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Report a player - 32 and one unknown - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Adam Whitmarsh
Reported Players: 32 and one unknown
Date: Mar 30, 2024
Time: 20:20
What best describes this incident: RDM, Execution, Verbal abuse.
Please (in detail) describe the incident: The situation:
I was out in NPAS with VikRambo, we had extremely low fuel so had to make a stop at the airport to fuel up, upon landing a balla comes over and we have a nice conversation, three more then exit a plane and start running straight towards, I call this in on radio and then use my panic button as I see one of them reach into their pockets, likely pulling out a weapon. They then get us both out of the helicopter, tell us to drop our items, which I do, and then decide to execute both me and Vik, before fleeing in the heli.

The purpose of this report is to highlight the incredibly low standards of RP held by some members of the Ballas in this situation, honestly, it's kind of pathetic.

Both me and Vik complied to every demand, and they still decided to execute us on the spot, I believe this violates both G7.1 and G7.3, as these rules state both hostage taking and executions should be held to a high standard of RP. Shouting at someone to get out of a heli, taking their stuff, shooting them in the face shouting "dickhead" and then fleeing is not exactly high quality rp..

There is also the subject of the panic button, I was called out in OOC for NVL because I pressed my panic button, but you can clearly see and hear in the clip I pressed it before any of them said anything about NOT pressing it. Whether this is because the Ballas were not shouting, or got too excited to pull out their guns is up to the staff to decide, but from my perspective I pressed that button as soon as I saw a threat and was never told not too, had they said that earlier, or before pulling guns then I wouldn't have pressed it.

The last section of this report is on Verbal Abuse. I'm not a snowflake, I don't really care what people call me despite my identity IRL, but we play this game to play a character and have fun. I could care less about what was said, but I think it needs to be brought to light as it's just not nice for anyone involved and really doesn't make much sense to say. I understand someone doing something you didn't like, and then berating them for it, but calling me a "retard cunt" after I had already been shot and downed seemed a bit excessive.

The only people this report is about is ID 82 with the clown mask, and the gentleman who "executed me" everyone else in this situation did nothing wrong in my eyes.

I look forward to hearing from the staff, any questions let me know. I have the full 10 minutes if it's needed.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/24eQcitE2sAyZI/d1337cueM9et?invite=cr-MSw4RGwsNDM4NjAxMDEs
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I complied with every demand. Threw my weapons down as instructed and then PC Liam arrived and they open fire on him for no reason and then executed us with no RP.

I also can upload full 10 minutes however it's just us flying and me watching Lucifer S4E9

The RP given to me was even worse as I didn't even get any abuse. I just got told to drop my weapons and then bam.
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@VikRambo Thank you for your POV, you can clearly also hear in your POV they also never actually said "do not panic" until after it was done. Thank you for also highlighting them shooting at the officer that turned up with no RP. Also your "execution" was arguably even worse than mine, literally just got shot with no words whatsoever.
@suwu @VikRambo I don't suppose any of you guys have a 3-5 minute clip before this incident do you?

Also, what was NPAS doing before this? Was it involved in an incident with Ballas? Was it attached to an incident prior?
@Tyson Blake You are one of the people who killed an officer in this situation, please could you provide your side of this story as well as your thinking behind the actions you took?
@Jay Small You are the other person who killed an officer in this situation, please could you provide your side of the story as well as the thinking behind the actions you took?
@suwu @VikRambo I don't suppose any of you guys have a 3-5 minute clip before this incident do you?

Also, what was NPAS doing before this? Was it involved in an incident with Ballas? Was it attached to an incident prior?

Hi Hank,

Thanks for your reply, please see the link below for the full 10 minutes. NPAS was not involved with Ballas previous to this, we were overlooking a shootout between Vagos and the Police.

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@Tyson Blake You are one of the people who killed an officer in this situation, please could you provide your side of this story as well as your thinking behind the actions you took?
@Jay Small You are the other person who killed an officer in this situation, please could you provide your side of the story as well as the thinking behind the actions you took?

I killed a firearm which responded to the call after one of my members got sprayed off a BF400 coming Into the airport.

My thought process was simply to rob two feds I saw stood at a petrol pump, nothing more to It I'll be real. We've been having Issues with feds In RP for a wee bit now so we thought why not just see what they had on them. Then one thing led to another and we seen you pull your panic after we pointed guns at you which resulted In a bit of rushing and panicking of the RP we was In so we did not have a chance to make the RP the best of our ability.

Of course my choice of words aren't the prettiest but had I been aware the Individual was actually offended I would've simply apologized but I've never had this Issue arise until now.

I don't really have anything more to add, I can only apologize for any Inconvenience caused.
Of course my choice of words aren't the prettiest but had I been aware the Individual was actually offended I would've simply apologized but I've never had this Issue arise until now.
Hi Tyson,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I just want to clarify one thing, I did make a spelling mistake originally, by "I could care less about what was said" I actually meant "I couldn't care less about what was said", so please note I was not offended by the words that were said.

similar to what Tyson said its been a ongoing situation with the police lately, and once we saw the two officers fuelling there helicopter we decided to rob them it was going to be just that, but when you have four/five guns pointed at you it wouldn't be the best choice to panic, unfortunately once the unmarked car turns up it sets in to fight or flight and rash decisions were made on my part so i will apologise for that, in my opinion shooting the two officers was just a safety precaution from my point of view to not allow them to get involved as it was so fast i didnt know if they still had weapons or not.

but yes can only apologise if its caused any upset

similar to what Tyson said its been a ongoing situation with the police lately, and once we saw the two officers fuelling there helicopter we decided to rob them it was going to be just that, but when you have four/five guns pointed at you it wouldn't be the best choice to panic, unfortunately once the unmarked car turns up it sets in to fight or flight and rash decisions were made on my part so i will apologise for that, in my opinion shooting the two officers was just a safety precaution from my point of view to not allow them to get involved as it was so fast i didnt know if they still had weapons or not.

but yes can only apologise if its caused any upset

Hey chief,

We have absolute no issue being robbed, we were asking for it, 2 lone officers with NPAS heli at a public airport.

My issue is you had the perfect opportunity to turn it into a standoff as you had two hostages. Instead we just get head tapped. You say you didn't know if we had weapons when the first thing you demanded is we drop our guns. Rash decisions were definitely made. If you weren't prepared for the situation perhaps consider not starting it. I'm sure you can see from our videos at how appalling the whole situation was. You had no getaway vehicle, no plan or anything, to me (please understand this is my opinion from my pov) it seemed you just went oh easy prey lets hands them.

You (not specially you but one from the group) opened fire on Price Liam for just arriving and retreating. One of you gents even said for us to be ziptied but instead we get executed with no RP just so you don't have an extra two officers to deal with in your gunfight when ziptieing us would have achieved the same effect. Just very poor RP in my eyes. From you running up to us and me getting shot in the head was 52 seconds which is appalling.

Especially considering the ballache I got from everyone for losing NPAS xd. (jk)

But in seriousness, this situation had the potential to make good RP situ with a possible standoff as you had hostages to negotiate with but it just went straight into a gunfight. It shouldn't be fight or flight. It should be how best to RP it out. Even after shooting Price, you could have RPed out from there by getting us to use our radios to tell them to back off or there were multiple different avenues which were all ignored and we got shot in the head with no RP to make it easier for you.

I will give my opinion on the panic button situ, imo the officer was on the other side of the heli, guns were still coming up, in my POV vid you can even hear you guys stuttering with your demands. I was the closest to you and no threats can be heard until the panic is going off, that's just my two cents.

In regards to Hank's question, Police was just finishing a shootout with Vagos in which we as NPAS were helping out. All firearms were at that situation and to the best of my knowledge there were no ongoing situations with Ballas. NPAS broke off the vagos fight to go to airport to fuel up which point the Ballas were landing in a plane of their own.

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!

Hello all,

I'd like to start by saying thank you all for sticking with us whilst this report was discussed, now, I've went and discussed this particular report with other staff members and have compiled their opinions into the following,

@Tyson Blake and @Jay Small as you two are the main perpetrators here, I'll be primarily focussing on you two, however, the overall RP here is poor, extremely poor. Tyson I expect a lot better from you especially with the position you hold as Ballas lead.

Robbing Police as we all know is fine if done correctly and it wasn't here, if someone did say not to panic, then they were clearly whispering instead of shouting as in the clips provided by the Police, I can't hear a thing, that is on you, as the person shouting it, not them. The excuse to then shoot them in this case is null and void and the shooter has messed up by not ensuring they're heard properly.

Tyson, seeing the panic go off, shouldn't make this scenario rushed or anything like that, roll with the RP and see where it leads, after all, you now have 2 high value hostages and a helicopter literally in your lap.

Jay, saying that shooting these Police officers as a safety precaution because you didn't know if they had guns or not is not right, you have literally just stood there and told them to drop it, the reason you didn't make sure is because this was a rushed scenario which brought to quality tumbling down with it.

Tyson, from this report you will unfortunately be seeing a ban following the FBS as this is not your first ban for RDM within 6 months. The RDM came into play when the officers in the Audi arrived on scene and you shot at them, you attacked them without any form of quality roleplay, as I mentioned above, you had 2 high value hostages and a heli in your lap, there was no need to do that. I'll also be adding on rule G1.7, because you're a community leader, you are held to a higher standard and need to set an example and in this scenario you set it very poorly.

Jay, your record looks somewhat palatable, not perfect, but far from the worst, you'll be receiving a warning tonight for rule G7.3. Your killing of the officers and the manor it was done, could not be justified here, not quite RDM as some roleplay was attempted, but certainly far from what we expect for people getting shot and killed.

Character: Tyson Blake
Rule(s) Broken: G1.2 & G1.7
Action: Ban - 2 days

Character: Jay Small
Rule(s) Broken: G7.3
Action: Warning
Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.

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