considering the fact that we had ear plugs in as well so heli noise is not the factor), when we tried to take off to head to Rebel Outpost we got shot down. aka They shot me the pilot that didn't get initiated on and didn't know anything about what was going down there. There was no initiation on the vehicle nor on myself/friends and allies. We tried to settle this on TS but with no success in any way. We believe that he spawned there with the purpose of getting revenge for the past life encounter/situation.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello and thank you for taking the time to report me.

Me and my friend lax spawned at the Rebel FOB to re-gear after you managed to kill two of us at Pyrgos. Coincidentally, your friend "Tom" was there. We chose to speak to him which then lead to our initiation that you clearly failed to hear because of your earplugs and that your friend clearly failed to relay as his only priority was to get in the hummingbird and fly off.

Tom was warned many times about what would happen if he got in that chopper, and that if he was to get into it, him and the chopper would be fired upon endangering anyone inside of it. He was given PLENTY of time to fully comprehend what the initiation was about and too many chances to comply. At this point its safe to say that its an internal problem of your group or your communication.  

We tried to settle this on TS but with no success in any way
You never tried to settle this, never asked for any form of compensation nor any alternative solution. You simply accused me of fail-rp and thought that's how you "settle" things in TeamSpeak.

We believe that he spawned there with the purpose of getting revenge for the past life encounter/situation.
Unfortunately, we do not go around looking for you, for all I know my group doesn't even acknowledge your presence in-game nor recognize your name. As you mentioned before, you managed to kill me and my friend, so naturally we spawned at the Rebel FOB to re-gear. 

With all of that being said, I truly hope I gave you our point of view and what truly happened within that situation/initiation since your friend was uncapable of doing so. You also do not provide any evidence that shows the initiation before you land, nor Tom's POV.  Next time please have your earplugs to 100%, your communication between your group fixed, and an open mind to resolve any type of problem that occurs in game before you take it to the forums. Have an amazing day.

You never tried to settle this, never asked for any form of compensation nor any alternative solution. You simply accused me of fail-rp and thought that's how you "settle" things in TeamSpeak.
You denied anything that happened. SO no point to ask about compensation or anything like that.

... to re-gear after you managed to kill two of us at Pyrgos.
I may have misremembered the number indeed.

Tom was warned many times about what would happen if he got in that chopper, and that if he was to get into it, him and the chopper would be fired upon endangering anyone inside of it. He was given PLENTY of time to fully comprehend what the initiation was about and too many chances to comply. At this point its safe to say that its an internal problem of your group or your communication.  
 So by this you are telling me that, for example you initiate "If you get in that car I will shoot you, and this may result in the harming of it's occupants!" on a hobo that runs around and suddenly jumps inside a random car, are you entitled in killing the driver? How did you know that we were in the same group? You aimed for me the pilot, that was not involved in any way in that scenario.

I'm terribly sorry to inform you that in this particular situation, there was no random hobo nor a random driver in a random car. 

Since you failed to post a proper video-clip showing you flying around the Rebel FOB, and trying to land to pick up your friend, as stated below by your own report :

Tom asked us to come back to pick him up (cause we forgot about him, he didn't have a GPS) and we did
It is crystal clear that you are NOT a random pilot, therefore obviously affiliated with Tom. 

Not even going to mention how many time whitelisted factions initiate on a vehicle and then proceed to wipe a whole gang out of it ( if you've played on this server for more than 3 weeks you should know), accidentally or not it happens.

Your hummingbird was facing us, therefore making it extremely easy to hit you and not the engine nor any other instrument as initially planned. 

I don't think anything else can be said by us, let the admins take a look at the revenge report you filed because you were salty, and take action. 

Hello @Toma,

From reviewing your report I have concluded that the evidence that you have provided is simply not conclusive in order to pass judgment on. This is mainly due to the noise from both the heli and people talking in your call at the same time. I do hear a faint "if you get in that heli" from the reported individual however without being able to hear the situation unfolding, I will be unable to take any action upon the reported player.

Thank you for your report.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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