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Report a player - 70, 104 ? - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Rafiki Vinda
Reported Players: 70, 104 ?
Date: Jul 19, 2024
Time: 19:50
What best describes this incident: NVL ? RDM ?
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and a few old friends met up for the first time in a long time and had been driving about interacting with multiple people, having a laugh and joke while trying to find our candidate for a 'force tour' which is essentially us taking someone on a tour of places they might not have known about in the server before. Whilst doing this we had planned to give away item to the person we took as a comp for their time and for going along with it (if they did) as i personally don't care for what my character has money wise or item wise.

After a decent amount of time we thought we found someone who we would take at the new bin place, as seen we ask multiple time to put her hands up etc but to no avail she stalled and stalled which resulted in this unfortunately. After a chat in discord with the female character from the server i just didn't sit right with any of us how this situation went down. As far as we know she's a Marabunta member so being a WL gang you'd think you would roleplay the hand she's dealt. All 3 of us were gunned down by a random bloke all blacked out who had nothing to do with the situation and in my opinion could've done a lot better than just opening fire when i was the only one with a gun drawn in the car and forced first person so he already had the upper hand.

This was then follows up by being put straight into the boot, taken out to get phones and radios off of us and then back into the boot and straight into the water. The only justification we got for the NVL was she thought it was a joke ? and for being put into a boot and into the water was because he was told to do it by his higher ups in Mara which you think they'd know better if their a senior in a gang (unknown in game ID Discord was 'Sarcy'). Never spoke to the fella who gunned us down as i didn't see much wrong at the time but afterwards it does seem strange how he waited until the zip tie amination was at play before just gunning us all down instead of trying to interact with us first because it was his pal.
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@Rafiki I spoke to all the others in the situation in qe and explained my side in which they were okay with the only person who i did not directly speak to was yourself as i dont believe you was there whilst i was.

Would you like to join me in liason to chat?
Hello @L100UKE hope your doing good mate, I’m happy to talk about this in discord tomorrow afternoon/evening. I’m not around at my gaff anymore, I didn’t realise the lads spoke to you or I’d have joined the call to clear up your end of the stick. Let me know what time suits you mate.
@Rafiki I spoke to all the others in the situation in qe and explained my side in which they were okay with the only person who i did not directly speak to was yourself as i dont believe you was there whilst i was.

Would you like to join me in liason to chat?
Myself, Rafiki and Levi were involved and none of us have spoken to you in QE in regards to this situation.

I know I haven't and have been told that Levi has also not spoken to you in QE.

We spoke to a 'Sarcy' and a woman called shannon something where they both said they were new and apologised for the NVL and lack of RP (even for those not locked in a boot for 15 mins) before sending us into a river.
thought this was resolved in qe but guess not, no need for any of us to reply to this as evidence speaks for itself I guess, like I said I didn't realise there was one in the boot until we went to qe
Hello @L100UKE hope your doing good mate, I’m happy to talk about this in discord tomorrow afternoon/evening. I’m not around at my gaff anymore, I didn’t realise the lads spoke to you or I’d have joined the call to clear up your end of the stick. Let me know what time suits you mate.
My discord is Luke_x.x if you would like to contact me so tomorrow when im free we can arrange it. Thank you
Let me know on this report the outcome of this liaison once it’s happened.
@xxshannonfaye Im sure you are aware of this report by now. Don’t you have anything to say? What were you doing on your phone? Why did you think that would be smart when you are held at gunpoint and outnumbered?
Hi all,

Sorry I have only just seen this report, when the sit originally happened and I first put my hands up I did so without any hesitation, however when I began to put my hands down as mentioned in QE I thought it was a joke situation, I did this because in my honest opinion with the singing of ‘put your hands up in the air’ I genuinely thought that it was a joke situation hence why I put my hands down and put them back up, I did pull out my phone for this reason however when I realised that it was indeed a serious kidnapping situation I put it away, I mentioned in QE I didn’t send any messages or anything like that, (I went to put something in a groupie I’m in but didn’t) I can assure you 100% being shot from behind was completely unrelated to me going on my phone, and I completely agree that if the situation was handled differently by myself it would have had a different outcome (you guys probably would not have been shot) I sincerely apologise for this.

This is the second time I have ever been grabbed and the first time it was a completely different scenario, I’m not saying this is an excuse but I would just like to let you know I am not familiar with RPing hostage situations, hence I have joined a gang as a hangaround to get into this sort of thing.

I am more than happy to liason again about this sit if needs be and again I am really sorry for my poor RP in this situation.
I’ve now reviewed this with other staff members a few times over, and came to the below conclusion.

Whilst I honestly think it’s silly for someone at gunpoint to drop their hands and start texting on their phone, I think the argument is there that she was not at an obvious disadvantage due to the fact there was only 1 gunmen, 1 unarmed passenger in the car, and 1 unarmed person trying to put her in zipties. No further action will be taken on this player following this report.

Now, the RDM claim. Whilst we would’ve appreciated slightly longer footage, in this instance I believe it’s a clear cut case of RDM and have decided to proceed as normal with this claim. This player had no involvement in this situation at all, he had decided to remain out of the situation by walking away prior this happening. If you wanted to defend your friend, and aren’t already involved in the situation, you must provide that high quality RP required before you start popping shots at people. Anything less is RDM, which has happened here. You’ve not decided to challenge them, not decided to try and speak to them, you decided to shoot first, RP later.

I’ve reviewed the liaison that took place and there’s been further findings that are pretty concerning to me. This being “Pretending to be AFK”. I hope you know this is definitely a rule break if you are pretending to be AFK to gain an advantage in a situation such as this. This would be powergaming. This one time, i’m not actioning anything on this as the footage provided isn’t long enough for me to investigate the extent of you doing this. I hear you say you do this often? I suggest you cut it out of your “tactics” now.

You know the danger of committing rule breaks, in your unban appeal you were told anything within the next 6 months, you are back to perm.

Report Approved.

Action Taken
CharId: 95796
Rule: G1.2

Permanent Ban