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Report a player - 480/431 - GTA RP

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Nikolaj Nielsen

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Nikolaj Nielsen

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 480/431

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/04/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1515

What best describes this incident ?: RVDM/NVL and a possible combatlog

Please (in detail) describe the incident: so i went to my turf to sell some coke then i got rammed completly randomly by the GTR. i said "what the fuck man" where as the drive said the same with an attitude to me to taunt me. The passenger of the car probably realised it was not that smart so he started talking about buggy eyes. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and said it was okay. situation is then over.
10 minuttes later im at AE to just chill a bit, i get a call on the radio from Macca that he is getting rammed at turf by a GTR so we hurry up and get back. we try to box in the car but its not complying.
after a good chase I managed to disable their car. 1 jumps out the car and tries to jump the bridge which he fails i hold him to gun point and tells him to get away from the ledge which he dident do. his buddy tries to ram me so he can get away but i shoot him. bare in mind he has multiple guns pointed at him and he still jumps which results in his death.

now the reason im putting it on as RVDM is because he told me it was a lag issue but then he proceeds to do the same thing to Macca a bit later so i dont belive it was an accident anyways but just a way to get out of trouble for blaitant RVDM. which i feel is a real low blow to do.

regarding the combat logging i called the to discord which they did not respond to but i got a message in the QE room that he wasent about no more or something which dosent make sense so short time after they where downed. so if its possible to check the logs on that one it would be nice

i tried calling them to discord 4 times with no response in ooc chat and then after that i got a message in qe that he was not there anymore

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes



Hello there! I am player @480 in the video. I want to start off by saying that I apologise for the first ramming, as I was the driver and it was not intended at all. The second ramming, I cannot speak for as I was not the driver.
To continue, I would like to say that both me and my friends were in Discord shortly after the incident, waiting for someone to join.
Yes, I think it was a good 5 minutes after your message in OOC that we joined, perhaps even a bit more, but simply because I had to solve a personal issue in the meanwhile, and as seen in the Discord messages, my friend was out. As soon as I saw the messages, I notified him and we both joined QE. 
If you would still like to, we could get on a call tonight, tomorrow or whenever you have time. 
As for the combat log, we did not. We waited at the place of the incident, and maybe after 20-25 minutes, the NHS arrived at the scene. I was treated on scene, and my friend was taken in the ambulance, as he was not at home anymore, but did not want to combat log so he stayed on, perhaps the staff could check the logs for that.

As for the NVL, I am the one that jumped in the water. I want to apologise to you, as I now see what I did was indeed stupid. At the time, I did not think of it straight, and instead acted out of “reflex”
But as I said, I now see that I am indeed in the wrong.

As I said, let me know if you want to initiate a call, I’d be more than happy to join, as soon as I get home.
Once more, I apologise for the inconvenience created. 

Here are 2 screenshots I took to show we did join discord, and notified you



To continue, I would like to say that both me and my friends were in Discord shortly after the incident, waiting for someone to join.
thats odd i was there for quite a bit of time after the incident and that screenshot is the last of my messages which i put up and then logged off so i could wait in QE. and while we where texting in the QE chat it was only 15 min after the incident and i had been there constantly after the incident. This dosent matter anymore tho because i feel like its a repeating issue with cutlass not performing good RP when kash is not there, so i would probably have taken it to this point anyways.

As for the NVL, I am the one that jumped in the water. I want to apologise to you, as I now see what I did was indeed stupid. At the time, I did not think of it straight, and instead acted out of “reflex”
as for this answer i do not agree with the reflex part since you had plenty of time to think in the situation
and i will also say to guy in the car you where also NVLing hard by trying to ram me with a full auto smg pointed at you. this was clearly a butchered attempt to buy 480 time to jump most likely because you had something valuable on you.


I want to start off by saying that I apologise for the first ramming, as I was the driver and it was not intended at all. The second ramming, I cannot speak for as I was not the driver.
for this answer i can only say that, I cant prove if it was an accident or not i can only say that the guy who "accidentaly" rammed me had an attitude with me where it dident really seem like he was sorry. and then you 480 the passenger jumped out to save him.

and again i cant prove it but i find it funny that you as a duo in the same car after "accidentaly" hitting me earlier proceeds to try and ram a gangmember with the same bandana on.

*Edit* i have just reviewed the uncut the raw fotage again and saw that you went back the same way that you came from aswell which is very odd because you must have had some sort of destination to go to other than ramming me. I can upload this fotage if it is asked of me.

I will not respond further on this ticket before an member of the staff team has had a look on the case.


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for this answer i can only say that, I cant prove if it was an accident or not i can only say that the guy who "accidentaly" rammed me had an attitude with me where it dident really seem like he was sorry. and then you 480 the passenger jumped out to save him.
All I have to add is that it was ID 431 that “jumped out to save me”, as I was the driver for the first ram, but I would like to respectfully correct you and say that when I did ram you on accident, I did not give attitude, but I apologised. My mic was indeed a bit quiet, but you can hear me in the clip saying “sorry”. 

We were both respectful and made sure to apologise for our mistake when we did ram you. Believe it or not, it was a genuine mistake.

Apart from that, got nothing else to add, but I will answer you, or the staff’s questions if asked. 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening @Nikolaj Nielsen, Thank you for making this player report.

Now lets move onto the situation at hand, you have provided footage of what you believe to be RVDM, @Jkayzyou claim to be the driver here and maintain that it was an accident. I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this occasion considering you did indeed apologise and explain it was a misake, however I will say if this was indeed done on purpose as an attempt to down the individual for whatever reason that sort of thing is not an acceptable standard of roleplay to be providing. 

In regards to the NVL reported here, it is very clear you were given instructions at gunpoint 480 not to jump and to get away from the ledge and instead of doing what you were ordered to do you decided to jump anyway which ended in you being shot. As for the driver 431, he was at a clear disadvantage boxed in and instead of valuing his life and complying with the aggressors 431 decides to try and ram the vehicle ending in him also being incapacitated.

@JkayzAt the very least you have owned up to the fact you made a mistake by not valuing your life, now if you were to be banned again today you would be back to a permanent ban under the FBS since you came off a perm ban less than 6 months ago, HOWEVER  on this occasion I will be issuing you with a warning and this is the only warning you will receive, any future rule breaks within the 6 months of your unban date will lead you right back to the appeals section. Do better. In future value your life and allow for further RP to take place.

Now 431, you didn't give your side of the story or an explanation here at all. I can see from your record this is not your first ban for NVL, you were banned less than 2 months ago for the exact same rule break for 2 days just 5 days after coming off a permanent ban! Clearly you are not learning from your mistakes, you will be receiving a permanent ban for NVL which you can appeal.


Character ID - 69249

Rules - G2.4

Action - Warning


Character ID - 57027

Rules - G2.4

Action - Permanent Ban

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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