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Report a bug - Joe Scrub - Forums

Joe Scrub

Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator

Server: Forums
Date: Mar 9, 2024
Time: 00:00
Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: No link to report a bug within the forum section
Provide a full description of the bug: The GTA RP bug section has a link to this bug report form I am filling out now, but there is no link to the form in the forum bug section, meaning that to report a forum bug you have to select the GTA RP bug option and then change the drop-down which is hard to navigate unless you are cool and based like JayYeeXtreme.

That's about it, thanks.
Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage Of The Bug: https://i.gyazo.com/3e846decc08a84b4289b509e10cd9223.png
There's no way to fix this unless we move the bug reports into the main "Report a bug" section or we create a separate form for forums bugs.