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Recording software


Well-known member
Hi guys, just a quick questino really, what software do you guys use to record your gameplay?? want something to get teamspeak in there as well? ive tried some free ones but most seam pretty crap to be honest so if theres some thats relativly cheap or free let me know? 

thanks guys


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Hi guys, just a quick questino really, what software do you guys use to record your gameplay?? want something to get teamspeak in there as well? ive tried some free ones but most seam pretty crap to be honest so if theres some thats relativly cheap or free let me know? 

thanks guys

OBS or Shadowplay


Nvidia shadowplay is what I use, good quality recordings and low file size.

fraps is mental on storage space, obs is ok if you set it right.

You wot m8? Low file size? you call 2GB low? damn..
Aslong as you remove old recordings every so now and then you should be fine :p

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plays.tv is another good one.

it will auto remove old recordings and you can save highlights when playing.

Any one else worked out how to use the save buffer record on OBS. I believe there is a way to record last 10mins but not sure how?

Dxtory, seperates multiple sound directories and got the best quality.
Gotta agree with Booker here, even though shadowplay, OBS, Plays.tv and even Fraps are very good options, all of them have minusses but Dxtory excells all of these recording softwares in multiple ways. and it's only like 3800 yen so it's not too expensive

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Agree with Booker and Lemmen, if you find the right setting you can take very little fps drop from it and have the luxury of multiple audio tracks. And if you search around you can get it for free but I do not endorse that.

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