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Report a player - 406 and another guy - GTA RP

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i live in the Netherlands but i am British
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: jimmy smith

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 406 and another guy

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/11/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1430

What best describes this incident ?: one combat logger and one denied being picked up

Please (in detail) describe the incident: it started off as abit of fun the guy who combat logged stole a fair of mine so we got into a chase i disabled his car he got out we went onto fight his mate turned up and u can see how it ended

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello @Chimpsonbikes

You have reported ID 406, where do you see his ID? I don't see it in the clip. Do you also have footage of the Combat Log?

Hello @Chimpsonbikes

Just for the future, denying a carry request isn't actually against the rules as it is called 'Carry a Friend' for a reason!

Moving on, ID 406 breaks RP numerous times then does Combat Log in the second clip you have provided, The player also fails to roleplay his injuries. His friend is also not roleplaying his injuries.

Action: Permanent Ban

CharID: 78227

Rules: C2.3, G2.3, G4.4

Action: 1 Day Ban

CharID: 78228

Rules: G4.4

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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