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Report a player - 504, 506, 509, 528, 637 - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: David Jones
Reported Players: 504, 506, 509, 528, 637
Date: Oct 10, 2024
Time: 22:22
What best describes this incident: Pretending to be police to stop me and rob me and beat me
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was driving normally and legally then i get pulled over by a naked officer, i assumed the clothes didnt render or he was a fake. when he came over to my car it was rammed from the front by a car full of guys with bats and told to empty my bank, give my food and give any other items. I then said no and i was beaten by all of the men
Link(s) To Any Evidence: I have screenshots but how can i share them here?
Hi mate I was one of the people involved first of all no one asked you to empty your bank no one beat you as you decided to combat log after saying "I wonder what the gods would think of you impersonating police officers" here is the clip of the situation

@Pazza Could you please give me the rule number you think these people broke please. Then can you explain why you combat logged to avoid this roleplay?
Hello @Pazza - thank you for taking the time to make this report. And thank you @GavZ for your replies.

I'll start with the original report.
Pretending to be police to stop me and rob me and beat me

This is not a rulebreak.

I have screenshots but how can i share them here?

Screenshots are insufficient. You need recorded video evidence of any alleged rulebreaks.

Moving onto the additional clip provided by @GavZ , which shows the situation playing out and yourself @Pazza disconnecting to avoid being robbed. This is combat logging - as such you will be banned.

Report Approved - Alternative Action Taken
David Jones
Rule(s) Broken: C2.3
Action: Permanent Ban - no appeals until 15th November 2024
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