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Report a player - 157 - GTA RP

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Rio Stokes

Los Santos Police Senior
United Kingdom
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Rio Stokes

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 157

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 04/12/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300

What best describes this incident ?: (C1.2) i think

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Myself and my mate was in MRPDS when we was about to go out on patrol a firearms officer came upto our car with a PIC to which i made a joke about firearms dumping pic on people this was in no way shape or form a hurtful thing to say just making a joke to which the officer responded "i was going to ask for a lift to Bolingbroke Prison but you can actually go kill yourself mate yea" in any other circumstances like if we knew each other or it was a joke i would understand but i feel that the words its self and the tone it was said in was meant in a malicious way, i dont want to be that guy for reporting someone that i am in the police force with for this but i genuinely don't think this is acceptable behaviour

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but due to your comment and tone of voice which both were aggressive, I responded in a similarly aggressive manner. While what I said was significantly harsher, I don't believe it would be a breach of the rules, especially not C1.2 as I believe that is a rule about discrimination. This feels more like a standards issue that you could report to PSAT in character, rather than a server issue.

I will comment on how you say that I made a comment as though we knew each other, after you made a joke as if we knew each other. This seems slightly hypocritical.

I did not mean what I said to you personally, and do not wish harm upon yourself, I said what I said as in character I am a snarky old bam and thus I acted as such. 

I am sorry to break the news to you, but gang members on the city say a lot more than just kys and they say it with significantly more aggressive tones, than just my monotonous voice in the video. 

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Good evening.

I would like to say when rio said "hold on is the firearms dropping somebody on us", how did you take this as an aggressive tone.. it was in character banter, there was zero aggression within his voice, i personally didn't comment at the time as i was genuinely speechless at your remark, what exactly offended you by his comment? why did you take from 0-100 so fast? you don't understand the flashbacks that can be caused by such a phallus remark.. we aren't trying to escalate it for no reason.. it was genuinely perceived as malicious.. 

Good evening.

I would like to say when rio said "hold on is the firearms dropping somebody on us", how did you take this as an aggressive tone.. it was in character banter, there was zero aggression within his voice, i personally didn't comment at the time as i was genuinely speechless at your remark, what exactly offended you by his comment? why did you take from 0-100 so fast? you don't understand the flashbacks that can be caused by such a phallus remark.. we aren't trying to escalate it for no reason.. it was genuinely perceived as malicious.. 
You mean when he said "Are you firearms and your gonna drop someone on us yeah?", in a snarky tone? Yes I perceived that as aggressive. As you can tell by my own tone of voice that went from jovial to annoyed you can tell that I don't enjoy being told that I dump people on others, as I am one of the firearms that dont actually do that. 

And I am sorry if you had a bad experience with suicide, however, this is an RP server where I have dealt with suicide, bombings, torture, execution, drug abuse and have avoided as much ERP as possible. There are adult themes in roleplay within this server and if at any point you do not want to experience certain themes you can tell people OOC that you do not want to be involved with it or just leave the scene if possible. I would never want someone to be subjected to RP that they do not want to experience, however as you have chosen to RP as a Police Officer on a Police vs Gang server, there are gonna be a lot of harsh words thrown both ways. 

Adding on to you perceiving it as malicious, I am sorry if it seemed that way, but I honestly had never met Rio before earlier today when I helped to do his FTOC training. If I had any OOC dislike towards him I would not have joined in that, nor would I take it IC.

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however as you have chosen to RP as a Police Officer on a Police vs Gang server, there are gonna be a lot of harsh words thrown both ways. 
The thing is, i expect it from gang members or any other city member, just don't expect it from a colleague, i just cant understand your instant acceleration down that path. There was a lot of other avenues you could have explored not just going straight to "Kill yourself".

Adding on to you perceiving it as malicious, I am sorry if it seemed that way, but I honestly had never met Rio before earlier today when I helped to do his FTOC training. If I had any OOC dislike towards him I would not have joined in that, nor would I take it IC.
You met Rio and my self on the FTOC course.. i quite enjoyed my time with, your mood earlier this evening seemed a lot more positive and jovial, Not sure if you were feeling tired at the time of the comment.. Just bare in mind that words can be awe-fully powerful

In regards to your statement about the server being Adult themed.. Myself and Rio are quite aware of it.. Pointing that out seems like more of *everyone else does it so i will to*.. i believe we've both made our points clear.

The thing is, i expect it from gang members or any other city member, just don't expect it from a colleague, i just cant understand your instant acceleration down that path. There was a lot of other avenues you could have explored not just going straight to "Kill yourself".

You met Rio and my self on the FTOC course.. i quite enjoyed my time with, your mood earlier this evening seemed a lot more positive and jovial, Not sure if you were feeling tired at the time of the comment.. Just bare in mind that words can be awe-fully powerful

In regards to your statement about the server being Adult themed.. Myself and Rio are quite aware of it.. Pointing that out seems like more of *everyone else does it so i will to*.. i believe we've both made our points clear.
Yes, but that is the avenue that I chose, as that statement made the most sense in rp that my character would make. It showed the annoyance I felt with what he said, it showed that I did not want to discuss it further, and it was purposefully more aggressive than what he said, as my character would not sit down and have a chat with a random response person who is showing me cheek. 

When you say "just bare in mind that words can be awe-fully powerful". You act as though you are just saying that what I said was mean and that I should think before I speak, which if you said IC or tried to speak OOC about after, would have made sense. However instantly going to report, makes it seem less like you are upset about it, and more like you are reporting someone for swearing in lol and you are trying to get them communication banned. I can see this report as someone who doesnt understand the type of server you are on at best, and as revenge for me saying something you didnt like at worst. Now, bearing that in mind I am not trying to claim this to be a revenge report not do I wish it to be treated as such, as I frankly dont think that something that could have been discussed over DMs or in a liaison should result in staff intervention. 

And finally when you say that I am just doing it to copy others that act like that, no, I do what I do in character as that is how my character would react. Someone who has been in the police for over 2 years and has dealt with more baldies than any hair dresser, Kylo MacCaig, would 100% tell someone giving him cheek words more harsh than just a kys. 

With your final statement about your points, I will say to just add that to my previous statement about you acting like this is a DM discussion and not you trying to get me warning points or banned. 

You have your opinions I have mine, whatever the staff decision is or isn’t is fine by me.. this report stands to contest anyone who thinks they can say whatever they want and just expect the other person to deal with it.. i will not be replying further as it serves no purpose, enjoy your day. 

You have your opinions I have mine, whatever the staff decision is or isn’t is fine by me.. this report stands to contest anyone who thinks they can say whatever they want and just expect the other person to deal with it.. i will not be replying further as it serves no purpose, enjoy your day. 
I sadly have to disagree, this report is an attempt to get revenge against me saying something that at most could be considered a bit mean. 

Good Afternoon, @CodyLtd Hope you are well,

I appreciate the fact that you apologised in your initial response and I understand that you said it as an in character expression rather than saying it to be hurtful just to add to the comment about contacting you prior to this report, I did put in ooc "@157 Are you still in the city" to try and reach out to you to which I didn't get a response back, I'm going to assume you either missed it or was part of a situation at that time, this being said I believe this has already gone to far in regards to the length of this report I don't want to cause any issues between myself and yourself in the city and I apologise that it has gotten this far, I believe I was in a somewhat moment where I was unable to take that as a joke and I was actually hurt by what you said as of my previous experience which doesn't need to be discussed, I hope that this doesn't cause any bad blood between myself and yourself and we can continue as normal, if you happy for staff to remove this report and no further action taken then I'm happy for that too, if you would like to speak about this situation further off the report feel free to send me your discord where I would be happy to have a chat,

Good Afternoon, @CodyLtd Hope you are well,

I appreciate the fact that you apologised in your initial response and I understand that you said it as an in character expression rather than saying it to be hurtful just to add to the comment about contacting you prior to this report, I did put in ooc "@157 Are you still in the city" to try and reach out to you to which I didn't get a response back, I'm going to assume you either missed it or was part of a situation at that time, this being said I believe this has already gone to far in regards to the length of this report I don't want to cause any issues between myself and yourself in the city and I apologise that it has gotten this far, I believe I was in a somewhat moment where I was unable to take that as a joke and I was actually hurt by what you said as of my previous experience which doesn't need to be discussed, I hope that this doesn't cause any bad blood between myself and yourself and we can continue as normal, if you happy for staff to remove this report and no further action taken then I'm happy for that too, if you would like to speak about this situation further off the report feel free to send me your discord where I would be happy to have a chat,
Nah as I said at the start, I am sorry about what I said, I didnt intend to actually be mean about it or to make you upset, and would have apologised in DMs. It was meant to be an exasperated/mean spirited comment, rather than me actually wishing you harm. You were a sound bloke during the training and I have no reason to actually want to start beef with you. Also, please dont worry about any bad blood or anything, I am probably actually more likely to say hi now when I see you around as I remember you as more than just a response donny xD

I'm happy for staff to close the report, and please dont be afraid to talk to me or ask for something in the future, I promise I have nothing against you. 

I sadly have to disagree, this report is an attempt to get revenge against me saying something that at most could be considered a bit mean. 
Not a revenge report, don’t go there.. as stated by Rio I also wish for no bad blood, I may have taken it a bit more to heart.. hope to see you round mrpd 

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Good evening @Rio Stokes, thank you for making this report!

I have reviewed the evidence in this report with another staff member too. The reported comment made in this video was made inside roleplay.
Both officers in the response car were slightly hostile towards the firearms officer & he reacted according to what his character believed was necessary, this was not a comment made out of character therefore it is not a rule break.

As mentioned by @CodyLtdthis is more of an in game issue that you can report via in game methods if your characters were both unhappy with the comments made by the firearms officer. 

The thing is, i expect it from gang members or any other city member, just don't expect it from a colleague
If this is a comment that you expect from a gang member, why is it suddenly not okay from a whitelisted faction? Everyone follows the same rules. 

Due to the above, this report will be declined today. 

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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