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Removing certain walk styles.

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary:

Remove the run styles known as Flee, Flee2 , Flee3 , Flee4 , Flee5 

Detailed Suggestion:

So this run style is being used in many ways that could be seen as exploiting, or to gain an advantage over others in many of ways.

So over the past couple of months i have been in a constant beefs/wars in game on multiple different characters and i have noticed many of de - sync issues and "fake drop issues" and teleportation in buildings etc.

Now you could just say this is standard GTA issues, which yes it is, but ever since these run styles have been introduced, people are using them to an advantage, and the amount of de sync they have added to gun fights is crazy. I have noticed the more people who use this run style, tend to do a fake drop where you shoot them and they fall "down like they are downed" but stand straight back up to the usual.

Now testing this is a problem, you may go on a dev server and test it with 4/6 ppl and have no issues, but on the live server when in these scenarios with a lot of people in area etc it does causes issues.

I am sure other members of the community can add to this.

now before anyone says this is a role play server  yes it is, but many of us do enjoy our conflict RP, from gun fights to melee fights to fist fights or just verbal.

The Pros:
Less De sync in fights from gun to melee to any type
People wont switch to these run styles when it suits them
Do they really add to anyone's role-play? i doubt, everyone uses them to do stuff faster.

The Cons:

Having to remove them

Dev Work

The people who use the emote to their advantage not be the happiest


Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


They have been a problem since the moment they were added to the server because people use them to run faster, instead of to rp. 

I don't see a reason to keep them, if they can be removed.

Also a Flee 5 enjoyer but i get where this comes from. in the grand scheme of things there will always be a running style which is the "Fastest" and be used for combat scenarios. It wouldn't bother me personally to much if it stays or goes 

+1, also delete quick walking style while you're at it since people holding a person or body exploit it to walk faster as well. Then there's gangster4 that has a wierdly quick sprint animation.

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