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Report a player - 1076 - GTA RP

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PJ Adams

Ballas Carwash
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: PJ Adams

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1076

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 11/13/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 330

What best describes this incident ?: G2.3 & G7.3

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I had just finished a sentence in prison for 1440 months when I came back into the city with some friends. I came out the compound and noticed someone was following me whilst I was on my bike. After I got out the gate, i confronted him asking why he was following us and he seemed okay and fine. No confrontation at all. Out of nowhere 1076 swings a machete and injures both ryleigh and myself in doing so. After that all happened, I started recording, thankfully. 1076 and his friend after RDMing me failed in following the rules once again, whilst at the pier 1076 mentions i shouldnt be talking and that was i was 'failrping' whilst in roleplay and the most shit roleplay received.

In conclusion, 1076 had never met me before, whacks me with a machete, places me in a car and drives to pier in order to get rid of me, only to provide piss poor to little roleplay whilst breaking character

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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I'll just add to this. The guy was found, shot for his actions after I was found by NHS. He was killed at 4:30am outside pillbox and combat logged. I'm sure logs will be able to check. The time is very accurate. Killed by PJ Adams (compact rifle) and he combat logged a minute after

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You broke NLR? How did NHS find you when I took your phone etc and ocean dumped you without breaking MetaGame? Please tell me this!

How did NHS find you
You were followed by someone. You did it infront of a few people and NHS arrived and saw the exact vehicles you were using. Police was radio'd I assume and I guess they checked a VERY popular dumping spot which is the pier in this instance. I infact survived the 'failed execution' of yours which I also have evidence of but staff can also see if I respawned or not through logs if they have to (which they don't).

I was involved in this situation so I will respond, We had a feeling he would've been taken there as that's the most common spots to be dumped, upon going there, I contacted the police, through the dispatch, an got them to search the water just in case with there scuba gear, when the officer went down there, he saw a car, an found PJ inside, therefore he didn't break any NLR rules, he was found, you were then found outside pillbox, an then combat logged on us when we tried getting you in the car.

No. you meta gamed VIA discord as you were crying in OOC for admin to help and had no response.. It's a game kid but follow the rules if your gonna report them! Child hahahahhahahaa

I'm not here to argue, I'm here to report for your clear and blatant rule breaking over the past couple hours. It's a game, like you said. No need to be salty on the forums or even in game to combat log. You were found and killed for hitting me with a machete, simple.

No. you meta gamed VIA discord as you were crying in OOC for admin to help and had no response.. It's a game kid but follow the rules if your gonna report them! Child hahahahhahahaa
I didn't, but you can do what you want with that, everyone knows the pier is a place where people go to dump someone, an being rude an calling someone a "child" isn't going to change the fact, you broke a rule, multiple rules infact, I ain't going to comment anymore until staff do. 

No. you meta gamed VIA discord as you were crying in OOC for admin to help and had no response.. It's a game kid but follow the rules if your gonna report them! Child hahahahhahahaa
There’s no need for that. We are an adult community please be mature and respect all members of the community.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


I killed you as you tazed and killed my friend right in front of my eyes? I came back and stabbed you and your girl up and you complain? The situation was dealt with when u came back and killed me, did I report you first for NLR/Metagame? No! So drop it and play the game kid it's literally 50/50.... I logged as I thought you initially broke NLR or Meta-gamed and just thought fuck it

Hello all,

I have reviewed the footage, dug a bit deeper into the logs and this is the conclusion that I've come across.

This must've been a case of false identity as PJ Adams was correct in his video that he was in prison for quite some time. The video begins as he is downed and being placed into a taxi and driven towards the pier to be dumped (obviously). @DeShawnBlackbreaks RP and tells PJ Adams with VOIP in RP that he is 'Fail RPing' which would violate G2.3 (Roleplay Everything). After this, DeShawnBlack proceeds to drives his newly acquired vehicle into the water with PJ Adams downed in the back seat and jumps out as it enters the water, not really realistic and this would violate G1.8 (Fail Driving)

Now, I've been looking through the logs to actually confirm that PJ Adams was in prison before this altercation occurred to make sure that I wasn't missing any context and I have found that PJ Adams was revived at the Hospital 04:04:30. Fast forward to 04:29:25 where PJ Adams downs DeShawnBlack with a Compact Rifle to which DeShawnBlack disconnects whilst down, which violates C2.3 (Combat Logging). I've also seen your most recent reply to this thread which states 'I logged as I thought you initially broke NLR or Meta-gamed and just thought fuck it'. Just because you think someone broke a rule, doesn't give you the right to break a rule yourself.

Moving onto @PJ Adamsin the first part of the footage, you don't Roleplay your Injuries. You were stabbed (Even though we haven't seen the footage of this, the logs show it) and you were ran over by the taxi. You should've roleplayed your injuries better, which you did do later in the footage. I understand that in that moment in time, you felt as if you were RDM'd but again, like I stated to DeShawnBlack that you cannot break a rule yourself because another has done this too.

With that being said, the following will occur;

Action: Permanent Ban | One Month Cooldown

CharID: 81625

Rules: G1.8, G2.3, C2.3


Action: Warning

CharID: 17826

Rules: G4.4

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Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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