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Report a player - 106 - GTA RP

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i live in the Netherlands but i am British
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: jimmy smith

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 106

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/22/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2100

What best describes this incident ?: rdm

Please (in detail) describe the incident: i was doing a taxi run when i came across these lot in the video i was rammed by a fast response car then rammed by the guy who ended up killing me i didnt manage to get the id of the ems guy even tho he was in the wrong also imo

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): No

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Yeah so basically Chloe who was in the back of the ambulance is a close friend of mine who had just got finished with a heart transplant and from my POV it looked like he was trying to ram one of the paramedics, so i intervened and had no intention of killing him until he called me a spaz/spastic multiple time my plan was to ram his car until the ambulance had space to get away

thats just a cheap cop out i was so far away from them there was even a tow truck in between u knew i didn't do anything you just wanted to cause trouble and u and ur friends went on to bully harass me one guy even emptied a full clip into me when i was already down on the floor 

Hello all!

I've been given more context regarding this Report A Player in the form of a video from another POV which shows more to this report than meets the eye. I will go over both videos below.

Initial Report Clip -

So, as @Chimpsonbikesis driving down the highway he begins to overtake two NHS vehicles to which the NHS Rapid Response vehicle starts swerving side to side, and chases you up the highway and swerves into and states 'Watch it, we're transporting here' and you respond 'What the fuck are you mouthing for, don't act like you're the Police'. After this interaction, a random pinkish vehicle comes up behind you and starts ramming you without providing any Roleplay. Is this random? It certainly looks random in your POV but on their side, they were involved in this situation due to their friend being transported. However, this does not give them enough reason to break the rules and Random Vehicle Deathmatch you.

The pinkish vehicle continues to ram your Taxi until it breaks, whilst this is going on. You're shouting abuse at those players calling them 'spazs' and 'spastics', you exit the vehicle and you're still arguing with a large group of people who may or may not be a bunch of criminals. These criminals state that 'you will get killed if you keep speaking like that' yet no weapons are drawn at this moment in time. The player who stabs you states 'I've got a knife, so shut your mouth' to which you respond 'Oh be quiet mate, calm the fuck down'. After this, three players pull out melee weapons, two Combat Knifes and one Machete. Whilst these knifes are out, the player starts stabbing you and you're not exactly roleplaying your injuries whilst being stabbed and saying things such as 'He's got no fucking right to stab anyone, I have this all on my dashcam...well done'.

Further provided Clip - 

In this clip, you are already in a down stated due to being stabbed to death in which another player is shooting your corpse around 6 times and yet again, you are not roleplaying your injuries. You also state 'Well, you aren't going to be around for long...bye!' which strikes me as 'Threatening to Report' or at least borderline...

One of the players in the clip states with VOIP, 'I'm surprised you're still capable of speaking to be honest with you' to which you respond with 'Well, you guys aren't interacting properly either' which again, feels like a borderline rule break of 'Roleplay Everything'

Action: 1 Day Ban

CharID: 30919

Rules: G2.3, G4.4, C1.14, G2.4


Action: 1 Day Ban

CharID: 73595

Rules: G1.1

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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