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Thanks, that clears it up a bit.
But can you not understand my point of view, even from the fact that how are we supposed to know who is helping and who is not?

What happens if we RDM someone that is not involved with said gang / people that are helping the police?

How do you stop someone shooting you from miles away, where you can not even see them or even know they are there, because they are helping the police?

It just does not make sense in my eyes how a rebel, fully kitted, can just turn around and decide he is going to help the police all of a sudden.

Apologies i misread the POLICE rules.

But this does not answer or solve the main issue of the scenario.

I strongly believe this should be a SERVER rule not a police rule.
They would have to initiate on you aswell, even if they are helping the police. That means going up to you and saying "STOP KILLING THE POLICE OR WE SHOOT YOU" or something. And it's worth noting that some times people, myself included, go help the police without them knowing or agreeing to it. If I see police being aimlessly slaughtered just for the fun of it, my conscious sometimes kicks in and i try to help.

With regards to the RDMing, that is just like when you have a firefight with any gang. If you see people running around with weapons behaving like they are in combat or running towards a firefight with it out, it is not RDM. Since metagaming is not allowed, it doesnt matter what tags they have or dont have. You simply have to use your own discretion on when to fire and when not to.

If you feel uncertain as to wether you can shoot someone or not, just don't do it. Worst scenario is that you get shot and lose some money, however it is not worth a ban. Also talking to people many times help. I have definitely mistakenly RDMed some people during my time on the server, but I have always either myself taken contact with them and offered comp or sat down and spoke to them, and heard their side.

I can't help but seeing you like to report a lot of people but not once have i seen you answer "Yes" to "have you tried to contact the person?". Alittle off topic but i figured hey, while I've got your attention i might aswell say something.

Hope this clears some things up. 

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With regards to my reporting..

As i was trying to explain to TI Rambo this morning who also brought up my many ban requests..

It is our job, as the community, to fish out and catch people not playing by the rules.

I only request a ban if they are completely blatent, rude / disrespectful (not in banter) for no reason or just obviously have not bothered to read the rules.

The reason you do not see any "Yes" to TS because the times i have, have not needed to go on the forums.

If you speak to me in TS, i am a perfectly reasonable, polite person and i do not look to get everyone banned. Mistakes are made and some scenarios may lead to mis-communication etc. Those, i am perfectly willing to hear you out and sort on TS providing you do not instantly jump down each others throats because i will just leave TS and go straight to the forums.

How many have you seen complaining of RDM?

Most of my reports are either NLR, VDM or Body glitching. The most obvious and easily avoidable bans if you bother to read the rules.

Those that are genuinely bothered about being banned for these offences can dispute on the forums, but judging by their lack of interest in the rules probably would not even know where to look.

It is also not my fault i run into these people. Do you honestly think i want to waste my time reporting people? (It takes quite a bit of time uploading etc) No, but someone has to do it. If i did not bother it could happen to you or anyone else so please do not try to judge me by how many people i report, the system is there and the rules are there for a reason. I do not abuse the system, my reports are genuine.

If you ask anyone, i am always willing to jump into TS and have a chat, given that i am not already busy at the time and there is a genuine reason for going into TS (not because you want to rage and be salty with me for whatever reason, or your lack of knowledge regarding the rules).

I would also expect the same from anyone else, if i were in the other pair of shoes (possibly in the wrong) and wanted you to hear me out with the chance to resolve the situation before going to the forums. Tic for tac and thats the way it should be.

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I was the cop that worked with a rebel group in that situation. I'm gonna place my statement here...​
First of all: I'm disappointed that no one of you ever came to me about it. Why do you need to place it on the forums without contacting me regarding this issue on TS? I'm always on TS.... ​
It was 4am at night... I was the only cop online. I saw multiple armed man inside the city. I've asked them to put their weapons away, which they did. I asked them, because it is ridiculous that people walk around with assault riffles in the middle of a city. Have you ever seen that in real life?​
A few minutes later they had their weapons out again. I issued compliance. They didn't want to listen and they started to threaten my life. I was unsure about how many people were on the scene at that moment. @TI-clan were on the scene and they decided to help me out. They issued compliance them self to the armed rebels as wel. The rebels started to shoot at me when I had one of them in restrains. So me and @TI-clan shot them in self defense. I'm pretty sure it says in the handbook that SI can authorize to work with rebel groups(which has changed now). I had to 'value my life' ​
Probably some of you are thinking, why does this police officer (me) trust this rebel group over the other rebel group? The answer is very simple. A rebel group of 3 man tried to take me hostage before, 30 minutes ago. @TI-clan saw it happening and tried to get me out of their hands, which succeeded. I still had the same life and I still remembered them trying to safe my life. ​
I'm willing to take any kind of punishment if I did anything wrong, but bare in mind, that if I did something wrong. It means that no policeofficer can not play on the server in earlymornings/latenights. They will be outnumbered and are not able to do anything to rebelgroups on the server if they are not willing to talk, but only willing to shoot, because their friend is getting a ticket for position of illegal firearms. ​
Kinds regards,​
SI Droge Worst​
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Even if you were not allowed to authorize we would have helped (it was rambo myself and james) and you wouldn't really have much option as stated but to value your life.... 

As the only cop online surely he should be allowed to accept help as an SI as the only cop online @CSI Fuel

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the official way to deal with it is to back off, you may be helping in youre eyes, but you are still rebels, he should back off and go elsewhere is the way we say to deal with something you obviously cant handlle regardlless of rank, you helping if youre choice, an oficer can not ask for help or authorise it, if you choose to do it thats youre choice, but officers can not willingly work with you

just to clarify i helped Droge as i know how shitty it is to be the only cop trying to actually RP late at night and rebels just taking the absolute piss. I said to droge do you need help and he said he isnt allowed to work with us but i said we will help anyway. We assisted him arresting 2 offenders and allowed him to deal with the situation accordingly.

Yes, and I also remember that situation with @Droge Worst.

As Droge restrained the suspect and secured the area,(@FlawLess.UK), you went up on the roof of bounty hunter and sprayed below, killing, what we later found out, one of your own gang members, but with ZERO RP. I am a witness because I followed you up, and was on the ladder, when you started shooting. You then threatened me and we gave you compliance. You were cocky and were taunting me to come. You got shot and now you are here, complaining about how all of this ruins the roleplaying community.

As for Droge, he reacted accordingly in that situation and in the end, there were no more rebels with guns and he had the suspect in custody in his vehicle. He was the only police on the scene (if not on the server) and he did a stellar job.

Can we please end this discussion, because this is going nowhere.

If any of you actually bothered to read what i have posted here i have not related any of this to the events of early this morning.

I have, and as i made clear this morning, made this thread to DISCUSS these events. Not to frame anyone or any rebel / gang. No statement is needed at all Droge. If i wanted to report it i would not have placed this in the chat section. HOW CAN I MAKE THIS ANY MORE OBVIOUS?

I wanted other peoples opinion on the matter and if anyone could think of a better solution or idea on how to work around the points i have made.

But it is clear that no one is interested in what i have to say or anyone else for that matter, instead using it as an opportunity to justify their previous actions or to just make some unrelated remarks.

How very disappointing.

Thanks to Fuel and BratJaggesVlnd for providing some useful information though.

Yes, and I also remember that situation with @Droge Worst.

As Droge restrained the suspect and secured the area,(@FlawLess.UK), you went up on the roof of bounty hunter and sprayed below, killing, what we later found out, one of your own gang members, but with ZERO RP. I am a witness because I followed you up, and was on the ladder, when you started shooting. You then threatened me and we gave you compliance. You were cocky and were taunting me to come. You got shot and now you are here, complaining about how all of this ruins the roleplaying community.

As for Droge, he reacted accordingly in that situation and in the end, there were no more rebels with guns and he had the suspect in custody in his vehicle. He was the only police on the scene (if not on the server) and he did a stellar job.

Can we please end this discussion, because this is going nowhere.
That is not completely true but i can agree with the last sentence.

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That is not completely true but i can agree with the last sentence.
That was a very accurate description of the events. We also had a short chat in side channel and I have the entire incident on video.

You came here to share your opinion, but you are not being open minded and trying to see the situation from other people's perspective. You were provided with multiple opposing view points, with valid arguments, and you still keep preaching the same thing.

Rebels are civs and all civs have the freedom to do whatever they want. If someone is a rebel, it doesn't mean that he/she absolutely has to kill all cops they come across, simply because he/she kill one the day before.

That was a very accurate description of the events. We also had a short chat in side channel and I have the entire incident on video.
You came here to share your opinion, but you are not being open minded and trying to see the situation from other people's perspective. You were provided with multiple opposing view points, with valid arguments, and you still keep preaching the same thing.

Rebels are civs and all civs have the freedom to do whatever they want. If someone is a rebel, it doesn't mean that he/she absolutely has to kill all cops they come across, simply because he/she kill one the day before.
The only thing i have kept preaching is the fact that i am not here to discuss the events of that morning, simply to iron out those scenarios so i know where i and my fellow gang members stand. Also for anyone in a similiar situation. Or maybe some people shared the same opinion or had an idea to help said scenarios.

You clearly have not read what i have written in this thread thoroughly like most people which is why i wish to end this discussion.

And of course i do not expect civilians to "absolutely" kill cops, that would not be fun from a cops point of view and from a RP perspective. I simply expressed my views on the matter and wished to hear others.

Instead you and others have used it as an opportunity to have a dig or relate it back to that mornings events which is exactly what i did not want and i think i have made that very clear yet you still keep on about it.

End of discussion. (You even said so yourself).

Please note, if you are READING this thread thoroughly (some people seem incapable of doing so) and still wish to express your opinion on the matter or have an idea feel free to do so but please stay on topic.

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I like how you are trying to be neutral and yet you are still, vaguely, insulting people.

You clearly have not read what i have written in this thread thoroughly like most people which is why i wish to end this discussion.
Like I mentioned before, "You came here to share your opinion, but you are not being open minded and trying to see the situation from other people's perspective. You were provided with multiple opposing view points, with valid arguments, and you still keep preaching the same thing" and this is exactly what you are doing. If you read my first post, neither me nor anyone else brought up the events of that day. It only came up after you kept pushing your ideology. 

I have been on this server longer than you, but NOWHERE near long enough than most of the people in this discussion. This topic comes up frequently, when people feel that there is imbalance in ALUK. The fact is that it is nearly impossible to reach balance in the game, because of how dynamic and awesome it is. The only way to make it balanced is to monitor and lock people of equivalent skill and numbers in certain factions. But that is not what this server is about and when it comes roleplay, there is no such thing as balance.

Good bye.

just to clarify i helped Droge as i know how shitty it is to be the only cop trying to actually RP late at night and rebels just taking the absolute piss. I said to droge do you need help and he said he isnt allowed to work with us but i said we will help anyway. We assisted him arresting 2 offenders and allowed him to deal with the situation accordingly.
If anyone has been insulting in this thread ^ given the language used and the fact he has suggested "rebels just taking the absolute piss".

Regardless of how long you have played on this server, does not mean you have the right to try belittle myself and other players from this community in this thread with your useless and unrelated comments. Infact, that shows how insignificant you are to this community.

I have made a genuine thread with a genuine topic related to the game / mod. And i imagine not only myself have, but others too that have read this thread, made some ground on the useful imformation provided by a few members.

As for "pushing my ideology" i am simply expressing or explaining my point of view on the matter. If you do not like it, you do not have to read this thread nor comment on it. There is plenty more to look at on this forum if you are uninterested in the actual topic of this discussion.

I think you will find i am completely open minded and actually a fair, decent human being. I have read comments that have been made and taken the useful information provided.

I have not jumped down anyones throat regarding their point of view, i have simply used it to further explain my points. That is what a discussion or debate is. So infact i have respected their comments. The fact you have refer to it as "preaching" is ridiculous. You have a choice to be here and a choice to read it as i have stated.

One thing i do agree with what you have said, "The fact is that it is nearly impossible to reach balance in the game". Of course i understand that, but surely as "we" the community are supposed to evaluate game play and try assist with this. Forums are here to discuss and share opinions, not just to share pictures, report people, gang related topics or even joke around.
