"if you had instead said something like "can you leave me alone please" then you likely would've been fine and nothing would've happened at all."
I would prefer to discuss reality, not argue a strawman. Because it didn't happen and it ended with me being dead. I could easily say how that wouldn't change anything and you would still do the exact same thing, maybe even laugh at me in the process.
Was I really that rude and disrespectful in saying "I have nothing to say to you" in a monotone, non-aggressive way? and even if it was, is it really necessary to murder someone and dump them in the ocean over it? I find it to be a very petty excuse, especially after you admitted that me being a police officer
"deep undercover" is
"unlikely" as you phrased it.
I was at the police station to report my car as stolen and check points on it.
"Well you could've just said that to my friend instead of sitting watching us then ignoring him when he was trying to speak to you"
I didn't need to explain myself to you, as I don't know you, and, based on your interactions with the people at the PD, I have profiled you as someone who had no real reason to be there.I judged you as someone who seeks external validation to feel more important than others you could say. I'm not saying this is who you guys are because I don't actually know your characters in-game, but im profiling based on previous experiences with people at the police station in order to not give attention to the provocateur.
"I am aware how the number plates work lol, noting undercover police sometimes drive around in personal vehicles I didn't think to look at the plate as it likely wouldn't of shown anything useful (unless it was a police plate ofc)"
Since you are aware of how the plates work and if you were so dead-set to find out if i'm a police officer or not, it's easy to check if the car was stolen by just looking at the plate. Police don't steal NPC vehicles as that is a crime that they can be punished for it just like anyone else.
"I have personally been ignored when trying to speak to undercover feds in undercover cars a few times so it's not that unlikely that you could've been a fed"
You mention undercover cars, but to be clear you mean player owned vehicles? because not once have I come across the police using NPC vehicles as they are vastly inferior to the custom Audis that they drive. And even if they do drive NPC vehicles, you later discern its
"unlikely" that im
"deep undercover".
"There was no mistake, we decided to see if you were still there since like I said in my previous post we wanted to give you a chance. You didn't take the chance and instead chose to go with another rude comment which resulted in you ending in the ocean. Plus now I'm thinking about it how did you respond to us if you were shot in the head twice... you'd be dead?
You contradict yourself as you expect me to reply to you as a last chance while at the same time saying how is it possible that I replied to you. so which one is it?
"There's no rule that states you can't shoot someone as they are walking away... we gave RP prior which I believe is good enough considering the circumstances. We gave you enough chance to talk to us properly and you gave us one word responses and repeated the same comment that got you taken in the first place then ignored us again so you paid the price
First it was that im a Police officer "deep undercover" once that was ruled out your argument is that I deserve to get executed with my back turned for not
"talking to you properly" by saying
"I have nothing to say to you" twice and answering your questions. I feel like this isn't a valid reason to execute somone, which Is why I reported you in the first place. It's unrealistic, petty and lacks reason. Just because you don't like the fact that didn't want to talk to you doesn't mean you can execute me.