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Report a player - 658 - GTA RP


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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Marcel Litewiak
Reported Players: 658
Date: Jan 8, 2025
Time: 00:03
What best describes this incident: RDM after released as a hostage
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Started out at PD where I was chilling at the station minding my business when 3 people showed up in 2 seperate cars clearly bored and wanting to speak to someone. One of them came up to me and tried to initiate conversation. I didn't feel like speaking to them so I ended up just saying "hello". They kept bugging me for a minute or so but I ignored them, they then drive away shortly after and I also leave the scene. I then go on to drive to benny's to list some cars for sale. After 30 seonds the green Schlagen GT and grey Sultan RS pull up to Benny's and yet again begin to harass me saying im "an undercover fed" or something to that liking. I keep ignoring them and after a minute or so they are very insistant to speaking to me so I say "I have nothing to say to you". They then go on to place me in zipties and throw me in the grey sultan. They then take me to the scrapyard next to garbage where they take me out of the car and question me. reluctantly, I answer every question clearly and seeming satisfied they let me go. They initially tell me to run where we came from only to tell me to walk shortly after. I comply and walk away. As im walking away I have a bad feeling about it so I look behind me and see they are pointing guns at me, probably debating whether to shoot me or not, for fun. I then get shot twice in the head and die. They later come back (5 or 10 minutes later) and ask me to say sorry and they will take me to hospital, but, I tell them to "eat shit and die" so they take me to the pier and ocean dump me.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jrBKjjhtqsAYiHIR-?invite=cr-MSxMTW8sMTM2Njg2MDU2LA
Hello there, I was the one with the motorbike helmet that took the first shot at you whilst you were walking away (the ID you reported is my friend who shot the second bullet)

I was chilling at the station minding my business when 3 people showed up in 2 separate cars clearly bored and wanting to speak to someone. One of them came up to me and tried to initiate conversation. I didn't feel like speaking to them so I ended up just saying "hello". They kept bugging me for a minute or so but I ignored them, they then drive away shortly after and I also leave the scene. I then go on to drive to benny's to list some cars for sale. After 30 seonds the green Schlagen GT and grey Sultan RS pull up to Benny's and yet again begin to harass me saying im "an undercover fed" or something to that liking. I keep ignoring them and after a minute or so they are very insistent to speaking to me so I say "I have nothing to say to you".
The definition of RDM is "Random Death Match" so I'm a bit confused why we've been reported as it wasn't random... You've explained yourself that there was RP between us prior to shooting you?

As you stated we tried to conversate with you multiple times in which you blatantly ignored us (except from saying "hello" once) and at bennys you were moving around so we knew you weren't AFK or similar. Would you not say it's slightly hard to roleplay with someone that has only said one word and is just ignoring you?

You were the one who decided to not respond to the conversations that we were trying to make with you at both MRPD and Bennys. If you hadn't so blatantly ignored us Bennys and instead spoke to us and answered the questions we had (instead of saying "I have nothing to say to you" which sounds like something a fed would say and is one of the main things that resulted in us deciding to grab you) then we would've left you alone instead of taking and shooting you, it's the decisions you chose to make that caused you to be taken and shot.

When I was initially told about you not responding to anything when my friend was speaking to you my initial thoughts were that either you:
1. Were an undercover fed
2. Recognised someone who had threatened you before or that was in an enemy gang
3. Don't have a mic (but you spoke previously so that wasn't the case)
4. AFK (you were moving so that wasn't the case)
since they are the common reasons why people wouldn't respond and I'm not the only one who thought it since my friend whilst we had you ziptied mentioned to you that he was also suspicious of you being an undercover fed due to your behaviour at MRPD (since you were watching what was going on and ignoring him when he came to speak to you)

I answer every question clearly and seeming satisfied they let me go. They initially tell me to run where we came from only to tell me to walk shortly after. I comply and walk away. As im walking away I have a bad feeling about it so I look behind me and see they are pointing guns at me, probably debating whether to shoot me or not, for fun.
You answered the questions with mostly single word answers which did not satisfy us enough especially since we believed you may of been a fed, if you watch your clip you can also see that you said "I have nothing to say to you" for a second time and started ignoring us again just before we discussed what to do with you over radio (which is where we came up with the idea of pretending to let you go then shooting you after you had gotten far enough away to make you believe you had gotten away scott-free). The reasoning behind shooting you was to teach you a lesson (that you shouldn't blatantly ignore people and should be more respectful to people instead of saying stuff like "I have nothing to say to you").

They later come back (5 or 10 minutes later) and ask me to say sorry and they will take me to hospital, but, I tell them to "eat shit and die" so they take me to the pier and ocean dump me.
We gave you time to think about what you had done and returned to see if you would apologise and take the chance to go to hospital - which you didn't and you instead decided to say "eat shit and die". If you had given a more friendly response then we would've either taken you to hospital or moved you somewhere where people could find you easier (such as the bin depot since that was nearby). Ofc which option we chose would've depended on how you responded though.
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Let me reitterate, The RPUK guidelines for RDM as as follows:

"Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.)"

You say you shot me purely to teach me a lesson, but murdering me in cold blood by shooting me twice in the head is quite the lesson to teach, one I would never remember because I would die then and there. How would this make sense in a roleplay scenario? When you come back you say "oh he's still there" proving my point further.

You guys had clearly nothing to do that is of major importance, I'm a nobody on the server so for you to go and pick on me twice is clearly an example of having nothing to do and wanting to bully someone.

I was at the police station to report my car as stolen and check points on it. You suspect I'm a "fed" for some reason but many indicators would clearly state otherwise. The fact that the car I was driving was stolen, you can tell by the license plate as it doesn't follow the conventional spacing of a player owned vehicle. The fact that I wanted nothing to do with you and didn't even want to speak to you in the first place (see how you came up to me multiple times with me clearly stating to you "I have nothing to say to you"). Also, I was taking pictures of my cars to put up on the market at Benny's when you initiated the scenario for a second time. You would think an undercover fed would try to initiate roleplay and ask you questions to catch you out in some sort of way, of which I did the complete opposite. Not sure how it works but I would imagine there is some sort of panic button when an officer is in distress, didn't happen. When captured and interrogated you search me, no bodycam or anything to indicate I'm a police officer, not to mention no gun. I'm pretty sure I had only a phone and some money on me, amounting to around £500 to which you even laughed at. Why would you come back to help me if you really think I'm a police officer? Wouldn't you want me to die and not remember the scenario?

What I'm getting to is that there is nothing that would indicate I'm a fed, I comply with your every demand (albeit reluctantly as I was pretty tired as well as having to deal with poor quality roleplay a little earlier) and I firmly believe "Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM" applies here as you've had multiple opportunities to realise I'm not a police officer but you rather choose to believe what you want instead of grounding your assumptions based on facts. You used it as a poor excuse to bully whoever you chose to, me in this case, and proceeded to execute me because you found it funny. You then realise your mistake and then come back for me with the audacity to try and make me say sorry.

What's stopping me from going around and accusing other people of being an undercover police officer, kidnapping them and then executing them as they walk away? The rules.
I'm aware what the RDM rule is, we tried our best to provide quality roleplay however as I said before it's a bit hard to roleplay with you when you were ignoring us and making comments such as "I have nothing to say to you" which was just rude and unnecessary, if you had instead said something like "can you leave me alone please" then you likely would've been fine and nothing would've happened at all.

murdering me in cold blood by shooting me twice in the head is quite the lesson to teach
We could tell you hadn't learnt your lesson from us taking you since just before we decided what to do you re-said the comment that got you taken in the first place and started ignoring us again. Also it would've been one shot but you had gotten too far away so it didn't kill you instantly

I was at the police station to report my car as stolen and check points on it.
Well you could've just said that to my friend instead of sitting watching us then ignoring him when he was trying to speak to you

The fact that the car I was driving was stolen, you can tell by the license plate as it doesn't follow the conventional spacing of a player owned vehicle.
I am aware how the number plates work lol, noting undercover police sometimes drive around in personal vehicles I didn't think to look at the plate as it likely wouldn't of shown anything useful (unless it was a police plate ofc)

The fact that I wanted nothing to do with you and didn't even want to speak to you in the first place
I have personally been ignored when trying to speak to undercover feds in undercover cars a few times so it's not that unlikely that you could've been a fed

When captured and interrogated you search me, no bodycam or anything to indicate I'm a police officer, not to mention no gun. I'm pretty sure I had only a phone and some money on me, amounting to around £500 to which you even laughed at. Why would you come back to help me if you really think I'm a police officer?
After we saw what you had on you we weren't fully sure as you could've been deep undercover and had no police equipment on you but that was unlikely so we guessed that you were probably just a disrespectful person who was just ignoring us.

You then realise your mistake and then come back for me with the audacity to try and make me say sorry.
There was no mistake, we decided to see if you were still there since like I said in my previous post we wanted to give you a chance. You didn't take the chance and instead chose to go with another rude comment which resulted in you ending in the ocean. Plus now I'm thinking about it how did you respond to us if you were shot in the head twice... you'd be dead? 🤔

What's stopping me from going around and accusing other people of being an undercover police officer, kidnapping them and then executing them as they walk away? The rules.
There's no rule that states you can't shoot someone as they are walking away... we gave RP prior which I believe is good enough considering the circumstances. We gave you enough chance to talk to us properly and you gave us one word responses and repeated the same comment that got you taken in the first place then ignored us again so you paid the price 🤷‍♂️

I'm confused why you are trying to imply that we just go around accusing everyone of being an undercover fed because that's not the case lol, your behaviour at MRPD made us suspicious of you and in the end after we grabbed you it turned out that you probably weren't but that doesn't change that you ignored us 3 times and were just generally giving us attitude when you did speak. We had situations with a bunch of people last night and had some nice conversations with no shots being fired, you were the only person we accused of being a fed and the only person that was shot (excluding police but that was since I stole a police bike lol)
Hello all,

Because the report involves a member of the dev team this report shall be dealt with by one of the staff leads.
"if you had instead said something like "can you leave me alone please" then you likely would've been fine and nothing would've happened at all."

I would prefer to discuss reality, not argue a strawman. Because it didn't happen and it ended with me being dead. I could easily say how that wouldn't change anything and you would still do the exact same thing, maybe even laugh at me in the process.

Was I really that rude and disrespectful in saying "I have nothing to say to you" in a monotone, non-aggressive way? and even if it was, is it really necessary to murder someone and dump them in the ocean over it? I find it to be a very petty excuse, especially after you admitted that me being a police officer "deep undercover" is "unlikely" as you phrased it.

I was at the police station to report my car as stolen and check points on it.
"Well you could've just said that to my friend instead of sitting watching us then ignoring him when he was trying to speak to you"

I didn't need to explain myself to you, as I don't know you, and, based on your interactions with the people at the PD, I have profiled you as someone who had no real reason to be there.I judged you as someone who seeks external validation to feel more important than others you could say. I'm not saying this is who you guys are because I don't actually know your characters in-game, but im profiling based on previous experiences with people at the police station in order to not give attention to the provocateur.

"I am aware how the number plates work lol, noting undercover police sometimes drive around in personal vehicles I didn't think to look at the plate as it likely wouldn't of shown anything useful (unless it was a police plate ofc)"

Since you are aware of how the plates work and if you were so dead-set to find out if i'm a police officer or not, it's easy to check if the car was stolen by just looking at the plate. Police don't steal NPC vehicles as that is a crime that they can be punished for it just like anyone else.

"I have personally been ignored when trying to speak to undercover feds in undercover cars a few times so it's not that unlikely that you could've been a fed"

You mention undercover cars, but to be clear you mean player owned vehicles? because not once have I come across the police using NPC vehicles as they are vastly inferior to the custom Audis that they drive. And even if they do drive NPC vehicles, you later discern its "unlikely" that im "deep undercover".

"There was no mistake, we decided to see if you were still there since like I said in my previous post we wanted to give you a chance. You didn't take the chance and instead chose to go with another rude comment which resulted in you ending in the ocean. Plus now I'm thinking about it how did you respond to us if you were shot in the head twice... you'd be dead? 🤔"

You contradict yourself as you expect me to reply to you as a last chance while at the same time saying how is it possible that I replied to you. so which one is it?

"There's no rule that states you can't shoot someone as they are walking away... we gave RP prior which I believe is good enough considering the circumstances. We gave you enough chance to talk to us properly and you gave us one word responses and repeated the same comment that got you taken in the first place then ignored us again so you paid the price 🤷‍♂️"

First it was that im a Police officer "deep undercover" once that was ruled out your argument is that I deserve to get executed with my back turned for not "talking to you properly" by saying "I have nothing to say to you" twice and answering your questions. I feel like this isn't a valid reason to execute somone, which Is why I reported you in the first place. It's unrealistic, petty and lacks reason. Just because you don't like the fact that didn't want to talk to you doesn't mean you can execute me.
Since you are aware of how the plates work and if you were so dead-set to find out if i'm a police officer or not, it's easy to check if the car was stolen by just looking at the plate. Police don't steal NPC vehicles as that is a crime that they can be punished for it just like anyone else.
"Police don't steal NPC vehicles" - This is false as I've seen police in local vehicles before, just because they are technically stolen doesn't mean that police never use them.

You contradict yourself as you expect me to reply to you as a last chance while at the same time saying how is it possible that I replied to you. so which one is it?
I didn't contradict myself, there was two separate points. One being about what happened and us giving you the chance, the second being that you technically shouldn't of responded as it was unrealistic because of your injuries.

I feel like this isn't a valid reason to execute somone, which Is why I reported you in the first place. It's unrealistic, petty and lacks reason. Just because you don't like the fact that didn't want to talk to you doesn't mean you can execute me.
It doesn't lack reason, as I already stated you were being disrespectful to us multiple times and kept ignoring us for no reason at all.

Anyway I'm just going to leave it at this rather than having a constant back and forth.
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I honestly do not see what the issue is here? You provided next to no RP, despite the players trying to engage with you. In this situation, I would probably have shot you too (assuming I was playing a similar character to those involved).

Are you annoyed at being let go, then killed? If thats the case, then I'm not sure where a rule break has taken place. Some criminals lied to you about letting you go, they are criminals, I wouldn't make it a habit of taking their word. By your own words, they came back and gave you another chance but you threw that away, so....

You had several chances during this encounter to protect yourself, but you took none of them because you "didnt feel like talking to them". Perhaps if you had, you wouldn't have been killed. That being said, you are within your rights to RP it this way, but you are not within your rights to dictate how the RP ended.

Report Denied.