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Report a player - 306 - GTA RP


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: James Miller
Reported Players: 306
Date: May 20, 2024
Time: 21:30
What best describes this incident: G1.2
Please (in detail) describe the incident: During patrol and heading to Grove turf area noticed a black Jugular going past at high speed.
I followed the driver to Moseley and the driver basically told me i was not pulling him over.

He then reversed back squeezing past my vehicle at this point I followed him to just before the traffic lights on strawberry avenue and he broke down or stopped dead in front of me, at this time I bumped into rear of his vehicle I pulled up to the side of him to start RP as had zero to very little interaction.

Driver then got out his vehicle and shot me.

This was not the type RP I would expect from a long timer as the RP was shut down as there was no pursuit or chase.

I tried twice to get 306 to join in QE but they never showed.

Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2eliBEnT23YKK0/d1337SH44dVc?invite=cr-MSxyY1MsNzE5NzkzNTgs
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Hey @welshpa - thank you for taking the time to make this report.

Quite a disappointing and abrupt end to what could've been some interesting roleplay as far as I'm concerned. 306 makes no attempt to roleplay with you at any point outside of "fuck off" and "don't even try to pull me over". As you try to chat to him he doesn't even say anything before shooting you dead unprovoked. Seems his only interest was to stop you from doing anything, and he's chosen the least effort way of doing so unfortunately.

Report Approved

Character(s): Barry Benson (16479)
Rule(s) Broken: G1.2
Action: 1 Day Ban - in line with FBS.