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Report a player - 1004 - GTA RP

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I left the scene and headed back to turf on my own I'm unsure if he was left as he was or taken to another location as I went of radio for the night to fly out
Hello @Johnbhoy 1888

Do you have another copy of the evidence for me to review? Discord links are only valid for 24 hours and as such, the link is now broken.

Thank you.
Hello @Johnbhoy 1888 ,

Sorry for the long wait for this response, I do apologize,

I have identified the player and he is currently banned, in regards to my question I was trying to get at if one of you brought him to a hospital or not because he was revived from this incident which raises some flags as to how. But there is nothing that shows how he got revived and is the least of my worries right now. Its clear from the footage provided that he failed to value his life and to roleplay his injuries after being revived as he wasn't treated by a medical professional.

This report will be added to his current ban.

Action Taken

CharID: 94300
Rule: G2.4
Duration: Permanent
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