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Report a player - 654 - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: James Major
Reported Players: 654
Date: May 13, 2024
Time: 22:40
What best describes this incident: RDM
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was in the city awaiting a phone call to represent a possible client in the cells of MRPS and had began to walk & drive around the city to pass time and see if I could see anything interesting.

When driving a random black car drives at speed ahead of me and then cuts into my lane. Due to dysnc on his part the vehicle collides with mine and spins out. Due to it being dysnc I drive on and do not stop to ask if they are okay. Despite obvious tech issues at play the player in the black vehicle, without saying a word, unloads a SMG on me from his vehicle. Again bear in mind I haven't spoken to this person at all, ever. Also note the person in the black vehicle takes exactly 5 seconds from his car spinning out to deciding to mag dump a random person.

654, the sole occupant of this vehicle, continues to chase me, shooting my tires out and ramming me into a tree. Before driving alongside me and executing me.

In my opinion, this is nothing short of utterly blatant RDM and a demonstration of a "win" mentality due to the fact this person can not take the possibility of being disrespected or not getting their way. RPUK is meant to be a serious RP server. Mag dumping a random cause your car spun out isn't exactly RP, let alone serious RP.

654 was invited to liaison so we could discuss it iambically and resolve the issue, with him blaming myself for the incident and insinuating it was my fault. Even if my car had hit his I still fail to see his rational that a reasonable and serious response is to start magdumping 9mm on a pedestrian street.

04:21 - Cars collide
04:26 - 654 begins magdumping
04:36 - PlayerID visible
04:38 - Gets executed cause his car spun out
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2cZEXZpmN9Le0a/d1337Zz6sj9l?invite=cr-MSw4STQsMTk1MDU3MTc0LA
Thank you for this @Yhames

After reviewing this, I can confirm that this is a classic case of RDM. Although you could have pulled over and spoken to him after you desyned into him.

Thank you

Character: George Charlestown
Rule(s) Broken: G1.2
Action: Warning
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