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Report a player - 175 - GTA RP

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Stuart Barker

Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Stuart Barker

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 175

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/23/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1725

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: After making an arrest near Triads Turf of someone for a blade and 4 bags of coke. This is when his "friend" came over and started to talk to officers, he stepped on my car and had a taser pointed at him. By this point the original guy had been arrested and put in the back of my car, this is when 175 followed me and without saying anything shot me in my car, now I know we did have RP interaction, however I feel the way this was done did not constitute any RP, because who would shoot a cop over someone getting a blade charge and a bit of drugs, and also there were so many other ways this could have been done to introduce RP, like holding me at gunpoint to release the guy, however by 175 driving off he showed no intent to RP the situation further, he did not shoot me to release his friend. He just shot me for the sake of shooting me, and with the little RP involved I believe this to be RDM. As he had no valid reason to just start shooting at me.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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This is a funny one. Anyways we move on. Let me state by saying RDM means 'Random Deathmatch'. The rule G1.2 states that you attack someone with no previous encounter, when there definitely was. You arrest my friend and expect nothing to be done? Even then you point a taser at me, potentially could have arrested me but I ran and said "Point that taser at me and see what happens". In my mind, this is the perfect opportunity to down this cop and get my friend out of cuffs (which we did because I called it on radio and the boys came and lockpicked the car and got him out). So yes, I did follow you and did shoot you because you think you can arrest a friend on my turf and get away with it? When I came to team speak, all you did was shut down anything I say and just claim RDM RDM RDM, when roleplay was provided prior. In this situation as a whole, yes they could have been more ways to go about it but I feel the best time was to get you before you go down to the cells as a whole prison transport could have been done to transport him and it would not make sense to hit that one my own. I feel you reported me cause you lost the situation and the guy you arrested got away. But I feel this is in no way RDM as it was definitely not 'random'. This will be my one and only reply so will leave it up to staff to decide. 

"please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence" 

"Attacking another player without engaging in any form of QUALITY roleplay is considered RDM"

This is a funny one. Anyways we move on. Let me state by saying RDM means 'Random Deathmatch'. The rule G1.2 states that you attack someone with no previous encounter, when there definitely was. You arrest my friend and expect nothing to be done? Even then you point a taser at me, potentially could have arrested me but I ran and said "Point that taser at me and see what happens". In my mind, this is the perfect opportunity to down this cop and get my friend out of cuffs (which we did because I called it on radio and the boys came and lockpicked the car and got him out). So yes, I did follow you and did shoot you because you think you can arrest a friend on my turf and get away with it? When I came to team speak, all you did was shut down anything I say and just claim RDM RDM RDM, when roleplay was provided prior. In this situation as a whole, yes they could have been more ways to go about it but I feel the best time was to get you before you go down to the cells as a whole prison transport could have been done to transport him and it would not make sense to hit that one my own. I feel you reported me cause you lost the situation and the guy you arrested got away. But I feel this is in no way RDM as it was definitely not 'random'. This will be my one and only reply so will leave it up to staff to decide. 
I've looked through the evidence provided by @Stuart Barker, but I struggle to hear you say: "Point a taser at me and see what happens". If possible, please provide some evidence where we can hear this.

Another thing, @Stuart Barker, the gyazo provided, links to the youtube video. Is this meant to be?

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Time to wrap this one up. Considering both parties have had 24 hours to reply with any final notes, I'll take it as there being none.

So, there's a few things I'll like to highlight from this report. 
Let's start with @Stuart Barker. For someone who had just been shot by someone, you'd imagine you'd be heavily injured and in a lot of pain. From what I've heard, you sounded completely fine. I'll therefore be giving you a warning for G4.4:
Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly, you were downed and have lost the fight, you will not recover instantly.

Moving on the @xKane. For someone who's been a member of our community for little over 10 months, I'd expect your RP to be a lot higher than this. Let's go through the evidence together, so you can see where you made mistakes:
Let's start with your evidence.
You saying: "Point a taser at me and see what happens", this is in my own opinion, not the best RP you could provide. However, it's YOUR reponsibility to ensure the opposite party can hear what YOU are saying. Having listened through the evidence provided by @Stuart Barker, at no point can I hear you saying anything to him, while running around in circles. 

Now, moving on the where you shot @Stuart Barker. Throughout the entire encounter between @Stuart Barkerand you. At no point did I see any RP, that were of a sufficient standard to justify you pulling up and say: "Why you pointing a taser at me", and then shooting him. Had you been closer, so @Stuart Barkercould've heard your prior "initiation", then it would've been a different story, since he would've heard you warning him about it. 

Therefore @xKanewill receive a 1-day ban for G1.2. This ban is in line with our policy in regards to our fair ban system.

So, for both you @xKaneand everyone reading this. Let me clarify one thing. For you to be able to shoot someone, there must be HIGH QUALITY ROLEPLAY. If you're unsure whether or not you were in the right to shoot, don't hesitate to go to TS and join "Join for support". If this is the kind of RP, that people thing justifies you shooting someone, then you'll end up in the same boat.


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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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