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Report a player - 108, 21 - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Veikko Knight

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 108, 21

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/01/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2235

What best describes this incident ?: Fail RP.

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I was transporting MPO assets around the map when my game crash. I log in back into the game me and Lew Garret (Steve) are just generally talking on discord while driving boats around. I start heading towards MRPD to get railer out and transport a second boat to location x, when I see this blue car start ramming us for no reason at all we get disabled and gang members shoot me in the head. Later on TeamSpeak, I learn this gang actively wars against police, but I did not have information about this so on my end it looks bladed RVDM and RDM and poor RP. I was not involved in this interaction. I did talk to them on Liaison but I feel like still need proper judgment on fact.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

I was the individual who shot you in this clip due to the fact you had smashed the window and pointed a gun at me when four of us with guns tried to take you hostage, unfortunately, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time which led to the incident unfolding.

After a large shootout which resulted in police being killed with none alive to report the situation, you were called out through the radio as a possible vehicle either trying to flee the scene or take pictures as evidence. As you can see in your clip you were extremely close to the situation and parked up just the other side of the road which is unfortunate, but from our point of view, you were just another officer trying to gather evidence or call for backup which resulted in us chasing you.

From what I can see in the clip your VOIP was also either not on or working correctly so you may not have heard or felt like you were in the situation at all but that's not something we could have changed.

I appreciate you calling me into TeamSpeak to talk and I tried to explain the situation as clearly as possible, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time in quite a tense situation.  

I was also involved in the incident myself aswell i belive before your game crashed the other person belived to be in the car was lurking around the area with binocluars in an active scene were police were getting shot.I also believe that you or your partner had some idea what was going on and it seems like a weird place to patrol round especially with what was going on.

Regarding your NVL as there were 4/5 people holding guns to you and your partner and you still decided to attempt to shoot people is why you got shot in the head.

Unfortunately we cannot proceed with the report due to lack of evidence. Appears to be that VOIP wasn't connect properly for Veikk and as a result he couldn't hear what had presumably been said to him by the robbers.

Thank you for your report, Unfortunately, it has been declined

The staff member will advise shortly why on this occasion they have declined to take action against the reported player.

Please do not let this put you off making further reports in the future, We rely on our player base to help keep our community clean.


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