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Recommend a game


Stinky Kavala Hobo
Sofia, Bulgaria
So the Steam Autumn sale is on and I have about 14 pounds in my wallet. I need some recommendations on what to buy  :Cool:

Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Six Siege Rainbow Six Siege


Amazing game with such an awesome storyline. It's hard to explain why it's so likeable but it's definitely worth the 10 pounds! 

@Alexim I have been enjoying a few games of city skylines recently, Its half Price and definitely worth the buy for that price!

It's in Open Beta right now. I'm really enjoying it.
Just downloaded it. Great game

Hobo game

@Alexim I have been enjoying a few games of city skylines recently, Its half Price and definitely worth the buy for that price!
Already have that :p  


Amazing game with such an awesome storyline. It's hard to explain why it's so likeable but it's definitely worth the 10 pounds! 
Will check it out! Thanks

Kerbal Space Program got me through the long wait in the academy waiting room! 

Door Kickers, if you like breaching rooms eradicating the 'bad guys' and saving hostages in a tactical manner (similar to Rainbow Six 3, if you've ever played that). It is from an aerial view though, but £2. Well worth it, in my opinion. 

The Stanley Parable

if you don't have it already it's crazy and funny!

it's one of those games that it's best not to know anything about before you play it

there's also a demo which is actually different to the main game

Love it!!!

Stanley PArable is good, but not so much a game as a story. The Talos Principle is pretty good ti while away some time as well.

I'd recommend Binding of Issac: Rebirth and FTL: Faster than light for cheap fun games!
