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Report a player - 984 & 985 - GTA RP

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police Senior
Gruppe 6
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Willis White

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 984 & 985

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/16/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 30

What best describes this incident ?: G1.2, G4.5, G5.4

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Just after midnight, myself and my patrol partner, Robert (@MrTurdTastic), were out on normal duties after fining a drug dealer at the station we caught earlier. We had heard about a shootout between Hustlers and Ballas in the backstreets of Mission Row Police Department before we left. On our way back around town, we drove to the backstreets and parked up in what was somewhat the aftermath of the gangfight, to gather intel. About a minute goes by without anything happening, then all of a sudden two bikes come around and without saying a word, shot us with shotguns. I believe Robert even put on the blue lights in an attempt to make clear that we were police and not involved in the gang war.


We made several attempts to bring those responsible to Quality Enforcement (QE) in Discord and finally got a response from Anonymous Lion (615767232638746625). We were also joined by two other officers, @LelouchViiArvid and @Swinny, who had been trying to get in contact with the same two individuals for some time regarding a situation 15 minutes beforehand.

The two officers were driving on patrol and were stopped by the same individuals who asked for their names before stating that their friends were in prison and then shooting the officers outright while saying "fuck you."


In the Discord, we asked for the reasons behind the apparent Random Death Match (RDM) and low-quality roleplay.Anonymous Lion said a situation happened at 7 pm (5 hours beforehand), and that was their justification for continuing it. He went on to explain several times that he believed that if a situation happened 24 hours beforehand, he was justified in his actions to randomly kill related faction members (police in this situation). I personally have never heard of such a thing and believe that once a scenario has ended, there must be some value of roleplay to reinitiate it. Unfortunately, after much discussion, Anonymous Lion was refusing to see our point of view and was set in his mindset. (I have a recording of this conversation if required.)

Anonymous Lion also tried to justify shooting myself and Robert by saying he shot the other two officers just beforehand. (I should emphasize, as can be seen in the video details or the dispatch, that this was 15 minutes apart, with no communication and completely different areas of the city.)

We can look at this rule break from several angles:

General Rules

(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (e.g., Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay. Please, at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) - Mass RDM is a permanent ban.

- Highlighting that attacking a player without any form of roleplay is considered RDM, that is exactly what Anonymous Lion did in this situation, resulting in shooting officers without any engagement in myself and Robert's case with little to none in the previous situation, nothing to comply with, no opportunities for the scenario to end any other way.

(G1.3) Baiting - Taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples: Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.

- If Anonymous Lion's intention was to attract cops just to start another gunfight, then it clearly falls under baiting, another serious rule break.
New Life Rules

(G4.5) When you have been revived: Due to your injuries, you must not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed unless an aggressor forces you into combat. Deliberately placing yourself in a position that would re-enter you into that combat situation is not allowed.

- Anonymous Lion mentioned that he came out of the hospital after the fight at 7 pm. If he wishes to somehow use this gunfight as an excuse to start another, then he has clearly broken New Life Rules, deliberately starting a gunfight as an aggressor without being forced into combat.
Character Rules

(G5.4) Mass Murder - If you decide to make a character that goes on a spree of killing players and NPCs, players should be aware that once caught, these types of characters will be given the maximum punishments available, and staff members may ask you to switch characters. (Perma-Death) Repeatedly creating characters with this same playstyle may result in a ban.

- Ultimately, it seems clear that Anonymous Lion went out of his way to start mass-murdering cops (to make a point? As mentioned in the second video). This playstyle, of going around and shooting a faction just for the sake of it, is widely frowned upon and a breach of the character rules.

Lastly, I want to mention one last thing to Anonymous Lion. I brought up the word "roleplay" in our conversation in Discord. You went on to say that you are not professional role-players and it was not real life. Please take note that roleplay is not a qualification; it is a hobby meant to bring people together, have fun, and keep it realistic. You don't need much experience to do so, just passion and the intention to make scenarios true to life, fun, or interesting in any way you can. This is how people get experiences that they remember, that they enjoy, and most importantly, that they will come back to the server time and time again for. I hope that through this report, you see that there is more than just gunfights in our server.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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I should have probably mentioned in the report that this gang is completely separate from the Hustlers and Ballas gangfight

nice to see feds crying when they lose i guess, there was rp involved get over it.

+1 to what lee said, I explained everything in discord as said there has been multiple prior RP situations.

Can I ask what rp you mention?

It seems like you both do not wish to take this seriously. This is your chance on the forums to explain your actions. 

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As stated WILLIS I explained everything in the discord prior RP has been happening all night, Maybe try to not pick short straws here, a gang had been attacking police you knew this as u admitted to me in the discord, Seems u drew the shit end of the stick in this sit and you have spat ur dummy out, u refused to listen to me in discord so why would i waste my time repeating myself here just for u to ignore it all again. 


As stated WILLIS I explained everything in the discord prior RP has been happening all night, Maybe try to not pick short straws here, a gang had been attacking police you knew this as u admitted to me in the discord, Seems u drew the shit end of the stick in this sit and you have spat ur dummy out, u refused to listen to me in discord so why would i waste my time repeating myself here just for u to ignore it all again. 

Yes, I’ve tried to mention your discord points as much as possible including the scenario you brought up which happened and ended as you said at 7pm (5 hours beforehand) which Im guessing is what you are talking about. The gunfight between your gang and firearms towards the powerplant windfarm which ended in deaths, medical and arrests. None of us were directly involved with the majority of this. Nor were your attacks targeted but just to police in general. 

I understand this conversation isn’t going any further. 

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Yes, I’ve tried to mention your discord points as much as possible including the scenario you brought up which happened and ended as you said at 7pm (5 hours beforehand) which Im guessing is what you are talking about. The gunfight between your gang and firearms towards the powerplant windfarm which ended in deaths, medical and arrests. None of us were directly involved with the majority of this. Nor were your attacks targeted but just to police in general. 

I understand this conversation isn’t going any further. 
As said many times i said there has been and was MULTIPLE rp situations, not just the ONE situation u seem to have a hard on about please focus on all situations here and not just 1.


since you are trying to claim every rule under the sun id liketo point out that you two didnt roleplay your injuries after you were shot, and it really ruined my immersion whilst smoking police
If you had stuck around Im sure we would have loved to roleplay out our injuries more with you as we did with the medic that helped us after. 

As said many times i said there has been and was MULTIPLE rp situations, not just the ONE situation u seem to have a hard on about please focus on all situations here and not just 1.

Please explain what these roleplay situations are as all we’ve heard about was the 7pm one and the apparent one with @LelouchViiArvid and @Swinny. 

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If you had stuck around Im sure we would have loved to roleplay out our injuries more with you as we did with the medic that helped us after. 
i shouldnt have to stick around for you to rp your injuries. silly comment

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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