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Removal of Helmet Armour


Elite Donator
Paleto Bay
Brief Summary:
I am suggesting that Helmet Armour is removed from the server.

Detailed Suggestion:
As the title states, I believe helmet armour should be completely removed from the server.

As someone who 100% of the time has helmet armour on (which obviously gives me an advantage when it comes to combat) I still believe it should be completely removed as I believe the server was a lot better without it.

In my personal opinion, I don't think helmet armour should've ever been added, especially the way every street gang member was running round with it on - it just doesn't make sense in my opinion.
Now the question asked will be, "how would you go about removing it". Well, as I have stated in the 'Marksman Pistol' discussion thread, I think helmet armour should be removed from the police armoury and removed from faction crafting tables. Now obviously, groups have stockpiles of helmet armour, some more than others - so in that case, I would remove the helmet armour completely from everyone's storage (yes, that includes my storages and the Lost's) and anyone currently with a helmet armour currently equipped keeps it in their helmet until they are downed.

The Pros:
Makes combat on the server more fair for all - gunfights will come down to has the better gun or who lands the head-shot first.

The Cons:
People with stockpiles will lose all of their helmet armour and essentially the money they spent on said helmet armour.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
I think helmet armor should not be made anymore but should still be available. It would be an expensive commodity which it should have been in the first place. If there's only 200 available in the whole server for example and no new ones are getting in they will slowly phase out. For the people with the right contacts and money they would be kind of available, giving a deserved advantage in a fight (for now). And at some point there will be so little in the server that they will phase out anyways.
I personally think it has a place in the server honestly, I just think it needs to be controlled better. The criminal factions that have it are rarely in gunfights where it’s useful so it doesn’t really matter too much, the unfair advantage on the crim side was when it made its way to street gangs and it turned into 25 with it v 25 without it, that was unfair yeah I’d agree there. It’s used a lot less by people now due to rarity and price.

The only real unfair advantage I really think there is now is how much it’s used by Police. Now don’t get me wrong, I know why Police use it and need it, and I don’t disagree with its existence, but I’ve said before it’s stupid that CID and other non-firearm units use it, or even Firearms use it every time ‘tensions are high’, personally I think it should be used by Police only by CTSFOs or when authorised by a member of Police command, as these are the people who are involved in the bigger situations like big raids etc… where it makes sense to use it. I’m sure I seen someone saying the other day it’s used any time there’s a shots fired dispatch, which is overkill imo, could be one fella with a pistol and a car full of firearms cops go with helmet armour on.

-1 to remove it honestly, but I’m all for stricter control (and that’s from a crim POV, better I’m attacked for being a cop main, I’m not 🤣)
+1 should never have been added

In extreme cases police should be able to use it, but it should break as soon as they drop it
-1, Police get wiped on a daily basis, get treat more like a gang than as an actual law governing force.

Keeps us at least somewhat balanced and its only deployed when authorised.
I have to agree with Jack.

I think it has a place, but in rare circumstances, and police should have more restrictions given against the use of it. While I understand it sucks being one-tapped, it has a major balance shift against the good ole geezers with a WM vs a Marksman. I think it'd also help reduce the second, but only time would tell in that regard.

Possibly a good mid-ground would be moving HA to 50/100 as its 100/100, and then slightly more restrictions on its use by police (for a trial) to see if this helps!

-1 for the reasons above
Personally, I'm not sure where people get the idea the police as a whole are using helmet Armour on a widespread scale of every officer like that. CID and Firearms are it, and CID requires operational authorization. No one else has access to it, nor can you just hand it to someone if you do. Now, I think it may appear that way because the people who have helmet armor the most, firearms, is who you'll run into during these shootings. Now I wear helmet Armour, why? I suck at shooting, GTA combat is weird and someone with a bat at distance has a decent chance of killing me if they chuck it at my head. I'm a role player, I roleplay a Firearms Officer in the police because I enjoy it and if anything, helmet Armour has helped me stay alive a handful of times where I've gotten lucky. Generally, a marksman makes short work of my skull.

Now, despite me being in firearms it doesn't give me a blanket authorization to wear it whenever I want. Believe it or not, there's still restrictions. Helmet Armour is relegated to a very small percentage of the police but if you're having shootout's you're directly in the purview of that small percentage. Ultimately, I disagree with the adage of "whoever gets a headshot first" my public statement of my opinion on the marksman is we need less executions and more gunfights. Gunfights become sniping matches and I find it boring; I don't want to play defensively on my firearms character but when you have me pinned down by the eoka pistol in construction I don't have much choice.
+1, especially as every police officer seems to throw it on when they see a gang mask in the same postcode as them.

The criminal factions that have it are rarely in gunfights where it’s useful so it doesn’t really matter too much
Completely disagree, I've been a part of a good amount of gunfights in my years on the server, and by far the least enjoyable was where one of these 'criminal factions' supplied HA to the entire opposition. To the point where I knocked it off one person and he ran around the corner to put another on. It ruins fights.
To the point where I knocked it off one person and he ran around the corner to put another on. It ruins fights.
This isn’t even possible Jim, you knock the helmet off and they no longer have a helmet to put the armour in, so…?
Need to use a wardrobe or clothing store to equip a new helmet before you can equip the armour so this physically couldn’t have happened 🤣
I think the whole concept of "Remove helmet armor" is a very simple thing which will in turn only create more problems. Back when the gun damage meta data or whatever that technical shit is called and it was made that pretty much any pistol will 1 tap anyone in the head completely ruined the gun market which is why im so confused as to why a member of the lost would suggest this. As i said, i believe its a very narrow minded view which would then effect a lot more down the line. I dont fancy going back to only seeing SNS, M19s on the street and nobody buying the bigger guns just incase they come up against helmet armor.

I think there are a lot, a hell of a lot of propaganda merchants out there who will tell you they have 100s of it stored, they tell you they might get 50 from the lost last week or 50 from the firm last week. But in reality, i really dont think there are that many knocking about still. To give actual numbers from the lost POV. There have been about 40 total helmets exchanged hands from us to elsewhere within the last 10 months. I have been told its the same for the firm roughly by themselves. Maybe people can rob police who have them? im not sure if they carry them or have to use them before leaving. But with those numbers i really struggle to see how gangs can think anyone is going 25 vs 25 all with helmets on. There will be a few people who maybe could have them still but that supply wont last forever.

As for the police, yes. They are meant to be a harder force to beat, they will wear it and i assume sometimes they will abuse wearing it or use it when its not needed. But they should be harder to beat, thats why everyone uses marksmans haha (different issue all together)

But overall, helmet armor definately has a place in the server and it was added because as far as i am aware changing damage in certain guns to different levels is either very time consuming for devs or very difficult to get right (could be completely wrong but thats what i kinda gathered from conversations i have had)

I am very very against this so a downvote from me, i remember the issues we had before when a SNS would do more damage to the head than a SMG and in our business that makes no sense and for devs to fix that balance i believe its a very tricky game. So is HA perfect, no. But neither will be removing it. Not everything will be fair and can be fair all the time. Oh, and dont believe everything people say.
-1, Police get wiped on a daily basis, get treat more like a gang than as an actual law governing force.

Keeps us at least somewhat balanced and its only deployed when authorised.
As someone who played a lot of police back in the day when helmet armour wasn't a thing, we didn't get steam rolled.

You just have to use your brain more and not just push into everything. You lads have plentiful assets you can use such as the MRAP and flashbangs that still make you extremely powerful.
There is nothing you can do against an MRAP apart from ram it or shoot its tires, to which it fucks off, repairs and comes back.
Flashbangs literally blind people through walls, you lads have the ability to completely disable a room full of armed criminals and push them while they're blind.
Anyway all of that is besides the main point of removing helmet armour, that is simply just me providing a counter argument to your point that helmet armour is what makes the police powerful - also with helmets removed from everyone, you have the same chance a criminal does to head shot them as they do to you.
Instead of being a boring bastard and quoting everyone who's replied, this suggestion simply stemmed from me preferring my 4 years on the server when helmets weren't a thing compared to now when helmets are a thing.

Overall, everything combat wise was better, there was no real gun metas unlike what we have now, where everyone runs round with a rev or a marksman because its the only guns they really have a chance to do something to someone wearing helmet armour.
Gunfights back in the day was essentially whoever hit the head shot first which kind of put everyone on an even playing field. Obviously, the people with the bigger and more powerful guns had a better chance at winning, hence bigger guns costing more. Like I've said, there was always a chance you could get 1 tap head shot by someone with a standard pistol even when you could be fully kitted with a L85 and a sawn off for example.

I have already addressed the police concern of them weakening over not having head armour so I wont go into that again, but on a gang/criminal side, as mentioned above, it comes down to whoever has the better guns or who has the most efficient shot.

With all that being said, most of us know gunfights aren't the servers focus although they are necessary for certain avenues of RP or certain scenarios.
I'll be honest, from a firearms perspective we try to really only use helmet armour for the "bigger" raids/warrants or massive all out gunfights.

The rest of the police (Response/traffic/cid) should only be using it when authorised for certain situations which doesn't really happen too often.

In my personal experience I find I actually get shot less without helmet armour which Is why I've stopped using it completely (Police Cap is better) I agree with adaco when he says back before helmet armour was a thing it was more of an even playing field and that pretty much whoever hit the headshot first was probably gonna win that gunfight which makes perfect sense to me.

I think maybe even a month trial with helmet armours removed and just see how the servers gunplay/"gun meta" changes could be good for the server as a whole, I think we'll see a positive change.
Maybe people can rob police who have them? im not sure if they carry them or have to use them before leaving.
we're told to equip it before leaving PD, only way to get it "off" is by switching hat(and then it might just vanish if you're unlucky) or dying lol

otherwise i do agree with what you(charles) have stated
As someone who played a lot of police back in the day when helmet armour wasn't a thing, we didn't get steam rolled.
You played when guns where an actual luxury. not a given to almost everyone. :p A lot changes in 4 years. You probably wouldn't fare in current server state as firearms and all the policy shit we have.
This isn’t even possible Jim, you knock the helmet off and they no longer have a helmet to put the armour in, so…?
Need to use a wardrobe or clothing store to equip a new helmet before you can equip the armour so this physically couldn’t have happened 🤣
I'm sure he did. Now you're gonna make me look for the clip.
I'm sure he did. Now you're gonna make me look for the clip.
Nah when your helmet armour breaks the helmet you're wearing "falls off" and you need to go get a new one from a clothing shop or a saved outfit, unless it bugged out for him or something