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Report a player - 111,112,283 some others. - GTA RP

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Well-known member
The Barrio
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Kearn Welsh

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 111,112,283 some others.

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 02/22/24

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1720

What best describes this incident ?: RDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hello all,

I was at the Barrio with the boys and we get a random gps sent to our group chat from Paulie so we rolled up there expecting him to need help or that something was going on, but not to the extent of getting out the car and being shot at straight away.

From the moment we turned up things had went wrong on our end needing to get fuel and driving locals up but we wanted to get there as quick as we could, so we did.
As you can see from the clip Nova and Tom are above as the car they were driving flipped so were on foot and we continued down in the car.
Upon getting out of the car someone says put your hands up to someone i'm not sure who and within seconds shots were being fired, at the time i didn't realize how many were there and had guns.
We were given no other option but to try and fight these people as best we could.

I really see this as pure RDM there was no rp given to us other than "put your fucking hands up" and like i have said all of us who got out the car just basically been shot at straight away.

I had put in ooc for these people to come to QE and they didn't come, i was in there for 10 minutes or so before i left.

I then after found out that it has been alliance members using voice changers that were at this situation and in all seriousness im glad i didn't go to QE because every time i've been in QE with them before its been a 1 sided screaming match.

At the time i seen a chance to at least take 1 person out as i thought he was the only one with a gun until someone else started shooting at me further back, which was unfortunate.



Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Very confused of to why you have put this report up as seen in this clip https://streamable.com/8umh3e and in your clip that you posted Curtis says "put ur fucking hands up" and at the end of that sentence you (vagos) shoots first dont think we need to reply any further unless asked to by staff 

Jack Jones

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Hi Jack, 

So this report was put up as i don't consider someone saying "put your fucking hands up" as high quality rp and with that being said i perceive this as a clear rule break.

(G1.2) Random Death Match (RDM) - Attacking another player without engaging in any form of quality roleplay is considered RDM. (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. “Put your hands up or I will shoot” and countdowns are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering violence.) - Mass RDM is a permanent ban.

I say this as it says in rule G1.2 that it isnt considered as high quality rp.


Hello @pyroxd

I'm going to say this just quick as its starting to become a regular theme this 'I'm not replying unless asked to by staff'

It is not our responsibility to be chasing people for responses, and reports would be dealt with alot faster if everyone managed to say their piece or try to work it out in the report section. This area is monitored so any foul play will be dealt with if thats what you're worried about. 

If you have something to say in reply to @KearnWplease do, but both, I urge you to keep it friendly.

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Hi KearnW I was one of the people involved in this incident.

So this report was put up as i don't consider someone saying "put your fucking hands up" as high quality rp and with that being said i perceive this as a clear rule break.
So we were telling the guy with the gun to put his fucking hands up because he has a gun in his hand, as seen in both your own clip and Jack's clip. https://streamable.com/8umh3e  He then moves back and starts shooting us, so we shoot him back because we are not going to let you shoot us. You then start to hit one of us with a bat and get shot.

 I would also like to point out that you never said a word to us from the moment you left that car and, in fact, just started to hit us.

I agree this could have been better on both sides, but then you lot shut that down when you shot and attacked us for saying put your hands up, stopping all RP from happening.

Couldnt agree less.

As you see in the clip he had the gun out but one of you pointed one first, and if you look very carefully both shot at the same time.

As for me not saying anything, at that point gun had been pointed at on of my boys and shooting had started before i even had a bat in my hands, at that point it was an active sit, this is why i didnt speak.

As i have said Hands up isnt good rp and yous didnt need to pull weapons straight away, but yous did.

We infact did no stop this rp from going differently because you had already decided to pull guns on us when i had the intentions of going down the mine to the exact gps to which i had been sent.

The "rp" wasnt going to go any other way in this situation and i felt that as soon as i turned up to the mines.


We already had guns out before you even turned up due to us mid-robbing the mines. You could have played it differently, and I don't think we have broken a rule in this situation. Like I said, we were holding up the guy with the gun, and he shot.

Much Love BigT

looking back the clip yeah i seen 1 man with a gun out, at that point im pretty sure the "robbing" was done as you were all out of the mines.

we couldn't have played it any differently as the first thing said was hands up.

we are going in circles here, to me its a clear rule break and we all know you were always going to shoot at us.

i've nothing more to add to this as we will go in circles.


We can leave it for staff then, and I can tell you right now that we were not done robbing the mines. You can even see us still with boxes on our backs and people still inside the mines, and we also left stuff inside the mines as you guys showed up when we were still in the process of moving everything outside.

Hello just thought I’d add my opinion to this topic as I was the one who told you to put your hands up, we simply knew that Paul had sent a gps to his members because he stalled on his phone as we hands the vagos members in the mines so we was already on the back foot and ready for a much bigger situation to so me and a few others was watching on guard as my members was filling up our cars with the materials and boxes at this point now you boys pull up where as soon as you get to the mines and your car comes to a halt you instantly jump out with your m19 ready to point at us which then you did and did not listen to my command and forced me into a combat situation where I have to save my own life Aswell as my members so yes from viewing Ronnies clip he doesn’t want to get hands and instantly shoots which gave me no choice but to trade shots with you Thankyou Curtis warren 

Just want to make it clear I did not shoot at you and can’t comment on the fact he pulled a gun out.

However I can comment on the fact that you knew someone was going to come, does that give you the right to say hands up straight away? Doesn’t seem like any RP was wanted to be given, at that point we didn’t even know if you were involved as everyone was blacked out, in my opinion you could have led us down the mines feeding us some lies and actually rping it out a bit more, instead of the way it did go, as I’ve previously stated, it’s clear to me all yous wanted there was a shootout, again that is just my opinion.


Ronnies clip he doesn’t want to get hands and instantly shoots which gave me no choice but to trade shots 
How was me having a gun out any different to you having a gun out? And if you look at the clip we both fired at the same time, we’re both in the exact same position. No fingers pointed from my perspective as we’ve both done the same.

However I can comment on the fact that you knew someone was going to come, does that give you the right to say hands up straight away?
I'm sorry but this whole report just confuses me, you have reported for RDM but its obviously not RDM as you clearly can see 2 people pointing guns at each other, its most likely gonna end up with a shootout. You guys showed up while we had Vagos members in zip ties and you could clearly see that, or we presumed you obviously could as it was within 10m of you, of course our reaction is to deal with you guys before we get shot. We chose to go down the route of kidnapping you guys as we obviously don't want to RDM you, and you decide to react by shooting us (fair enough) but at that point what do you want? The report claims RDM, but you seem to be bothered by the way he asked you to put your hands up so quickly, there's clearly context here.

Doesn’t seem like any RP was wanted to be given
Can you just give me an example of what you would of done? Considering we had vagos in zips and vagos pull up, do you not understand why he was so quick to engage with you? 

in my opinion you could have led us down the mines feeding us some lies and actually rping it out a bit more
I like that you think of different idea's and stuff but in this case that's silly, I'm sorry but armed robbers don't send you on easter hunts. You can see him walk towards you with a gun in his hand, you also see multiple blacked out people with guns in there hands, you have a GPS you understand that a robbery has most likely happened and you think i know lets go in there with 1 gun and a bat. 

I'm gonna finish my addition to this report by saying, sometimes there's other ways around a situation, if I have a gun and the only other weapon we have is a bat, and see a clear armed robber walking towards me with a gun with other blacked out people with there guns, the LAST thing I'm saying is "unlock it" but I think its unfair to claim "RDM" when he clearly tries not to take that route.

Like I’ve said in all the other replies to “I don’t understand this report”, it’s stated clearly in the rule so if this is high quality role play to you then fair enough.

As for telling me what I saw, you say multiple people had guns out, it took me to watch back the clips to see someone had one out, and for everyone being blacked out how am I supposed to know you are all the same group? People are blacked out in the mines all day.

i will not explain myself again, as I’ve said in my opinion the role play you have before shooting doesn’t give you means to shoot. 


As for telling me what I saw, you say multiple people had guns out, it took me to watch back the clips to see someone had one out, and for everyone being blacked out how am I supposed to know you are all the same group? People are blacked out in the mines all day.
you are clearly aware that people were at the mines robbing, you were both conversating about it. you knew if there was people in blacked out clothing its probably the culprit, that's why your mate had a gun in hand also. you are the only vagos that thinks this is "RDM" or whatever you are actually reporting for. Anybody can see the clear context to you being asked to pop your hands up.

Like I’ve said in all the other replies to “I don’t understand this report”, it’s stated clearly in the rule so if this is high quality role play to you then fair enough.
So this is there so that we don't shoot each other randomly, in other scenario's we like to talk shit with our guns out and kind of let them figure out what there supposed to do, but in this specific scenario the robbery was active and the RP was already happening, I'm sorry you felt your side of the RP wasn't the best but we can't ignore the blatant robbery uncovering before our eyes, run at it and then moan when it bites us.

i will not explain myself again, as I’ve said in my opinion the role play you have before shooting doesn’t give you means to shoot. 
I'm not sure if were watching the same clip, slow it down. Your guy started shooting. If you slow down the clip You see a vagos get out with an m19 (for obvious reasons) and as soon as the m19 is brandished Curtis obviously had to deal with that. Its all good though, if you feel you "don't need to explain yourself again" on your own report then whatever, maybe change the reason of report because like I said, confusing.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!

Hello @KearnW

So I've had a chat with other staff members to get their opinions on this report and the general consensus is the following,

This report should be denied on the grounds that, when you received the GPS followed by what I assume was radio silence you all charged up to the mines, you should have known that danger would have been present and that you would have been walking into an active situation. When you guys pulled up, you clearly seen people with guns out and decided to go ahead and exit your vehicle with gun drawn anyways, instead of taking a little more of a tactical approach to this, as well as this upon looking at the video, it appears the both parties shoot at the same time, rare, but not unheard of.

I appreciate that sometimes adrenaline can get the better of a situation and I feel this maybe the case here as well as wanting to protect a member of your crew, but,

Because of the above, I'll be denying this report today.

Thank you.
Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.

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