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Report a player - 230 - GTA RP

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Jay Martinez

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jay Martinez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 230

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/23/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1730

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was responding to reports of a person being taken hostage, when arriving on scene a Civilian pointed out a door that they had entered and myself and another firearms officer approached the door and entered declaring ourselves as police. As we stepped through the door I was then 1 tapped to the head as was the officer behind me. There was no attempt from 230 to engage in RP with us and no warning given at all

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello Jay, I am 230

From the liaison, Tomas chopped off our only leverage's head off while doing hostage RP right around the time you breached, from our perspective we thought that you were going to discharge your firearm because we just killed someone right as you barged through the door.

To expand upon this. from my perspective, it felt like we had no other option especially since you caught all of us off guard in an ambush (very very little time to react), no leverage/hostage since we killed him right around the time you entered into the room, the enclosed space with nothing to work with, and our only pathway was blocked by armed police, offensively pointing guns and directly threatening our lives (which I believe would've been discharged, considering Tomas murdered someone right around the time you entered the breached). 

With the adrenaline of the moment, and the fact that we didn't have any options to attempt further RP, I did not think about another escape route. From my perspective, there was nothing we could of done, especially since our lives were threatened and I had grounds to believe you were going to discharge that firearm (since we murdered someone right around the time you breached).

I believe if we reverse the roles, and if a criminal pointed a gun toward police, what would your response be? Of course everything is completely contextual, but generally, you would've shot the criminal because your life is in direct danger, just like our life was in direct danger in this situation, too. Police are meant to disable any immediate threat using necessary force, the force had already been chosen since you had your assault rifle out, pointing it at all of us, right after we decapitated someone. This of course would've been different if it was anything but an assault rifle aimed at all of us, directly threatening all of our lives when we just killed someone in front of you guys. I believe you didn't encourage RP from our side by barging into an unknown scene, with potentially very dangerous, armed assailants and startling those potentially armed assailants inside an enclosed space with nowhere to turn to, with your guns drawn and pointed directly at us, which would've absolutely resulted in a shootout considering all of these circumstances. You state in the liaison you believe we could've RP'd further, but I believe you could of. You caught us off guard, & instead of using your voice, or using your police equipment properly like a megaphone to negotiate with hostage takers, you didn't value the life of the hostage and instead instantly barged in with your firearm pointing it at everyone offensively.

I can see it from your perspective, as I've said in the liaison, I really, truly thought there was no other way out, and considering the circumstances, (those circumstances being that: 1] Tomas killed our hostage, which made me believe you were going to kill us 2] the only pathway being blocked, & 3] you started aggressive initiation, pointing an assault rifle towards all of us, which I thought you were going to kill us with considering we just decapitated someone with a fireaxe right around the time you entered into the room), I didn't see another option.

I am sorry you felt that no extended RP took place, (although this being said, I do still feel like extended RP couldn't have taken place, considering all of the circumstances) but you you walked into an active hostage situation and pointed a gun at everyone, trying to handsup people who were armed, cornered, threatened with guns & just murdered someone in front of you. Please tell me what you expected was going to happen?

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Hi Hector,

As we discussed in the Liaison, unfortunately I don't feel that having limited options of escape within RP justifies breaking server rules to get yourselves out of the situation by RDMing 2 people.

I believe you didn't encourage RP from our side by barging into an unknown scene,
This is just baseless and seems like a poor attempt to deflect from ones own poor RP. We came in and started giving commands to stop moving and show some hands. There was a few seconds of time were nothing happened but this and instead of you, or one of your accomplice's, responding, you just decided to shoot first and worry about the consequences later. 

You caught us off guard, & instead of using your voice, or using your police equipment properly like a megaphone to negotiate with hostage takers, you didn't value the life of the hostage and instead instantly barged in with your firearm pointing it at everyone offensively
 I did use my voice, it is worth noting that my voice on the clip is delayed compared to the video ever so slightly. So I started shouting prior to us entering the building. We have no server rule that states a hostages life must be valued so if you feel that is something you want to pursue, you are welcome to within RP. However that isn't relevant here. 

To simply put it, RDM is attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay. That is exactly what has happened here, by your own admission in liaison and you have agreed as much in your final paragraph.

I am not sure there is much more to say on the matter unless staff need something to be clarified 

 I don't feel that having limited options of escape within RP justifies breaking server rules to get yourselves out of the situation by RDMing 2 people.
I believe I've provided the 3 main reasons why what happened, which you may refer to my reply.

you just decided to shoot first and worry about the consequences later. 
Because as said in my reply, we killed someone in front of you, with your assault rifles pointed at us.

I did use my voice
I was referring to only using your voice, you used your voice and the highest level of aggression by pointing and threatening our lives with an assault rifle (as we killed a hostage). If you would've used the police equipment, the megaphone to negotiate with us hostage takers I believe this could've gone a whole different way. Even if you didn't have a megaphone on hand you could've attempted to shout through the door, went to go get one, setup an ambush to prevent a shootout, anything other than resorting to your firearm to threaten our lives which obviously would come with aggression, especially considering the circumstances (we killed someone in front of you, enclosed space, ambush/caught off guard & our lives directly threatened with your assault rifles pointed at us).

attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay. 
Everything is contextual/situational. We were caught off guard, with no time to react right as we murdered someone, with you pointing an assault rifle at us, threatening our lives.

We have no server rule that states a hostages life must be valued so if you feel that is something you want to pursue, you are welcome to within RP. However that isn't relevant here. 
When I originally wrote this message I didn't accuse you of NVL, I was merely referencing to the fact that ICly, I'm aware you (a police officer) are meant to disarm any immediate threat.

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Well, the thing to consider here @Hector Martinis that @Jay Martinezis doing his JOB as an armed officer. They have received intel that someone was being kidnapped and acted accordingly. I think you being in that location with one entrance and exit, not having anyone watching and allowing the chance of someone their been able to call police is your own fault. 

It is very clear nobody there provided ANY roleplay to the police, let alone QUALITY roleplay. I can understand heightened situations and adrenaline an things and usually i am quite lenient in Police vs Crim scenarios because i believe a small bit of common sense should be used from both sides. However, would expect something to be said. 

The officer here was doing his job, you lads got caught with your pants down. You did not provide any roleplay and will be getting a 2 day ban from FBS for RDM.

You have been in trouble a fair bit recently, i would start to think before your actions going forward. I dont want to see you in an unban appeal. 

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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