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Removal of Decamp script

Jayray Holder

United Kingdom
So from what i have heard, there was a short period on the Altis Life server where the Decamp script was removed.

I am wondering what the general consensus is? Obviously from the fact that we currently have a Decamp script i can tell that it probably didn't work out.

But why was it removed? What were the issues surrounding it?

In my mind it would make gunfights much shorter and therefore create more time to RP rather than people hiding in a bush 1km out.


I think this would create more gunfight by removing it, it would not make more time to RP it would just give players a advantage to not worry about taking a gun out when exiting a vehicle, IDK thats just my opinion. Also in what way will this create more RP?

I think this would create more gunfight by removing it, it would not make more time to RP it would just give players a advantage to not worry about taking a gun out when exiting a vehicle, IDK thats just my opinion. Also in what way will this create more RP?
By no means am i advocating for it. I am pretty neutral.

Again i was wondering how it performed.

As i said, it creates more time to RP since 1 hour long gunfights is well..... 1 hour long. Compared to a gunfight thats half the time, gives you more time to RP. Of course i may be completely wrong. I am not in a position to say, just my thoughts behind it.

How does a decamp script define how many gunfights you have? Isn't that something dictated by RP and events in general? With or without a decamp script i wouldn't think it would have a negative affect to the amount of combat seen. But again i could be completely wrong.

Pretty sure that as it's been removed from redzone that it being removed elsewhere has effectively been put on a suggestion insta deny for obvious reasons.  The de-camp script is here to stay like it or not and if you want fights without it just go the zones.

The de-camp script is here to stay like it or not and if you want fights without it just go the zones.
I am not advocating for it. This isn't a suggestion, it's a question about the decamp script and how the server was when it was around 😂

Pretty sure the server couldn't handle it, ppl would warp out their cars not appearing on your screen even if they were peeking you once decamped. (If the server was full)

In my personal experiences of the time where the decamp script was removed, the amount of mraps being used at the time was ridiculous. It made gunfights just completely unenjoyable for anyone who can't get access to one, be it lack of whitelisting or funds as a rebel. Wasn't great that when a weapons cache is being robbed there was 9 shiny new ifrits being flaunted around

In my personal experiences of the time where the decamp script was removed, the amount of mraps being used at the time was ridiculous. It made gunfights just completely unenjoyable for anyone who can't get access to one, be it lack of whitelisting or funds as a rebel. Wasn't great that when a weapons cache is being robbed there was 9 shiny new ifrits being flaunted around
He's not on about that, there was a time when there was no decamp script on every car.  Making it more balanced for everyone and easier to rip mraps
