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Report a player - 431 408 - GTA RP

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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Johnny Cox

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 431 408

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 10/25/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2030

What best describes this incident ?: RDM TOXIC GRIEFER OOC TROLLING

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Chilling in clothing shop, ask a simple question get RDMd.
Try and resolve issue, get RDM'd by his friend

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

First off I was calling my friend to come to the clothing store as I was trying to change clothes so we could go meet our gang at their turf I wasn't even talking to you to begin with you then came with attitude and as a response I tried to hit you once to get you to say sorry in the clip you can see I missed and told you to put up your hands after missing the first swing and you pulled out your knife to go and stab me also you can clearly see I'm confused in the clip when your questioning me, I then proceed to offer to take you to pillbox because it did get a little out of hand and you then proceeded to powergame and attempt to black mail me by saying give me money or I'm getting you flown out which is blatant ruleplaying, also adding ''it would be a shame if you lost this nice car and your boys had one less man'' after taking you pillbox you then proceeded to come out not even letting 15 minutes pass screaming I got your ids I'm getting you banned which is clearly talking out of character while in roleplay he continued running his mouth my boy then warned him if he carried on speaking the way he was he would find out and he carried on so my friend stabbed him. 

You didn't try to resolve anything I asked you to come discord in OOC and you clearly ignored me, if screaming at me demanding for me to give you compensation or I'm getting flown out is trying to resolve it go to another city please.

clips will be below.

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broski why you lying for ? xD

show the proof then big man wheres the clips? - cos it clearly shoes you did not initiate on me, ask me to say sorry or anything of the sort you just smacked me to the point i was unable to move or react and proceeded to murder me 

when i tell you what you have done is wrong you deny it and get your boy to stab and rdm me 

both of you broke rules and know you did and thats why you took me pillbox because you thought if u did i wouldnt report u

i have this clip also proving that no one was talking ooc but you mate - i was telling you you were getting flighted because you did not apologise, nor want to apologise - and i told you  to resolve it and you think resolving it was taking me pill box. 

as soon as i get revived you guys are seen targeting me waiting for me to talk about the rdms you just comitted for your boy to go ahead and do the same thing.

again.... no initiation, no reason, no nothing, you are trolling, being toxic and RDMing


to any staff reviewing this I unfortunately failed to get what he said on clip but after waiting nearly a whole year to even get the chance to start fresh again on the city I wouldn't even dare to go about lying and the fact your even resorting to denying what you said is embarrassing, you didn't even try to come to discord or even talk properly you were non stop screaming saying were getting flown out its clear you literally joined today, you can literally see my friend warned you and you literally said what are you gonna do leading him to do what he did.

also to add he wasn't even at the shop with me at the time as you can clearly see I didn't take you pillbox to avoid getting banned you were literally shouting ''give me compensation or you're flying bro'' I told you I weren't gonna do that and the least I would do would be is to take you to pillbox and on the car ride there you were literally repeating what you're now denying?

1. you initiated the situation as you can clearly see in your clip 2. you were literally coming at me with a tone seeming threatening 3. you misinterpreted my initial call as me trying to get someone to rob you. 4. I literally gave you the chance to put your hands up and say sorry. 5. The fact you're even trying to call me toxic after literally blackmailing me then denying it due to me not having my clips on at the given time is absurd, it's clear you've come from another server judging by the way you handled the situation. 6. I was LITERALLY explaining to him in roleplay what had happened and why you were even coming up to us then you proceeded to start screaming and even had to hold yourself back from calling me the R slur which is a word I frown upon lastly you clearly carried on running your mouth and after my friend warning you, you carried on.

( I'm also unsure as to why my voice cannot be heard in my clips which I'm currently trying to resolve. )

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bro you lying brother there is NO proof of that buddy. 

ofc you have been banned for a year in this city mate you dont deserve to be let back - acting this crazy a fool... I asked you a simple question in the first clip - you got instantly aggravated, angry and hostile for absolutely no reason to the point you battered me with a fucking wrench with 0 initiation, and for no reason, no roleplay involved.

You dont deserve to be walking around in these streets if you are looking to pick fights with innocent civillians and kill them just because your not happy. You should of had a permanent vacation. You are literally a walking threat to safety in this city and for what reason...? you said this wasnt serious and was not deep.

you cant just clobber anyone you dont like with 0 roleplay and then have your friend do the exact same

i want your friend to be also penalized - that is not roleplay he was talking to me with, that was ooc terms - and he also rdm'd me for no reason or whatever. 

bro you lying brother there is NO proof of that buddy. 

ofc you have been banned for a year in this city mate you dont deserve to be let back - acting this crazy a fool... I asked you a simple question in the first clip - you got instantly aggravated, angry and hostile for absolutely no reason to the point you battered me with a fucking wrench with 0 initiation, and for no reason, no roleplay involved.

You dont deserve to be walking around in these streets if you are looking to pick fights with innocent civillians and kill them just because your not happy. You should of had a permanent vacation. You are literally a walking threat to safety in this city and for what reason...? you said this wasnt serious and was not deep.

you cant just clobber anyone you dont like with 0 roleplay and then have your friend do the exact same

i want your friend to be also penalized - that is not roleplay he was talking to me with, that was ooc terms - and he also rdm'd me for no reason or whatever. 
you LITERALLY came with hostility talking at me with a tone any other person would of reacted the same way you clearly didn't even ask the question in a simple manner leading me to ask you who were you talking to as I took it as a threat.

you literally pulled out a knife hence why I put you down if you had not done so I would of simply ordered you to put your hands up and apologise as I asked, me even asking you to put your hands up is a indication of roleplay you're clearly salty over the fact you tried to jump away with your knife in hand then ragdolling which had gave me the advantage.

also you can LITERALLY see yourself withdrawing a knife when my friend had gotten out the car for a split second proving you were literally willing to engange in a deathmatch not even 15 minutes after leaving the pillbox.

you should be disappointed in yourself for even lying on the report YOU made.


You obviously cant read or understand coherent english can you buddy? 

Moderators pls review the footage, I was in no way mind shape or form hostile to you in that conversation...

I asked you a simple question because I thought you were radioing to your homies that I was in the store - then you didnt even ask me to put my hands up nothing and instead RDM me hit and attack me with no prior warning then obviously seeing that I am ragdolled you proceeded to kill me for no reason. I pulled out the knife cos you had already attacked me - i could not defend myself nor use it it any shape or form. If you read the rules you should have seen that I was unable to move and actually initiate on me ..lol? you were even given a second chance right there but instead you didnt use roleplay as a means of hostile interaction and simply RDMd me for no reason . 

In the clip, you already threatened me and my life or your buddy has rather, and incase you didnt already see in the .png file you attached... YOUR BUDDY HAS ALREADY LEFT THE VEHICLE WITH INTENTIONS TO KILL AND RDM ME. When i saw your toxic buddy talking crazy as well despite knowing you have been banned and took a very long vacation before he should have used his brain and stopped the violence and let it be resolved mutually to save your life here mate.. but instead he also RDMs me OOC, threatens me and is complely toxic rude and vile. 

As you can clearly see, this man is taking any hair of an excuse he can come up with. The truth is there in the footage. Does a man who indulges in roleplay and is in a roleplay fiveM SERVER act like this? Absolutely NOT. Learn to talk and conversate and actually look up the definition of roleplay. YOU are a character not you OOC in some game form - you cannot act and do as you wish unlawfully. You should have READ the rules and realised what it is your playing. I hope you understand what it is and how you should truly act in a server of this standard but you should have already in your previous vacation. Therefore you have been given all the chances than you deserve and more. 

I am the other person involved in the situation i had called my friend and asked him where he was so we could change our cloths together 

i called him again to find out where he was and he had told me what had happend and then i told him to come pick me up, we then took him to pillbox and waited outside to try and talk to him in a calm manner as he was shouting non stop.

after he had got of pillbox we then asked him to come over and speak to us but he was tabbed out we then drove down the road to wait for him, he then ran up to our car and started screaming '' you're done out G '' your accusing me of talking out off OOC when in the clip you can clearly see me on the phone talking to our gang leader telling him to hold because we were going to talk to you, and you were screaming in our faces telling us were getting ''getting banned''  which is a clear rule break.

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You obviously cant read or understand coherent english can you buddy? 

Moderators pls review the footage, I was in no way mind shape or form hostile to you in that conversation...

I asked you a simple question because I thought you were radioing to your homies that I was in the store - then you didnt even ask me to put my hands up nothing and instead RDM me hit and attack me with no prior warning then obviously seeing that I am ragdolled you proceeded to kill me for no reason. I pulled out the knife cos you had already attacked me - i could not defend myself nor use it it any shape or form. If you read the rules you should have seen that I was unable to move and actually initiate on me ..lol? you were even given a second chance right there but instead you didnt use roleplay as a means of hostile interaction and simply RDMd me for no reason . 

In the clip, you already threatened me and my life or your buddy has rather, and incase you didnt already see in the .png file you attached... YOUR BUDDY HAS ALREADY LEFT THE VEHICLE WITH INTENTIONS TO KILL AND RDM ME. When i saw your toxic buddy talking crazy as well despite knowing you have been banned and took a very long vacation before he should have used his brain and stopped the violence and let it be resolved mutually to save your life here mate.. but instead he also RDMs me OOC, threatens me and is complely toxic rude and vile. 

As you can clearly see, this man is taking any hair of an excuse he can come up with. The truth is there in the footage. Does a man who indulges in roleplay and is in a roleplay fiveM SERVER act like this? Absolutely NOT. Learn to talk and conversate and actually look up the definition of roleplay. YOU are a character not you OOC in some game form - you cannot act and do as you wish unlawfully. You should have READ the rules and realised what it is your playing. I hope you understand what it is and how you should truly act in a server of this standard but you should have already in your previous vacation. Therefore you have been given all the chances than you deserve and more. 
you need a check up if you think how you presented yourself wasn't deemed as aggressive I'm not gonna go backwards and forwards with someone who had literally flown in for the first time today it's clear you're from another city and talking like that there may be the norm for you but in this city it will 90% of the time not run the way you would of thought it would

this will be the last time I reply to this as you're clearly lying through you're teeth and jumbling up words to make yourself seem smart and that your not in the wrong, I'm letting the staff deal with this and hear their take as talking to you is a clear waste of time as you're continuing to lie.

Hey buddy, watch the clips - you are lying. You are hostile you see me angrily ask me to come down the street you start yelling calling me a dumb cunt - you didnt role play brother you didnt do nothing you didnt do what you were supposed to do either you were the one yelling and not understanding this is a serious issue. im telling you its done out here because obviously you are hearing one thing from your friend in which he is lying and gaslighting you so you are on his side and not mine.

Hey buddy, watch the clips - you are lying. You are hostile you see me angrily ask me to come down the street you start yelling calling me a dumb cunt - you didnt role play brother you didnt do nothing you didnt do what you were supposed to do either you were the one yelling and not understanding this is a serious issue. im telling you its done out here because obviously you are hearing one thing from your friend in which he is lying and gaslighting you so you are on his side and not mine.
You were literally antagonising the both of us which then i reacted, before i had even got out the car you already had a knife in hand which shows you were ready to commence a death match, the fact your even lying on a report you made is hilarious.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!



Before I look further in to this, for RDM reports we ask for footage that shows 3-5 minutes before the rule break. Do you have a longer clip? 

Okay, lets get into this shall we? 

@adxmosYou have not provided me with what I asked for, your attitude/hostility IC, OOC and when you last spoke to an admin is not what we are wanting here. You are not acting as someone who is the age of 18+, if you wish to stay here then this needs to change. 

Now lets get into the rule breaks? 

@RHYSRHYSRHYSRHYSRHYSRHYSRHYSRHYS(my gosh that is a long user name😄)  In regards to RDM claim I would not say this is RDM but there is not much of quality(which you agreed with in your response "it did get a little out of hand"), the player came at you with so much hostility over him misunderstanding, next time I advise to try and deescalate the situation before turning to violence as this situation seems to have escalated from a misunderstanding. I am also unsure why you stayed around pillbox after dropping him off? If this was to find out more about his breaking character then you are enabling more for him to break rules which also doesn't help the situation, does it? 

@adxmosThis report is not going the way you had intended as, your own actions, attitude/hostility and your own messages say that you are the more toxic and tolling one in this report. This role-play had started from a misunderstanding. You have broken character (shouting "I am just checking your IDs", ect) , made threats to report("your boy is getting flighted, do you wanna get flighted too" and your own OOC messages "sending a report in now"), not role-played your injuries and been toxic/ abusive. You have accused another person of RDM in this report when you already had a knife out ready to attack them when they were getting out of the car, you did not know how that role-play was going to go, They could have held you up or made other role-play come from it. 

Also I would like to touch on somethings you said in your replies in this report, 

You obviously cant read or understand coherent english can you buddy?
This is an adult community, if you cannot act like an adult then you are not welcome here. 


You dont deserve to be walking around in these streets if you are looking to pick fights with innocent civillians and kill them just because your not happy. You should of had a permanent vacation. You are literally a walking threat to safety in this city and for what reason...? you said this wasnt serious and was not deep.

you cant just clobber anyone you dont like with 0 roleplay and then have your friend do the exact same

i want your friend to be also penalized -
I simply ask for someone that has been here for 4 days do you think you have a great enough understanding of the rules to make them decisions? 

Due to the above the following has been decided - Alternative action taken. 

CharID: 102329
Action: 1 week (following FBS)
Rule(s)broken: G2.3/C1.14/C5.1

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Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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