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Report a player - 973 - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Densil washer
Reported Players: 973
Date: Jun 8, 2024
Time: 00:50
What best describes this incident: Combat log
Please (in detail) describe the incident: He confronted me out the front of the casino , attempted to head but me but I dodged it and got into my car ! I proceeded to run him over and put him into the back left seat ! After driving down Braddock pass north he combat logged as his mate was chasing us ! He must have been speaking to his friend in external chat as he was incapacitated and his friend knew exactly where we was going
Link(s) To Any Evidence: I didn’t have my screen recording
1st of all, ur story is absolout BS
2nd i leqit talked to the radio that theres guys chasing me with a bat and blade, that they shall come to me
3rd i didnt combatlog i had an timeout and was laying back there on the street after i joined again
You’re absolutely full of it 😂 had a time out yeah right … more like you got salty because you lost the situation crying because I ran you over after you tried to assault me lol ! It’s alright I’m sure they will look into it as they can tell when you have a “timeout” and when you log out yourself
Hello spencer,

Hope you are doing fine.

Maybe my side of the story. I wasn't involved in this at all, but I was the one driving up to the Casino (I think) if you were that guy in the black car.

Firstly about the accusation ''External devices'' if there are radio logs, the staff would see that he called for help. what I can recall is, he used the Radio to call for help because someone threatened him with a Baseball bat in front of the Casino. So what happened was I saw you driving away and you crashed into the wall of the highway and just kept driving away. Thats how I was able to see you atleast because I was around 800 meters away from the Casino if you were the one driving in that black car. After I saw someone on the highway I tried to talk to him but at the end it was just my other friend who followed the Radio call. Sadly I have no clips because to be honest, I wasn't involved in the Situation which occured there.

It's sad that we couldn't resolve this Ingame. About that I ain't so sure but I think my friend connected back and said that he wants to resume the roleplay in Ooc chat, what you did was, that you called him out for Combat logging. (I can be wrong about that, because I have no clue since I don't ask for IDs or anything if they write it in the OOC Chat). I think the context of the Situation which occured is important as well. You both can argue back and forth about everything, but what I remember is that yesterday my friend said in the Radio that there are multiple people chasing him with bats and knives and at the end it was one person with a baseball bat or a knife. When I asked where he was he said Casino. So maybe the Situation was escalated from both sides.

''and his friend knew exactly where we was going''

As explained up there, you drove your car against the highway wall and then just kept driving off in the direction of Sandy Shores/Casino Highway. And I just saw it next time I would love to if you were able to explain what really happened up there. But of course you can't see it when you drive off that quickly. I don't know if he threatened you first or why the hell you have to run him over because usually it's never necessary, you could have just driven off since you were in your car, but it's your roleplay and I won't judge about it tho.

Thats all I got to say about it.

BTW: HE TRIED TO HEADBUTT YOU WHICH IS AN EMOTE AND YOU DECIDE TO RUN HIM OVER WITH A CAR. For me THIS CASE IS CLOSED. I didn't realize you wrote that my mate tried to Headbutt you.

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As i See this Situation, he tried to ,,Headbutt'' you with a Emote which does clearly nothing. and even if it would do minimal Damage. Theres no reason to Drive him over.

(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.

As i See ur saying urself that u VDM him for that. The Headbutt is not a roleplay reason to VDM so i just see the broken rules on ur site. since theres no clip i sadly cant talk about that leaving at the point. but you clearly said that u VDM So i Think YOU Should be belonged to Rulebreaking.
I didn’t know doing a head but is an emote not an actual action so apologies on that front! So the way I’ve seen it he’s tried to attack me to which I’ve used my car as a weapon ! It’s not a “random” vehicle death match and I hit him once and he died , random would be just randomly hitting you and driving off but I’ve continued to role play after doing so !

I used the car as a weapon and not just randomly killed him as I know that doing it for no reason is ban worthy ! I’ve been rammed by the police in the past and becoming incapacitated but again there was a reason behind it ! it wasn’t random just like last night !

The other guy ran straight past you didn’t interact with you at all and as I ran back to the casino ready to log for the night you ran over and “head butted “ me which like I said didn’t know was an emote !

I apologise if you feel I’ve broken the rules but this was not a random vehicle death match as it was used after you confronted me as an act of self defence!

It’s happened so many times to me when I’ve got in a confrontation just like it happens in real life !
It was random. Because he headbutted you without any harm. Maybe just close this report, and see the situation as cleared. There have been many mistakes, so we all can just forget this story.

If you consider it, then just write below this ticket, that it shouldn't be investigated anymore. There have been many misunderstandings from his and your side then. More from your side (in my opinion only). But because of an emote you are not really allowed to just hit him with the vehicle. Even if its not RVDM it is VDM then. Because he didn't harm you at all. We are ready to forget it if you are also ready just to forget it and maybe next time we see each other we can just handshake.

But also its forbidden to use the car as weapon for such a Situation, also it's just low quality roleplay from your both sides then.

Let me quote

''(G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM.''

Is headbutting a valid reason to drive someone over..?

And since the headbutt is not a reason to drive someone over, you broke the rule somehow. Because you even admitted it.
Or even you pull out your melee in front of a Casino, because of a headbutt. Where is the high quality roleplay we all wish on this Server, atleast in the situation you and him were in.
You could have rped it with him in a normal way, because usually he never kills anybody or does anything bad. Imagine someone did that on you, wouldn't you be pissed off because you just headbutted someone with an emote which does no harm?

So I ask again. Lets just forget this whole situation and close this ticket because I think we talked about it now. It was just a misunderstanding.

  1. (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. Driving over someone because they headbutted you might not constitute "quality roleplay" as per the server's standards. Quality roleplay typically involves more interaction and development of the scenario rather than immediate retaliation.
    (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM):
    • You used your vehicle as a weapon by running the player over. Even though you had a reason (he headbutted you), the rules specify that using a vehicle as a weapon without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM. In this context, a valid roleplay reason usually involves a more substantial and developed scenario rather than a quick reaction to a single headbutt.
    • (G1.6) Being In Character

    This is what I witnessed now within yesterday.

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Well let’s agree to disagree as I didn’t know that a head but is an emote , I don’t know how to close the conversation but going forward I won’t be getting involved in any interactions like this ! I can see where he is coming from and feel my point is still valid ! Happy role playing !
Then please just write below this ticket, that the ticket is closed for you. And the Staff members will close it after some time.

Thank you for hearing me out!

Happy roleplaying mate!
Right - I'll extinguish this bin fire.

From the top:
I didn’t have my screen recording
You need evidence @spencer420666 if we are to process any player report. You can't just type out a story I'm afraid.

1st of all, ur story is absolout BS
You’re absolutely full of it 😂 had a time out yeah right … more like you got salty because you lost the situation crying
@Icec0ld @spencer420666 - you are both adults (I hope...). Treat others with basic respect, or you'll find your ability to make future posts/comments on this website swiftly revoked.

I wasn't involved in this at all
Then please do not comment @MiyokoUwU - player reports are only to be commented on by those directly involved in the report (the reported, or those providing concrete, relevant evidence.)

but you clearly said that u VDM So i Think YOU Should be belonged to Rulebreaking.
Same goes for you @d3nnis. - you're not involved, don't comment.

Report Declined.