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Report a player - 234 - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Gruppe 6
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Deacon Constantine

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 234

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 05/22/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 830

What best describes this incident ?: NVL

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We're preparing to head out and go do something, as such, I'm looking for a couple of capable vehicles, I park my bike in front of a car, steal it, bring it back to YJ and go grab another one. As I arrive back, however, I notice 234 at my bike. I presume he's trying to steal it, so I ride over to him. I then proceed to watch him kick the bike, I tell him to stop, however he runs to his car immediately. It feels very scummy to do that, but seen as he's new, I don't mind it too much.

I radio the guys over as I start damaging his car to slow him down. It is at this point one of the guys comes up and points a sawn off at his face, he is now surrounded by multiple people with a shotgun pointed at his face. He stops the car shortly, before putting it in reverse. At this point, he gets shot, afterwards, put him in the car and go to dump him.

We tried to Liaise, however, he refused to join the voice channel, instead saying "nah cause ive done bugger awl wrong".

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

My perspective:
Him refusing to Liaise:

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


For what its worth, I'm fine with it just being a warning. He's new to the city so we just wanted to tell him what he did wasn't aight, the only reason the report was made was because he claimed he didn't do anything wrong and refused to believe anything else. Just don't want him to do that shit, had some fun stuff in mind on how he could repay damage done and show him how we RP around here, but instead he just refused to RP in the first place.

Good evening @Deacon Constantine, thank you for this report!

I am do agree this is a new player to the server and I am inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt on this occasion especially as you are so willing to give that opportunity!
I hope the player reads this and realises they have been given that chance!

At the point where they had multiple guns aimed towards them and were sitting stationary in their vehicle it didn't make much sense for them to begin reversing at under 5mph away from that! I would be more inclined to value my life in that situation.

Due to the above I will be actioning this report with the following today:

Action: Warning

Character Name: Andrew Taintin

Rule(s): G2.4

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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