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Report a player - 167, 149, 761, 660, 153 - GTA RP

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Jay Martinez

Los Santos Police Senior
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Jay Martinez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 167, 149, 761, 660, 153

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 12/25/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 46

What best describes this incident ?: (G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considere

Please (in detail) describe the incident: We were in pursuit of a vehicle that flew past us at the very beginning of the clip. Whilst in the pursuit of this vehicle the 5 players in question crashed into us intentionally, this was later admitted in TS, and we ended up giving chase to them. They then lead us into an alley way and all decamp from the vehicle and run at us punching and stabbing without a single word being said between the 2 parties, as seen in the clip in my rush to hit my panic I accidentally bring up Steam. However you can still hear that even during the stabbing of the 2 other officers that nobody was saying anything until we were all downed and they turned our attention to robbing us. For me this is a pretty blatant case of RDM as they provided no roleplay apart from colliding with us head on which personally I do not consider to be high quality.

I would like to thank the 2 members that came to TS despite neither of them knowing why that had happened apart from going out wanting to rob cops and both claiming to have just gone along with the situation, however for me this is not excusable for being apart of the situation and from the video it shows all 5 were willing to run around and attack the 3 of us without so much as a word.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I understand how you think this could be RDM but we was all involved in the situation as we was looking for police to rob and when one of our people started to be chased that was when we decided to target you to get our person out of there after that you can see at 2min mark you was about to pull out the SMG so we wasn't gonna let you just put a gun at us like most Trojan units do thinking there big balls. After that we knew we had the numbers on you but knew you wouldn't of put your hands up as one of your officers already had a SMG in his hands and pointing it at one of our people so we decided that we wasn't going to let you just be the classic big balls trojan and think you can scare us when we out numbered you which you can see from the video clip. Evidentially we was well within our rights to defend ourselves and take you on as we came out that we managed to take you all. Further more i would like to ask how did that officer 'Nathan Smith' manage to press his panic button when he was down on the floor. 

In my opinion this wasnt RDM as we didnt start stabbing until the officers pointed guns and tazers at us, at that stage in real life if your a gang or trying to pretend to be one your not gonna let police point weapons at you and not do anything about it. That whole situation was because yet again trojan got out with there mp5 in hand thinking they are better then everyone, i dont know how they manage to drive with a mp5 in there hand also i believe shouldnt there mp5 be in there trunk and they should get it out as they pull up.

Being a police officer myself i know how bad it can feel being robbed and that cops always like to win no matter what it takes thats just general knowledge around the city, but we was well within the rights to stab you as one of the officers had guns to us and we had numbers to get us out of the situation well at least untill some how a panic went off when the officer was on the floor.

Also after the situation was done me and one other person got taken to hospital by the police and as we managed to heal and got well we waited outside the hospital in handcuffs for 10 mins and not one officer came to come and get us out of cuffs just left us there with the hospital gown on freezing cold in the snow wheres the RP behind that eventually Yankee the G6 officer manged to locate a police officer and that officer finally let us go.

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I understand how this could be seen as RDM but we was all involved in the situation as we was looking for the police to rob as we had been most of the day when one of the people we was with started to be chased by the trojan officers seen in the clip and she had asked for help so we seen it as an oppurtunity to rob them of there weapons and go on our merry was, we led them down an alley way with our car that had died from the impact before and as we got down the alley way we all left the vehicle and as seen on the 2 minute mark and officer can be seen reaching for an MP5 which was on his person not in the boot of his car where it should have been and to me that seems unfair on us. the moral of this was that we wanted to help the person who was being chased by the trojan, when the trojan started to follow we made a plan to get ourselves out of the situation which would have happened even though there was a panic activated when the officer was down on the floor which in my eyes is also not acceptable. our plan wasnt to attack the officer until they started to get out there car with MP5s on there person which im gonna say again should not have been on there person they should have been in the boot of the vehicle our plan was to lead them on a chase for a bit and maybe get away maybe not but it escelated to us murdering the officers instead of what we originally planned. the value of life was there because it was a 5 vs 3 on our half like we had all power to do what we did because they was out numbered significantly, this is proven as we managed to get all officers down.

to add onto what Tom had said about the situation at the hospital i was the other occupant there with him we stood for 10 minutes waiting for the police not trying to run and no one came for us or bothered to deal with us and an officer drove past with no care for us seeing we are in handcuffs and drove off, it was freezing cold we had dressing gowns on and we were crowded at the hospital now what would have happened if we had been attacked while in handcuffs and dumped?? luckily Yankee from G6 was outside the hospital off duty and he managed to get an officer to uncuff us after 10 minutes but also they failed to search our persons which i find appauling because i still had a machete and a switchblade in my pockets now what would have happened if it was a gun ??? and i started to go crazy and kill a bunch of people i believe the police are at fault because they failed to search our persons left us vulnerable at the hospital by ourselves in cuffs and had no care for us at all in my opinion i believe the trojan unit and the polcie in general need to know there roles and get themselves in line before they cause something bad. 

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@YoungMaCand @Tom Heevescare to explain why you'd start stabbing people without any prior RP, except for someone saying: "Fuck you"?

Because, from what I'm seeing, I fail to understand how you'd classify this as high quality RP? If this your version of High Quality RP, then I can quickly help you and your friend with finding a different community to play on..

There was prior RP we have been robbing cops all day and cops was after us , so when we seen the trojan officer pull smgs on us we assumed that they would also be apart of that team that was after us, so we wasnt gonna let them just get the advantage and instantly get us at gun point we had to think on our feet and act accordingly to the situation at hand and ensure that we was able to get out, i also would like to put out my further point about the officers leaving us handcuffed outside of the hospital with nothing but the hospital gown on in the freezing weather and not coming back to deal with the situation, i would also like to point out that the cops had the SMGs on their person where there supposed to be pulled out the car on approach, if the officer didnt instantly pull out the SMG it could of been a whole different situation.

I would also like to request another staff member to review this as i feel you are taking the police side as you are also a trojan unit and probably dont like that i called them all big bollocks as thats what they think they are. I would also like to add my quality of RP is at a high level as i have previously been recommended as a player.

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i also would like to put out my further point about the officers leaving us handcuffed outside of the hospital with nothing but the hospital gown on in the freezing weather and not coming back to deal with the situation, i would also like to point out that the cops had the SMGs on their person where there supposed to be pulled out the car on approach, if the officer didnt instantly pull out the SMG it could of been a whole different situation.
All of this is a police command issue, so I'd recommend you pass that to police command.

I would also like to request another staff member to review this as i feel you are taking the police side as you are also a trojan unit and probably dont like that i called them all big bollocks as thats what they think they are. I
In regards to this. Before I even make a decision, I'd ask for the rest of the staff teams opinion, since, as you've mentioned, I'm police myself. And personally, feel free to call Firearms what you want, it won't have a effect on my decision.

I would also like to add my quality of RP is at a high level as i have previously been recommended as a player.
This won't be taken into consideration, since it's not related to the report, bor will it ever be.

Now, to carry on. @Tom Heeveswould you say that the fact you've been robbing cops, allows you to stab someone with no words being said? 

@Jay Martinez, were you aware of this, and/or got anything to add?

I wouldnt say the fact that robbing police let us stab these officer but they pointed guns at us so we had to do something to get out the situatiuon and police was aware that we was robbing police and had weapons on us, but thats all i can say i have no proof of this so its just my word against what they have put.

As for me if you skip to 2.11 i was the one by the police car i didnt start stabbing people until i got shot at.

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We didn’t point guns mate. You’s had ran towards us with knifes before we even had the chance to do anything like that, or even talk…

Also, even if guns were pointed at you prior to the stabbing, per value of life, you should comply. Not run towards them with knifes.

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Hi @Snufflesthank you for taking the time to look at this one.

To answer your question, I can confidently say that I had no idea that this specific group of people in a generic local car that randomly crashed into us head on and then jumped out of a car and punched, battened and stabbed me without engaging in anything other than a deathmatch were involved in any prior roleplay with any officers let alone those in my vehicle. I was aware that attempted robberies had been happening all night by various groups but we had no way to know who these people prior to going to TS with them.

Just a few other points:

I wouldnt say the fact that robbing police let us stab these officer but they pointed guns at us so we had to do something to get out the situatiuon and police was aware that we was robbing police and had weapons on us, but thats all i can say i have no proof of this so its just my word against what they have put.
I was punched first and before I could reach for any weapon defensively I was quickly battened and then slashed and downed. The other officers were then reactionary to this and pulled there weapons, exactly as I would expect them to within roleplay and as they have been taught to do.

There was prior RP we have been robbing cops all day and cops was after us , so when we seen the trojan officer pull smgs on us we assumed that they would also be apart of that team that was after us, so we wasnt gonna let them just get the advantage and instantly get us at gun point we had to think on our feet and act accordingly to the situation at hand and ensure that we was able to get out,
If this was the case and you were truly attempting to flee then why would you ram into an ARV in the first place? It doesn't make sense that if you don't want to be arrested that you would actively draw attention to yourselves in such a high-profile way.

 i also would like to put out my further point about the officers leaving us handcuffed outside of the hospital with nothing but the hospital gown on in the freezing weather and not coming back to deal with the situation, 
Not relevant to the report this is an in RP issue to deal with the officers who nicked you and took you to hospital.

 i would also like to point out that the cops had the SMGs on their person where there supposed to be pulled out the car on approach, if the officer didnt instantly pull out the SMG it could of been a whole different situation.
This is just wrong and misleading and again an in RP issue not a server issue.

now what would have happened if it was a gun ??? and i started to go crazy and kill a bunch of people i believe the police are at fault because they failed to search our persons left us vulnerable at the hospital by ourselves in cuffs and had no care for us at all in my opinion i believe the trojan unit and the polcie in general need to know there roles and get themselves in line before they cause something bad. 
This is also an in RP issue and I am concerned you would consider going on a mass killing spree as a result of that, again that doesn't seem like high quality RP to myself.

In my opinion this wasnt RDM as we didnt start stabbing until the officers pointed guns and tazers at us, at that stage in real life if your a gang or trying to pretend to be one your not gonna let police point weapons at you and not do anything about it.
If you have a clip of this as proof please go ahead and post it for staff to see, as you can see in my clip I didn't have a weapon in my hands and before any other officers are engaged I am downed, so either you had a very different POV to us or you are just making things up? If it had been the case we had been pointing a rifle, SMG and a taser at you then I would of also been concerned about you abilities to value your lives as in my book 3 firearms outweigh even 5 melee weapons but that's not relevant to this report

Being a police officer myself i know how bad it can feel being robbed and that cops always like to win no matter what it takes thats just general knowledge around the city, but we was well within the rights to stab you as one of the officers had guns to us and we had numbers to get us out of the situation well at least untill some how a panic went off when the officer was on the floor.
This seems to me like you have an out of roleplay issue with the firearms unit as a whole which is concerning to say the least. 

If you are referencing my panic you can clearly see I had an issue whilst trying to panic and draw a weapon all at the same time due to the sudden, unexpected nature of this attack, and that as soon as my screen was back in game I hit my panic button.

Sorry for the long string of messages @Snufflesbut I personally had a lot to say on this one, I was left frustrated after talking to 2 of the 5 in TS where they came with a no cares attitude until I mentioned I would be pursuing a report at which point they both tried to back themselves out of the situation claiming they we in there head and came back to it and joined in. That inability to take responsibility for their own actions left a bad taste in my mouth.

We didn’t point guns mate. You’s had ran towards us with knifes before we even had the chance to do anything like that, or even talk…

Also, even if guns were pointed at you prior to the stabbing, per value of life, you should comply. Not run towards them with knifes.
For us who ever the trojan was at the back of the car had his gun out, and we had numbers so we knew we could over power you. But like i said if you skip to 2:11 i was standing by the police car i didnt stab anyone until i got shot by the trojan unit.

To be honest, I agree that this situation was too stupid.

I can honestly admit that we were looking to rob the police and other people. In the car that was chased, one of our friends was with a person we had kidnapped that we were going to rob. So she said it over the radio. and we came to help. I know the way we did it was completely wrong. and that it is not considered proper RP. I completely agree with that. When we finally stopped the car. The others went out and I followed and just kept at it. We ourselves had no communication, something we should have. And I totally agree that what was done was incredibly stupid of us, and we had not thought carefully through this at all.

I myself am the one who comes out from trunk of the car. I think I was number 153. And I wish this situation was not done the way it was done. I want to say sorry. And understand very well that there will be consequences out of this.

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At 2:05 i was only just getting out the car can i add the passenger side so i couldn't of hit into the car, and then at 2:11 i was standing by the police car the only time i started stabbing people was after i took gun shots as you can see on my body

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Again nothing says Merry Christmas like some good RP.

After watching the video and reading the comments, i cannot agree that your prior RP and intent to rob police warrants NO RP from any of you. Its very clear to me as it is said multiple times that all you wanted to do was down them as quick as you could to rob there SMG's. You outnumbered them, you could have outsmarted them but you didnt. You just swarmed them, said nothing and didnt even roleplay that you had been injured. Not to mention the initial VDM just to help you get there attention. 

This is the type of shit show i personally want rid of on the server and im disappointed with seeing who it was actually involved in this. You should all know better and will all be facing a ban for G1.2 RDM. Ill go in Order:

ID 167 - Lexa pendragon - Previous Perm so skips to 2 Day ban for 

ID 149 - Harvey mCcormick - No Previous, 1 Day ban. 

ID 761 - Tom Heeves - No Previous 1 Day

ID 660 - Eric Wong No Previous 1 day
ID 153 - Karen McCormick - Prevous 1 day ban so 2 days

I would expect to see better roleplay from ALL of you. 

Thanks for the report @Jay Martinez

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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