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Report a player - 79 - GTA RP


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Police Trainer
Los Santos Senior Firefighter

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Steve Jones
Reported Players: 79
Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 16:30
What best describes this incident: combat logging, unrealistic rp
Please (in detail) describe the incident: After chasing a stolen police car, 79 decamped and started running before he attacked Jacob Campbell with a crowbar. I tased him and Campbell arrested him, and whilst being on the floor he answered a call as Campbell put him into cuffs and continued the call while in cuffs (clip 1) He then asked how long it would take as he needed to fly out, we both said he shouldn't have stolen police car, started a chase and attacked an officer if he needed to fly out. Campbell said it would be about 30 mins to process him and took the pic to mission row. After pulling into the garage at mission row, whilst Campbell attempted to remove the pic from the car, he head popped and didn't return (clip 2)
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2dgSn8Uk8xS83y/XYvF2rYmT55N?invite=cr-MSxFbnQsMjA0MDkyNzcyLA https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2dgTQvBAljeUCU/TsbJkx5ijv6v?invite=cr-MSxxNW4sMjA0MDkyNzcyLA
Good evening staff, I'm the person who provided the clips to @mr2life88 .

If anything else is needed from me I can supply it I believe I have a full 5 Minute clip of the interaction as it all happened pretty quickly.
Hello I am the other person in the clip and was directed here by staff to respond, I would first like to apologise for the unrealistic rp as I am new to Fivem as a whole and am still picking up on those types of things. As for the logging as stated above I asked how long it would take and did not have enough time to stay in the city and I understand and accept the consequences of my actions and hope all take care.
Heya @BigTone thanks for the response hope your day is going well so far!

To be completely honest I'm all good on my side of things and I personally accept your apology here, My only future advice is try not to get yourself caught up in certain RP scenarios if you don't have a lot of time to be around, Obviously when it comes police interactions and being arrested we do have to do the actual paperwork for it so it does take time, When we were about to go in the cells if you really did need to go please in the future use the LOOC chat as then us as police will realise hey this guy probably cant be around and then we can speed up the process, or just send you to prison/fine you and write the report after you've gone.

Just in the future please try to shoot a message VIA the OOC or LOOC so we know your situation cause obviously we cant hold you hostage in game if you need to go and its urgent haha.

FiveM as a whole is a bit of a learning curve I guess? It's just one of those things where you get the hang of it over time obviously not every server is the same but we always at least try to stay fairly realistic and be sensible with certain stuff (Sometimes)

We all make mistakes matey (Like myself KEKW) So overall I forgive you for what happened, @mr2life88 being the person who created the report idk how he feels overall but we'll see what the lovely staff member who deals with this has to say about it.

Hope you have a lovely rest of your day! - Paul
Hello @BigTone ,
Thankyou for taking the time to reply, i hope your days going well.

I think my colleague has covered everything 😂
As we didnt reach the cell rp I didn't realise you was new to the city.
I accept your apology too every one makes mistakes especially when new.
As my colleague has stated above there is certain ways you have to inform us and/or staff that you have to leave asap.
Whilst in the city just think would I do this in real life? (example being.. answer ur phone whilst being cuffed)
Although its just a game the server is quite realistic,
We were all new once so we understand where your coming from bud.
Not the way I'd normally say it but.. 😬

Welcome to the city bud
So, due to the above,

Tony has been spoken to and warned accordingly.

Action: WARNING and education
Player: 110730 Tony Esposito
Length: Indefinite
